Trustkansas -2 points ago +2 / -4

Everything ive stated is fact. Questionable downvote brigade if anything.

The train car was on fire 20 miles before derailment. There was a massive explosion and intense burn. All the chemicals on board are/were very flammable and reactive.

If youve ever set foot in a lab before you would know that reactions use up all available materials.

Trustkansas -2 points ago +2 / -4

Except it was on fire on the way to the crash site...guess you missed that...

Clear video of it on its way with fire rolling in one of the train cars 20 miles before derailment.

Trustkansas -2 points ago +2 / -4

From the pictures ive seen there was a fairly large explosion. Typical with the rapid burn of combustibles. So you definitely havent seen all the photos or video clips but still feel like you should voice your opinion as fact, interesting.

Maybe you need to sit down until you've seen all of the photos.

Vinyl chloride is extremely reactive and flammable by the way...

And yes fire makes new things, in the form of a gas, as in smoke. Something that wont leach into the ground.

Trustkansas -5 points ago +1 / -6

You guys didnt see the pictures of the fire or explosion did you? What possible flammable substance would have been left after that?

Trustkansas -5 points ago +1 / -6

You mean the rain that came after it all instantly evaporated into a mushroom cloud?

Trustkansas -6 points ago +2 / -8

The train was on fire 20 miles before the crash. Then a massive explosion and intense burn. I doubt there was anything left to leak into the soil.

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Trustkansas 17 points ago +17 / -0

Thats no conspiracy thats what happened. Loads of videos showing marines protecting the new fields. Then when afghanistan was given back to the taliban they instantly destroyed the fields and banned its production.

Not only the heroin trade was involved, but also endless billions in prescription pain killers.

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