Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe one of his staffers reads this forum and other Trump forums, so I wouldn't get too excited if he says it.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Possibly he means they aren't given it because the President IS the Executive. All the Intelligence Departments and other departments (the Administrative State) work under him, created and funded by Congress to help the President more efficiently carry out his job. I mean technically the President could run the Executive by himself but that is not practical.

All the departments - including the Intelligence - serve at the 'Presidents pleasure'. So he would automatically have security clearance, he wouldn't have to be given it as that assumes the Intelligence agencies are above the President and of course they are not.

Somewhere along the line the Administrative State/Intelligence Agencies set themselves up as a 4th Branch of Government and behave as if they have power over the President.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +2 / -1

Always confused me how many religious people say the 'Jews' are the Chosen, but the Chosen were the 12 Tribes of Israel from Jacobs bloodline, not specifically the Jews. In fact todays Jews seem to be a mix of Edomites from Esaus line who were prevalent in Judea at the time of Christ (Herod was one as were Pharisees and Levites - in fact Jesus said his message wasn't for them), and Khazarians (current area of Crimea & Ukraine) who have no genetic link to the land of Israel as they were converts.

In fact Arthur Koestler, himself a Khazarian Jew, wrote a book called The Thirteenth Tribe where he called the whole 'Jews are the Chosen' and Israel is theirs 'the crueliet lie'. Needless to say he and his wife were found 'suicided' shortly after publication.

They basically reinvented Hebrew language which was a dead language for over 800 years at the time of Jesus (Christ spoke Aramaic) and there was no mention of the Star Of David in the Bible.

Not only did Jesus warn about those who say they are Jews and are not, but of the Synagogue of Satan, but it was also hinted at in the New Testament

ACTS 7:43

"Yes, you took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your God Remphan, figures which you made up to worship them..."

Todays 'Jews' are not The Chosen Ones and they've basically hijacked Judaism, turned it into Talmudism. Of course many ordinary Jews have no idea who is mingling among them and using them for their Agenda.

Many in America use the Scofield Bible, which was deliberately altered in the early 20th century to make Israel the Promised Land of the 'Jews', and must be supported by Christians so all the Evangelicals and similar will demand Israel and Jews are supported above all because of that 'cruellest lie'

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Change the twitter.com bit in the url to nitter.net and you can view the whole thread (including replies)

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, that's an interesting development because most of us were children once and young boys didn't get erections and sexual sensations until puberty starts.

Young girls also never got any sensation in the clitoris until puberty either, many a gym teacher would tell of when they knew girls who were entering puberty because in certain age groups they'd tend to freeze at the top when climbing ropes in the gym, when the friction caused a sensation they had never had before (and no amount of rubbing would have produced). They'd climbed those ropes in gym class for years without sensation until puberty. Hormones don't trigger motivation to masturbate, the HUGE surge of hormones at puberty is what switches on the nerves that trigger the onset of sexual sensations in the genitals.

Pre pubescent kids rubbing themselves are likely mimicking what they have seen (and god knows they have access to a lot of shit these days even if parents aren't doing it in front of them). We tend to assume it must be sexual if they do it because WE associate genitals with sex, seemingly have forgotten that kids are not little adults.

BTW this was rarely a thing seen in nurseries until the last few years. Kids could also play in the street buck naked in the Summer 50 years ago and nobody would think anything of it because they were not sexual creatures yet. That would be impossible these days.

More likely though, they are mimicking behaviour they have seen and if it got them attention when they do it, then they would associate that action with attention and comfort. If they start making orgasmic noises then they are definitely copying someone, whether parent or what they have seen on screen (could even be as innocent as Harry Met Sally scene, doesn't have to be porn).

If a girl is constantly rubbing her genitals she may possibly have a sore crotch (bacterial infection maybe, if their underwear isn't washed and changed often for example). or she may be mimicking her mother if she is doing it at nap time at nursery. If she has seen her mother laying on the bed and rubbing herself she will associate that action with naps and comfort.

