Well I believe it was fake as all get out and rather surprised more people on here haven’t said so either after four year of saying it’s all a movie or show now it’s all real give me a break I hope I’m wrong but in a year from now when we’re all getting wrecked by the same system trump claimed he was guna fix 8 years ago and claims he guna do again I hope everyone can tell me that I’m wrong but with the state of this country being a faggot trans supporting “including trump” nation nothing good can come from supporting 1% of this nonsense. I will close with this either I’m wrong and the deep state has proven we’re fucked or I’m right and we’re fucked anyway 1 man can’t change that sorry for being a realist
That is true but he still pushed it It’s funny how no one that didn’t get it regrets not getting just saying
Supporting faggots is not in the Bible and no one should do so especially the president sick and sad to pander to such a small minority
So what about the other guy that guy killed is that an act of god also
I bet your a huge LGBTQ supporter
No it was Trump who said it was great and that everyone should get it but nobody wants to remember that
Tried to go on a vacation last week to Florida sorry but its over there’s no coming back we stood on the sidelines far to long while they took this country its a foreign land of illegals taking white peoples money that’s it what a shit hole state
Doesn’t matter he lost shit ton of votes promoting the fucking death jab well deserved
For one it’s a guy and second it’s almost as worthless as Ben Shapiro and the rock
He can go suck that pedo Ben Shepiro dick worthless fuck
So I guess you believe that out in the middle of the ocean the water is 30 feet higher than the shore line to make up for the curvature water HAS to be level simple facts prove flat earth. WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE
If you already believe there lies then there is no saving you sorry
That could be the dumbest thing I’ve have ever heard in my life just saying find just one fact that the earth is spinning or that it is impossible for water to conform to round globe WAKE THE FUCK UP