TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you buy this, you don't understand that NFTs are a scam, and you are getting scammed.

TouchGrace 1 point ago +2 / -1

Who has said that?

I don’t know a single doctor that has said that to me, and I have many.

Maybe question who is injecting you with fear.

TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one cares or talks about the vaccine except for people in conservative circles (yes, that includes here). I live in a normie city and work with normie people in a normie neighborhood. No one talks about vaccinations because no one cares. How many conversations do you have about your lunch from last week? It's that level of who gives a shit.

TouchGrace 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why would you believe something on the internet? Seriously.

People post random propaganda, manipulated articles, confirmation bias, jokes, memes, trolling, etc. It's rare that anything on the internet is factually accurate. Even this board is skewed to it's own Q-universe biases.

Now, knowing this, why should anyone believe the Project Veritas Pfizer videos?

TouchGrace 3 points ago +3 / -0

What is more important to you: the possibility of "being right," or losing your entire family?

TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

No I edited it after it received more attention than I expected. But don't worry, mods already deleted it, proving the echo-chamber point.

TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

I apologize for the confusion. Typically these kinds of conversations devolve into every little thing, so I jumped the gun on the whole conversation.

I don’t listen to people that are wrong, but if he is against the vaccine, would that not make him an anti-vaxxer? As for the cult thing, well, it’s hyperbolic, but the fact that there is unwavering adherence to Trump here, and that speaking out against him will get you banned.. it’s not far off the mark.

TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t believe people, I believe data.

I do trust people that I have chosen to be in a relationship with though, otherwise I wouldn’t be in a relationship with them.

TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

What’s contradictory about trusting your past decisions?

I mean, if I believed my wife was on my side, I would trust her judgment.

Also, just because someone disagrees with you it doesn’t mean that they are a fed, or that they are attacking you. I have never seen a civil disagreement here, it’s the reason you get labeled as a cult, because cults don’t allow for disagreements.

TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its being used to cast spells onto man, to decieve and mislead, along with adverts, psychology, film and TV.

You do realize that books and art have existed since the dawn of time, right?

Were cave paintings a form of deception? Was Picasso casting spells when he painted Guernica? Was Da Vinci deceiving people when he studied anatomy? We’re creative beings, it’s always been a natural part of life. Film and TV is just another extension of that.

You’re making broad generalizations about art being “deceptive” without knowing anything about it. Read a book that’s not the Bible for once, you might learn something.

TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because it was translated multiple times over multiple generations.

The point is that differences in wording doesn’t mean anything.

TouchGrace 0 points ago +1 / -1

In case you’re unaware, the current version of the bible was translated from Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Old English before reaching the King James version of today. So looking at language is pointless, it’s all arbitrary.

by JC77
TouchGrace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haven’t you ever heard of generic platitudes?

Every public figure says a variation of “Merry Christmas,” or “I’m the best that has ever [insert idea / opinion]”. Every president, every leader. It’s what public figures do, and it never means anything. It’s just a generic platitude to your supporters.

TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some food for thought and some push back:

When you read an online article from someone on this board, how critical of it are you? Do you question the author’s intentions? Do you question the poster? Do you question the validity of the article’s source material? Because that is true critical thinking.

Simply believing, “I disagree with my uncle because I read information from anonymous people I talk to” means nothing.

TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

..there seems more going on with the Musk purchase of Twitter.

Elon disagrees: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1604650028999405568

Keep arguing in favor of his mistake though, if you want to.

TouchGrace 1 point ago +1 / -0

So Musk's master CEO profit plan, in your big brain, was to piss off every liberal left on the platform by reinstating Trump, many others Conservatives, banning 'jorurnalists', polls, removing bots, etc.?

I never said that. You are literally making up something I never said.

I said turning a profit is the bare-minimum if you are making an investment.


TouchGrace -4 points ago +1 / -5

My eye roll at your comment is that you think his "pride comes before the fall" yet you can't comprehend that maybe he bought (forced?) Twitter for any reason other than for profit. The actions and unusual timelines of everything with Elon Twitter of the last couple of short months point to nothing of him purchasing it for a normal profit.

No, I think he ultimately bought Twitter due to egoic pride. He believed he could run it better than it's previous staff. Profit was a just the bare minimum to make his investment worth it.

I'm enjoying watching a thin-skinned narcissist realize his mistake very publicly. I just don't understand the billionaire dick riding people will do to defend him.

EDIT: Elon agrees with me: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1604650028999405568

TouchGrace 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, thank you for proving my point. A country that has 200+ gun deaths a year is nothing compared to the rest of the world (the US has 30,000+ per year).

The US has about a 25x higher population than Australia, meaning that if Australia was our size they would have roughly 5,000 deaths per year by gun.

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