They are a bit like parrots in that sense of mimicking to learn. Don't forget the brain doesn't begin to start reasoning until 7 years old (hence the old Jesuit saying 'give me the child until he is 7 and I will give you the Man'). Kids will believe anything they see and hear at that age which is why the trans programming is so dangerous.

I mimicked 'humping' apparently when I was about 6 months old. I was in my cot with my doll in parents bedroom, and my Mum and Dad were doing the business when Mum happened to glance over at me to make sure I was still asleep and they weren't disturbing me. Apparently I was watching them, and had rolled on top of my doll and was mimicking my Dad and humping it. Heh, freaked my Mum out and that was the end of their sexy session. My cot went in the next room after that. I wasn't doing it for comfort, I was merely copying what I was seeing because that is part of how children learn.

Today, the 'experts' would claim my infant 'humping' is clear evidence that babies need sex too, why else would poor little me trying to hump a doll/ Surely my parents were being cruel by denying me 'relief'. It's fucking absurd and the fact so many now believe it is alarming.

We are being programmed to view young children as capable of feeling sexual feelings and it is just our cruel culture which suppresses it and insists on waiting for puberty. As usual it's a monstrous lie.

I would be very wary of trusting any 'science' that claims pre-pubescent sexuality. Reminds me of the fake science Kinsey came up with to try and justify his degeneracy and of course was responsible for complete lies about sex and children (kids being sodomized apparently were not screaming in pain but suppressed pleasure).

I'd agree with you about some children playing with their genitals that isn't sexual, little boys can often fiddle with their dicks, coz it's just 'there' and dangling, or instead of sucking their thumb they may hold it like a comforter. Little girls not so much, rubbing the clitoris when it has no sexual feeling (for 99.9% of normally developed children) would just chafe, but they might like fiddling around the folds in curiosity (just like kids stick their fingers up their nose or in ears to explore what is there). But of course just like my innocent humping as an infant 'They' will use these example to justify their agenda of sexualising children.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 4 points ago +4 / -0

They're erasing puberty! Absolutely no point in teaching pre-puberty to masturbate as the genitals don't develop 'sexual' sensations until puberty begins, genitals are just for peeing out of until that kicks in. The only reason for doing this is so pedos can get to sexualise children because THEY are sexually interested in little kids.

You watch, just as they have brainwashed a significant proportion of people to believe there is no such thing as 'gender' so they'll do the same by saying puberty is just a social construct.

Hopefully this will be the line in the sand and normies will finally wake the fuck up because people will die to protect their kids from predators and it's going to get very bloody if the people deal with it themselves. Ain't just the pervs who'll be targeted, it's the people who enable it, including all those in authority.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 3 points ago +3 / -0

No there's still quite a few out there, often appear on pol or 8chan, but sometimes Twitter.

I've just posted a mild one that has been around for a while - well when I say mild, it's only mild in comparison with some of the others, but still horrific.

They been sacrificing and torturing kids since biblical times with the Baal worship, and we naively thought all that was in the past and humans evolved. They never stopped though, just went underground and got more depraved as the centuries rolled past.

Sad thing is many will dismiss any images now as A.I. even if you point out most of them are not actual digitized images but taken with old fashioned cameras like 8mm or whatever they used. Most of Epsteins stuff is apparently on film and not digital. Easy to differentiate between them and digital which could be fakes. Makes no difference, those who don't want to think about it will just screech A.I. now.

Only thing that will make them believe is if these monsters are arrested and there are huge worldwide trials for their crimes. Because unless the horror is acknowledged future generations will not be vigilant to ensure they can NEVER get a foothold to set their organizations up again.

As more gets revealed though, if nothing is done history shows that people will take matters into their own hands and deal with it themselves. That always works out messy as innocent people can get swept up in the backlash but it will inevitably happen if they aren't dealt with properly so the good guys better get a move on.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's a mild image that's been floating around a while on Twitter. While it's mild compared with other stuff out there if you can't deal with it, don't click the link


Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah. :(

I'll be honest, this is the only place that gives me a slither of hope. I used to be 90% that it was going to happen but nowadays I'm at 10% at best, sometimes 1%, and without this place I'd have given up and assumed we are just screwed.

