ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

The chat logs are public. You can see for yourself exactly what was said.

ToxicLibertyism 7 points ago +7 / -0

...And there was a duplicate voter roster, the same as the roster at the other polling place. Voters would be checked off on the roster, same as at the other polling place. Period. And after the polls close, the DNC supervisor would pick up the roster and the ballots. The supervisor would then pick up the roster at the legitimate polling place and the ballots there. He (or she) would then replace a number of Bernie Sanders ballots with an equal number of the ballots from the Hillary Clinton voting location. Then, the duplicate roster from the HRC location would be shredded and thrown away, along with all the Bernie Sanders ballots that had been replaced. In this way the number of people who voted (on the remaining roster) still matches the number of ballots. This is why so many states reported a “lower than expected voter turnout”...

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Hillary Rodham Clinton asked "can we just drone strike this guy?"

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

You need to familiarize yourself with the details behind the "espionage" charge. It's a bogus technicality charge that is based solely on something Assange said to an alleged hacker. It is a similar deal to the bogus impeachment against Trump for what he said on his Ukraine phone call.

I will just paraphrase what I remember about the conversation, because I am feeling lazy and don't feel like sourcing the details. But, going off memory here...

-HACKER to Assange: 'I can get my hands on those [classified] files.'
-Assange to HACKER: 'Oh, can you get those [classified] files to me?'

HACKER ends up hacking classified files, and giving them to Assange. US DoJ slithers out from under a rock and says "A ha! We got you! Assange made the hacker steal classified documents!" DoJ proceeds to charge Assange with espionage to prolong his unjust suffering.

It's a total horseshit political persecution by the US Gestapo.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nearly anyone who has been arrested by the Biden regime.

ToxicLibertyism 5 points ago +6 / -1

And to this day, the nation of Israel has given global menace, and nazi collaborator George Soros a free pass for his crimes, and nobody even questions their double standard of justice. I will take "what is a captured nation" for $800, Alex.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nah. More likely he mentions it because of the ties to Hillary Rodham Clinton, and/or a connection to Seth Rich.

ToxicLibertyism 8 points ago +8 / -0

My grandfather had one of those Carcano carbine rifles when I was kid. THE loudest gun I've ever heard to date. Grandpa would let me shoot all of his rifles, except for that one, because the recoil was so harsh. So, super loud, and kicks like a mule- not a sniper assassin gun by any stretch of the imagination.

ToxicLibertyism 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ya. Oswald's only part of that operation was to be groomed as a patsy.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meanwhile, Zelensky got $160 billion thanks to the Biden regime's America Last policies, and the republican party of traitors who support America Last policy.

ToxicLibertyism 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes he can. The dept. of Education is part of the executive branch. Was only created 50 yrs. ago under democrat Jimmy Carter.

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. Politicians lack the scientific knowledge to understand new technologies so, they get advisors to give them the cliff-notes versions to describe new tech. And, those advisors are basically just corporate lobbyists, looking to sell their products (mostly to the military) and rake in cash from US tax payers, with little regard for potential abuses, and problems that can happen with tech. Politicians just take the advice of tech "experts" aka lobbyists, and make legislation that will pad their own bank accounts best, without care nor understanding of the dangers.

Unfortunately, the US constitution is not well equipped to solve this modern technology conundrum. We need smarter politicians, which requires smarter voters. We currently have neither.

ToxicLibertyism 5 points ago +5 / -0

Modern tech is so far advanced beyond what our dim-wit political representatives understand, that if we keep electing non-highly educated science, and tech people, humanity will cause our own downfall.

The big problem is that people who are highly informed, and educated on technology issues don't want anything to do with swamp politics. Just not worth it for people with those kinds of brains.

ToxicLibertyism 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. Insect disguised mini-drones have been around for at least a decade. This one appears to be a crude model. Wait till you find out that cameras (very poor resolution) can be made as small as a grain of sand.

ToxicLibertyism 7 points ago +9 / -2

So, you mean, that dude lip synching and shaking his hips around like a girly-man while doing those limp-wristed hand waves did not make you physically cringe? Not even a little bit?

ToxicLibertyism 8 points ago +8 / -0

Johnson sucks on democrat/UniParty/MIC cocks. The fact that he has not yanked those subpoenas already is proof that he is just another UniParty cocksucker who will always fail to act righteously when we need him most. This is how the modern "republican" party really works. God has a special place in hell for deceitful hypocrites like that one.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Clinton cabal faction of the establishment has been trying to remove Assad in Syria so that Hillary Rodham Clinton and her gang can build their oil pipeline through Syria. Problem- Russia has a naval base in Syria. Solution?....You know the thing.

Arab Spring failed to remove Assad. Then they tried ISIS, and that failed because of Trump, and Russia. Now they are trying to "go big" by instigating nuclear war with Russia in order to make the excuse that we need to go into Syria too- and remove Assad+Russian navy base.

“An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes”

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0


This was a brilliant question asked by Louie Ghomert regarding if we could move the earths orbit to "combat climate change." I believe Ghomert is intentionally playing stupid here by asking this question in order to highlight a more salient point.

Notice how she completely dodges the question.

The point Ghomert is relaying by that question is- who should have, or why should anyone have the authority to manipulate weather patterns on a global scale? Hence, her non-answer reply.

ToxicLibertyism 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ever wonder why prostitutes are common targets for serial killers? At least that is what the public is told. But, is it really "serial killers" with an odd fetish for prostitute killing or, hitmen silencing the victims who are on the inside of human trafficking operations, and knew too much?

ToxicLibertyism 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ted Cruz was one of the few who refused to certify the 2020 fraud election. I am optimistic that his motivations for this bill are benevolent.

ToxicLibertyism 0 points ago +1 / -1

Israel routinely bombs the shit out of these exact same types of cultists. Send Israel more bombs, lots more.

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

Juneteenth already is our holiday. We celebrate the day the democrat party officially lost all of their black slaves to American freedom.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump could probably pay the entire prison population for protection.

{edit} And, offer rewards to the prisoners for credible tips on crimes, or illegal schemes of interest to Trump.

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

The establishment is suddenly scrambling to control a narrative that they have passionately insisted was all just "crazy talk" for decades.

Whatever one wishes to believe about notions of intelligent alien life, one thing is for certain- the establishment is changing its narrative on the subject.
But, never forget who has been lying to you (us) for all those decades. And, never forget who has been harming people to quash legitimate discussions about alien life, and technology.

We will not let the establishment tell us "what we need to know" about genuine alien life forms when we see it, no matter what kinds of Project Blue Beam terrorist stunts the establishment tries to use to fool the public to shape their lying narratives.

When ET comes looking for our leaders, we will give them our corrupted, lying, stealing, deceitful, hateful, sick, and deranged establishment "leaders." The human race will not remain as slaves of the establishment, chained to planet earth for much longer.

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