Trump1234KAG 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been hearing that both diesel-engine parts and computer chips have been delayed, because of manufacturing problems over seas. These manufacturing delays have hurt truck repair the worst. Because of this, the fleet of on-road truckers is down significantly.

The lower quantity of trucks actively shipping has decreased, leading to systemic delivery problems along our just-in-time delivery system.

Someone who works in that area can probably provide more information. I've just been getting it secondhand from my company's supply-chain.

Trump1234KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

looks like the article was revised to have three quotes from Fauci "I never lied." and that this was simply a clash over the lies

WaPo doesn't defend Fauci, per se, but the revised article also doesn't appear to attack him.

Trump1234KAG 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, and cannibal is nothing but the portmanteau of Canaanite-Baal. Canaanite Baal worshipers, who engaged in man-eating rituals.

Also because, The Power of Prayer, says.

Find the book of Enoch, it expands upon Genesis 6 and lays out more of the Word.

Trump1234KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately, many do not want to see. They are still skeptical of the Q movement.

Trump1234KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could you track the image metadata? Or run a pixel-by-pixel comparison (using ImageMagick or the like).

You could run one image and "pass the comparison through a quick sort" type algorithm. Would still take an immense amount of processing time/memory, however.

Trump1234KAG 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think, more and more, we are only months away.

Trump1234KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your words are replete with knowledge of God's presence. I suppose the sentiment, of "being fallen" is present within your explanation.

When I was younger, I recall picking vegetables form a garden with my family, for us to feed ourselves. I suppose that I intuitively perceived, from an early age, how God's order existed between man's cultivation of the earth and his continued existence.

A cosmopolitan lifestyle removes that simple connection, between active care and the earth, from the human person. Food is simply supplied by the store and society. And if man is never taught both how to create and the rewards of creation, then man never learns of God.

Life has taught me that, if man does not create, then man will destroy.

Moreover, you're encouraging me to rethink computer processes' names. Background processes are called daemons. I could have never understood, until this awakening, that those demons existed to distract and, thereby, distance us from God.

Trump1234KAG 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is going to be so painful for so many. 1) The vaxxed will be racked with physical pain. 2) The spiritual awakening of realizing how far you've fallen from God.

I pray for strength, for all, so every one of us can make it through this awakening.

Trump1234KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

My very liberal sister-in-law believes, whole-heartedly, that this is a protest against systemic racism and poverty.

Trump1234KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

My view is more nuanced than you give credit.

We are in agreement that this Earth is a wonderful, self-regulating creation from God. Man was granted dominion over all the earth and all creature within the earth [Gen. 1: 28-30].

I accept that the argument (painting with broad strokes) is identical in structure to the climate change argument.

My only argument is that man can (temporarily) upset God's order. In particular: the presence of cats in Australia, radiation in Chernobyl, CFCs in the atmosphere.

Trump1234KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

This world isn't a set of TRUE or FALSE dogmatic principles.

Are CFCs harmful, and do they cause ozone destruction under controlled, laboratory conditions (which mimic natural conditions)? Yes.

Are there alternative processes for how the atmosphere can heal/damage itself? Yes.

Are CFCs, then, the_sole_cause for ozone damage? No.

Knowing that CFCs are potentially harmful, should we both limit their production and their release into the environment? Yes.

Trump1234KAG 6 points ago +6 / -0


I don't even know what the mental images are behind her thoughts.

Trump1234KAG 3 points ago +6 / -3

To be fair, I'd say that the chemistry behind both acid-rain (by sulphuric acid precursors) and ozone depletion by freon and other chloro-fluoro-carbons have been well proven.

The ozone is now repairing itself, and we understand how to reduce pollutants to minimize acidification of rain-water.

The overall "settled science" of consistent trends behind global warming/cooling is a farce. Even the original research on atmospheric retention of CO2 wasn't alarming.

Edit: Included a parenthetical in the first sentence.

Trump1234KAG 8 points ago +8 / -0

In 2008, major banks eliminated home-equity lines of credit. In 2021, Wells Fargo just eliminated personal lines of credit.

Banks report earnings 14Jul2021.

This is bigger than we all think/know.

Trump1234KAG 12 points ago +12 / -0

I shared the video with my mom. She said "oh, they're just being satirical." I showed her Drag Q Story Hour.

She had immediate cognitive dissonance and I had to stop.

Same story with both the banking sector's imminent collapse and Brittney's treatment.

This awakening will be so very painful for so many.

Trump1234KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for this. I had my suspicions about the FR. I'm now worried about this GameStop revolution. Set to happen on the Bastille Day?

When power is removed from the government, what will emerge? There seems to be lots of well-intentioned individuals who desire true transparency and change, but there's also lots who just want power.

by Blurpy
Trump1234KAG 4 points ago +4 / -0

BR is also a foreign owned entity. Under EO13848 allows the seizing of all foreign actors' assets, should they be involved in election fraud.

Are those entities connected?

Trump1234KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hitler did work with the central bankers, for a time. Did he rebel against the central bankers, or was his rebellion planned?

There's a lot to question. Can we trust the documentation?

Trump1234KAG 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Blue Mason group was infiltrated sometime before the French Revolution (how long?). Search out masonic imagery from that time period, especially the guillotines. Wikipedia has a startling page of symbolism for the French revolution, with the all-seeing eye above a guillotine.

Current masonic rituals promote pacts with the grave and death, which God and Christ find abhorrent. The entire order elevates one class of people over the masses, and exists to serve the Egyptian Gods.

Trump1234KAG 16 points ago +17 / -1

Except that the price is artificially inflated, due to market manipulation. Fractional reserve banking has found its way into crypto, by allowing redemption of fiat for digital coins.

Crypto is about to crash. Hard.

Trump1234KAG 15 points ago +15 / -0

On top of this, most Americans (who use banks) won't have access to their own money. There will be "unexplained" deaths due to the Vax, too.

Be in the country, and stay away from cities.

Trump1234KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this darkness visualized?

Trump1234KAG 8 points ago +8 / -0

I find this work well researched, and the author provides sources. It explains how the different Masonic factions arose, and how the false gods continued to be worshiped.

Perhaps other Pedes will find this research useful.

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