Not even sure of Trump and Q anymore, even many of the Prophets I was clinging to I now doubt 'who' is feeding them messages, but...

...so many oddities about Trump/Q/ and the whole Biden thing, there's enough there to make me think something may indeed be happening. But that could be blind hope because the terror of what they have planned for us can be scary.

If there are indeed white hats working behind the scenes (oh please let it be so), I don't like this movie that is playing out. I get that the stakes are so high and it's being going on so long but damn it really doesn't look like we are winning does it/ As you say it's only minor things that are being brought to light.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh I'm not strong, but I am vengeful and I want them all hanged for their crimes.

I didn't actually go looking for images I ended up stumbling over them and wish I hadn't because they stay in the mind. The babes on the conveyor belt was actually a video clip from a phone posted on someone's Twitter and once your eyes light on it it's like they get glued to it. I tend to detach at first and examine it only as I study it more does the horror of what I'm seeing hit me.

I think the human mind has a tendency to detach and act as if things are not out of the realms of normal, for safety. I heard about all this kid trafficking years ago - David Ickes The Biggest Secret was my main intro (he's actually a funny writer), but it's so weird even though I logically understood it, it's like I carried on as if the world was normal. Although I was hoping an asteroid would hit in 2012 as I didn't think we were worth saving if this shit was who we were.

Normies are taking such a long time to 'wake up' that I do think they need to see the evidence and images and vids in order to shock the system. And it only seems fair as these kids suffered terribly so the least we can do is witness their pain and become enraged on their behalf. They have no voice, we do.

They suffered all that, but we can't suffer emotional distress bearing witness? No we have to witness. We let it happen by not paying attention and essentially giving our God given power to 'authorities' to deal with things we couldn't be bothered with. And do our thinking for us. Not surprising they think of us as cattle and can do what they want.

Our failure to NOTICE and THINK about things beyond our immediate needs is a very depressing indictment of humanity, but we have the world we allowed.

The evidence must be released in all it's horror because otherwise they will just rebuild and it will start over again in the centuries ahead.

We owe it to future generations to cleanse this horror from the planet and maybe we'll finally evolve.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 5 points ago +5 / -0

There was a few images around a while back showing dead kids in crates - shipping containers. Some of them had holes in their foreheads (pineal removal?)

There was also an image I posted a link to on here a year or so ago I think, showing what looked like premature babies (very small, perhaps aborted, but they were well formed and obviously babies) that were being skinned on a conveyor belt like chickens. Could have been China or Korea. Blew my mind.

There was also one from somewhere in Israel showing kids and adults having horrendous things done to them, they could have been dead, not sure, I backed away from those images quickly. Might have appeared on /pol or 8chan

So images ARE out there and sometimes make an appearance, and those are likely just the tip of a very large iceberg. There are monsters amongst us.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've recently come across VERY high dose Vit D3 being used to cure all sorts of ailments including helping pancreatic cancers, and slowing the progression of liver cancers..

So upping your Vit D3 doses may be a very good idea especially if you have a lot of different ailments. If you have a relative with Alzheimers also might be worth trying it for them as it's shown some promising results there too.

Absolutely must take K2 with it (100iu per 5-10,000 of VitD3)


Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 6 points ago +6 / -0

Cayenne Pepper can also kill many cancer cells as well as improve the heart and circulation. 1/4 teaspoon in hot water about 3 times a day (if it's too much for you, work up to that). When you are used to it increase to 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day.


http://cayennepepper.info/cancer-research1.pdf (this research was demonstrated for killing prostrate cancer cells)

Artemisinin is also proving amazing for killing virtually all cancers very quickly, especially when combined with iron. It's the active ingredient in Wormwood, but not enough in Wormwood tea so supplements are needed.

You can only take it for about 4 days though, then you need a break for at least 3 days as it stops being absorbed by the intestines if used continuously. If taking high doses 3 days on and then a couple of weeks off (take your other stuff like Ivermectin, Fenben, Cayenne etc during the off times).

