Traiya 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a truck driver, I did. That is how I know that they can legalize this if there is not enough push back.

They have precedent.

Grant it, nothing was injected... but there is enough precedent out there that pressured judges could rule against us. It is why we need to stick together and keep fighting it.

Traiya 5 points ago +5 / -0

Moved. Patriots.win now. Mod issue.

Traiya 5 points ago +5 / -0


Not only does this article have the video, but you can download it from there... but yeah, those people are not MAGA. The chant about traitors is a black lives matter cadence.

And we know where Trump was. He was giving a speech. What MAGA person would charge into a building and demand to know where Trump was... during his speech?

by AE13FE
Traiya 3 points ago +3 / -0

Best president ever.

Traiya 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty sure you will love her. She obviously adores Trump. Also, fyi, she body language checked the time when the reporter asked Trump about QAnon.

Have fun!

Traiya 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://lbry.tv/@Bombards_Body_Language:f If you wanted the link. No video on the Pedos Anonymous Meeting as of right now.

I am guessing that is the person you are referencing.

Traiya 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mine never logged me out. First thing I checked. Kinda figured though when it came up on dark mode. If it had logged me out, the site would not look the same to me.

Traiya 28 points ago +28 / -0

He was doxxed in a hit piece. I can only imagine the death threats he is getting.

Traiya 28 points ago +29 / -1

They moved servers then, and people's password savers did not associate the new servers. If they remembered their password, they could get in. If they forgot... new accounts everywhere.

Traiya 5 points ago +5 / -0

Used to redirect to the Biden campaign. It is owned by a patriot who is redirecting it.

Traiya 7 points ago +7 / -0

That account was asking for money to make a website and said everything would start hours ago.

They really came off to me as someone trying to scam people.

Traiya 15 points ago +16 / -1

It is owned by a patriot. Used to lead to Biden campaign site. Got changed to White House today.

Traiya 2 points ago +2 / -0

See there is no way that GEOTUS would say that the Biden admin would be better than his.... so that phrase make no sense if just looked at on the surface.

And in his rallies, he always used that phrase to mean his second term.

And while Trump did exaggerate sometimes, he never outright lied to us. Saying that the best is yet to come when Biden and co. are actively trying to destroy us would be a lie.

Traiya 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, searching for ibb.co brings up imgbb.com as the first link. Makes sense as they are the same thing.

Next up was a reddit questioning the safety of it. First answer "Ibb.co is just a shorthand to an image hosting website"

But screw reddit, what do they know. So I searched ibb.co safe.

Scamvoid.net: potentially safe... but last updated 4 years ago.

Scamadvisor.com: "The trust rating is high. Might be safe."

MyWot.com: "Is ibb.co Safe?Considered safe by WOT"

Safeweb.norton.com: "Norton Safe Web has analyzed ibb.co for safety and security problems. " says it is safe.

Now that I have had to prove my innocence, and have listed my sources... time for that apology.

But before that, let me just say that I do not know a great deal about QAnon, it was why I was lurking. I wanted to learn. I do, however, defend the movement, both on td.w and to my irl friends.



I have recently started to listen to BardsFM. He is kinda Q light. Does not go into a bunch of code and potentially not dead people.

He said that one of the most important missions for Anons is to spread the information and keep things calm when things start to come out as people will panic. Basically, not to go around smugly and make things worse, because people will balk at the information and we will just be further divided. Good mission.

I, however, have only interacted with 2 Anons in the capacity that I know or assume they are anons. One self proclaimed Anon, at work, who was pretending that she went to DC, admitted that she did not go because she had a bad feeling, then proceeded to spend the next 20 minutes crapping all over the people who went... and bragging about how she would have stopped the whole false flag herself.

As (unbeknownst to her) I actually did go despite knowing that everyone who went there would be a target, she did not endear herself to me at all.

And now you. I assume you are an Anon, considering the the forum we are on. Do feel free to correct me.

You had asked for a copy of a tweet that I actually have. Strangely, I thought it would be appreciated if I linked the screenshot.

You then attacked me and tried to have me deported. For linking to a picture of a Trump tweet.

My apology: I am very sorry that I broke out of lurking, spent 15 minutes searching my phone for the tweet, another 5 trying to get maga.host to stop erroring out on me, and then searching for a different site to host the image. That was 20 minutes I could have done something that would not have gotten me attacked.

Now about your mission, as BardsFM put it... helping to inform society and helping to keep America calm and together through this time of truth coming out...

All I can say is that if the 2 Anons that I have spoken to, yourself very much included, are in anyway indicative of the individuals in this movement...

Well, for the first time I am actually worried that America can survive this.

Not because I doubt Trump can pull it off, but because of the sheer unearned intellectual superiority complex like you two have shown, if set loose en masse, will be the very thing that tears this country apart at a time that she needs healing and understanding the most.

Traiya 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got the url when I uploaded the picture to https://imgbb.com which I found by searching for image hosting, like I said. If you have another one that is better that I do not have to subscribe to or pay for, I am happy to post the picture there.

And where did you get the information that it is used strictly for viruses? Your own research? Any pages that warn about it... or did you just attack my character and basically tell me that I deserve to live in a programmed deep state hell just from rumors and random comments?

Traiya 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seriously? I just looked up image host since maga.host was erroring out on me.

If you know something concrete about that site do feel free to let me know.

If you are judging me on my lack of post history, I am a lurker pede from td.w, do feel free to look up my post history there.

And my president is still in office and obviously has no plans to leave any time soon. So if you would kindly stop attacking someone on your own side, that would be lovely.

Traiya 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://ibb.co/LxBXD4x I took a screenshot of it the day he posted it. I started doing that with a lot of his tweets because I knew they would take him down eventually... and it sickened me.