UF_BigUpsTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not extremely important but a funny quote early on. "Your (Fauci) interviews are articulate and informative - they give Americans some comfort and some concrete ways to think about protecting themselves and what to expect." - Michelle Whitten (Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Global Down Syndrome Foundation) p.(3 & 4)

This one is pretty interesting. "A truly deadly virus cannot spread very far. Why? Because people quickly get sick and die. In other words, they cannot spread the virus further, which is a prerequisite for a large spread like corona. Covid-19 has spread throughout the world. The premise is that it is not very dangerous, it causes mild symptoms for most people, many do not even notice that they were sick. But the virus has different phases in the body, after a while it goes into a resting phase, you feel better, but the virus is still present and can pass on. Covid-19 is an optimally developed virus that spreads rapidly around the world. But if it were really deadly, almost everyone would die." - Ola Melhus, MD p.(712 - 716)

UF_BigUpsTrump 5 points ago +5 / -0

Even in death they will still use him as a reason to get the vaccine - DEPLORABLES. "Coventry councillor Jayne Innes, his friend, said the "best tribute to Bill is to have the jab," according to the BBC."

UF_BigUpsTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the statement, last paragraph.

I’m sure you will not be surprised that the FBI left behind the only electronics that contain evidence of crimes, the Hunter Biden hard drives. Mayor Giuliani offered them on several occasions, but the agents steadfastly declined.>

UF_BigUpsTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Hopium levels are off the charts!! NCSWIC!

UF_BigUpsTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ask yourselves, if there was nothing wrong and it was legit, why'd they change the pdf and get rid of most of the info?

UF_BigUpsTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know if it got repealed but interestingly found an article from August 2019 saying "under his (Trump) supervision cancelled the automatic citizenship for the children of some US service members and US government employees living abroad and children of non-citizens born in the United States."

I could only find this "PA-2019-05" which was an announcement about the changes being made, not sure if it's still in place though.

UF_BigUpsTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

It gives me chills every time I watch it, they're all just puppets spreading a message from a much bigger and more powerful source.

UF_BigUpsTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

That whole segment with the narrator felt forced, even for a morbid show like south park there was literally no other punchline than "haha this is crazy lol" and "look! wacky, gory scenes of kids being killed and elites drinking blood!" I like dark humor but I couldn't even get a laugh outta this, it was just really awkward.

by gamepwn
UF_BigUpsTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

it's pretty funny that they showed the "Viking" who is antifa or some shit, probably because he's recognizable. They also contradict themselves just before the line about Adrenochrome, they said he would snitch on the elites "who used his child sex services" which implies they had sex with kids, and then blamed it on Adrenochrome. If it's a jab at us, it was a piss poor attempt. I agree with the others though this feels like propaganda, seems like they're using repetition to send their message.

UF_BigUpsTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'll blame trump for covid deaths but I bet they won't blame joe for these deaths. To any Texans, stay safe, our thoughts and prayers are with you, and rest in peace to any of the unfortunate people that lost their lives because of this.

UF_BigUpsTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

So I followed the links first one is definitely a server, the circle seal is in a folder called "...assets/images/temp/o45Seal.png"

The second link is more interesting, mostly because of the text below "Paid for by Save America and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee." Now I don't know if Trump would be considered a "candidate" at the moment, but that quote doesn't really sit well with me. If it wasn't paid for or authorized by Trump, how can we say he's involved? (Not dooming, but it seems odd.)

UF_BigUpsTrump 6 points ago +6 / -0

As much as I want this to be true, I don't think it is. Unless her double has almost exactly the same wrinkles, I think that was actually her.

Here's a quick comparison I did here

In the middle is Teresa and she doesn't seem to have the same wrinkles at all.

UF_BigUpsTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now this is an idea I like!

UF_BigUpsTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another thing, the first article was attributed to "Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent" (Probably to make it seem more credible) The edited article is instead by "Maggie Fox, CNN" ? I can't tell if they believe the original post or the updated one.