Here's a short vid by a medical Doctor with brief explanation, but do some research and you'll see it's worth adding it to your protocols (vid was made 11 years ago but authorities are managing to ignore the research even though more studies have been done since then to confirm it's potency)



Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 4 points ago +4 / -0

It doesn't. It has to be physically removed via surgery. Abortions access through the vagina. Even drugs won't kill it (assuming it's still alive) if it's stuck in a fallopian tube. Even if they did, you still can only get access to remove it via surgery, so not an abortion.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh and it also stops flies laying their eggs in your waste food bins in hot weather! Sprinkle some around and inside the bin and it keeps them away so no maggots!

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

God I can't imagine that, 90,000 is my limit and then only twice a day (although I'm trying to work up to more and bigger doses). 130,000 would blow my head off!

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 4 points ago +5 / -1

Probably would be, but I used to roll a piece of cotton wool in cayenne and shove it up my old Dads nose when he had massive nosebleeds. Stopped the bleeding but didn't cause him any pain.

Pepper stops bleeding by clotting it curiously enough (you can test this with even ordinary pepper if you cut yourself ) and I've even heard Cayenne used as an emergency remedy to stop bleeding ulcers and other internal bleeding.

Kind of weird when you think it also dilates vessels and thins blood so it can run more smoothly through the dilated vessels but also clots excess blood. Reminds me a bit of the contradictions with celery - on the one hand it's full of sodium, on the other it has an ingredient that will lower blood pressure. Seems Cayenne also has contradictory benefits.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 5 points ago +5 / -0

Try some in warm milk with turmeric and honey, or hot water (not boiling) with honey, turmeric and cider vinegar, not as strong then and quite palatable. But yes, I mainly cap the powder into empty capsules, as I can take more that way and take a capsule with a meal. Hah sometimes your arse can burn a bit when going to the toilet if you take too many in a day.

Checkout http://cayennepepper.info/cayenne-pepper-drink-options.html for some palatable drink recipes.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ever read this site? I bookmarked it years ago and often pop in there again to refresh my memory about just what a wonder Cayenne is, especially regarding heart issues. Interesting about the testimonial of the man in hospital who used plain ole supermarket Cayenne (which is irradiated and not very strong) and he still had huge benefit.


Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

I use Brave too, go to Settings (top right Menu button) scroll down till you find Privacy and Security, and you find the Cookies & Other Site Data section there.

If you scroll down you'll see 2 important sections, Clear cookies when site is closed and Never allow cookies. To get rid of existing cookies, add Twitter to the first, open the window/tab the close the site. It should hopefully have removed any cookies when you close the window or tab (also open the mobile.twitter,com link too).

Then add Twitter to the Never Allow cookies section and hopefully you should be good.

If it doesn't work and you still can't access Twitter, you could try clearing all cookies in the main Clear All Browsing Data. Close the browser, (but that would mean you have to login everywhere again), make sure that Twitter is set in the Never Allow cookies section (and the mobile.twitter.com url too) then open up Twitter again. If you see that login, install the extension and bobs yer uncle.

Are you using a password generator? That might be logging you in (I use Last Password) if so, remove your Twitter logins from that site if you can't switch off the auto login attempt. Or see if you can remove from browser storage, don't know where they would be stored though.

Hope you understood that, I'm crap at explaining things! ;-)

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't login to Twitter and you'll be able to see everything (also remove any cookies from Twitter in your browser). Install this extension, it works great and you'll never see the popup trying to force you to login so you can read more...


or for Chrome/Brave you'll find it here:


Obviously on mobile never use the app, just use a browser and you should have no problems.

Nitter has a lot of issues lately so I only use that if no choice now, so far haven't needed to use it as this extension works fabulously.

*It does popup a little box in the left bottom corner when it removes the login popup, asking for a donation, but you can just ignore or close it. It doesn't interfere with reading any tweets.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Celery believe it or not. There is an ingredient in that, forget which one, that lowers blood pressure in spite of the sodium in the stalk.

They actually did scientific tests on that about 20 years or so ago and showed 3 medium sized stalks a day was enough to do it. Think it's also used as a remedy in some Third World country

Various other foods like beetroot, and herbs. Can't remember many of them off the top of my head (lol been a heavy night), but there are loads of foods and supplements to help blood pressure.

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