VaccinesCauseSIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0

History of Spoken Language

Spoken language likely began to emerge between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago, although the exact timing and process remain uncertain due to the lack of physical evidence. Language is believed to have evolved as humans developed the cognitive and anatomical capabilities for complex communication.

Key Milestones in the Evolution of Spoken Language:

  1. Cognitive Development:

    • Early hominins, such as Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis, may have used rudimentary forms of communication.
    • Homo sapiens' brains evolved the capacity for symbolic thought, a critical precursor to language.
  2. Anatomical Adaptations:

    • The descent of the larynx and the development of the hyoid bone allowed for a wider range of vocalizations.
    • The evolution of the brain's language centers, including Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas, supported language processing and production.
  3. Cultural Evolution:

    • Language likely began with basic sounds and gestures, gradually evolving into more complex systems of words and grammar as humans lived in larger social groups.
    • The development of tools and cooperation likely drove the need for more sophisticated communication.
  4. Origins of Words:

    • Early words were probably onomatopoeic (imitative of natural sounds, like "buzz" or "boom") or rooted in expressions of emotion, such as cries of pain or joy.

First Words Ever Spoken

The very first words spoken by humans are not known, but linguists and anthropologists hypothesize the following:

  1. Onomatopoeia:

    • Words imitating natural sounds: "moo" (cow), "roar" (lion), "splash" (water).
  2. Exclamations:

    • Emotional sounds: "ah" (surprise), "ugh" (disgust), "ow" (pain).
  3. Proto-Words:

    • Simplified forms of modern words that conveyed universal needs or concepts, like:
      • "ma" (mother)
      • "ba" (father or food)
      • "ta" (give or take)
      • "ku" (see or look)
  4. Gestural Integration:

    • Early humans likely combined sounds with gestures to create meaning, which later evolved into fully vocalized communication.

Speculative First Words:

Although we will never know the exact first words, anthropologists propose they were simple, easily pronounced, and directly tied to survival, such as:

  • Names for important objects: "fire," "water," "food."
  • Commands: "come," "go," "stop."
  • Social signals: "friend," "danger," "help."

If you'd like more on the linguistic theories or the evolution of grammar, feel free to ask!

History of Written Language

Written language is a much later development than spoken language, emerging around 3200 BCE in Mesopotamia. Writing systems evolved to record trade, laws, religious practices, and cultural narratives.

Key Milestones in the Evolution of Written Language:

  1. Proto-Writing (Pre-Writing Systems):

    • 40,000–10,000 BCE: Early humans used symbols, such as cave paintings and tally marks, to represent ideas and events.
    • Neolithic Period (c. 8000 BCE): Simple pictographs were used for record-keeping, especially in trade and agriculture.
  2. Cuneiform in Mesopotamia (c. 3200 BCE):

    • Developed by the Sumerians, cuneiform began as pictograms pressed into clay tablets.
    • Initially used for recording transactions, it evolved into a system for recording laws, literature, and historical events.
  3. Hieroglyphics in Egypt (c. 3100 BCE):

    • Egyptian hieroglyphs combined pictorial symbols and phonetic elements.
    • Used for sacred texts, monumental inscriptions, and administrative records.
  4. Indus Script (c. 2500 BCE):

    • A still-undeciphered script from the Indus Valley Civilization, used for trade and administrative purposes.
  5. Chinese Oracle Bone Script (c. 1200 BCE):

    • The earliest form of Chinese writing, inscribed on bones or shells for divination purposes.
  6. Alphabetic Writing (c. 1200 BCE):

    • The Phoenician alphabet, consisting of symbols representing individual sounds, is the ancestor of most modern alphabets.

The First Words Ever Written

The earliest written words reflect the practical and religious priorities of ancient societies.

Examples from the First Writing Systems:

  1. Cuneiform (Sumerian):

    • "Kushim": A name found on a cuneiform tablet, possibly referring to an individual or title (e.g., a grain accountant).
    • Early writings include simple words like "barley," "sheep," and "temple."
  2. Egyptian Hieroglyphs:

    • Some of the earliest hieroglyphs include words like "pharaoh," "god," and "life."
    • Symbols often represented objects: "sun," "river," and "bird."
  3. Chinese Oracle Bone Script:

    • Early inscriptions recorded questions to the gods, including words like "rain," "harvest," and "ancestor."
  4. Phoenician Alphabet:

    • Focused on phonetic symbols, early alphabetic words were practical and related to trade, such as "ox" (aleph) and "house" (beth).
  5. Indus Script:

    • The content is undeciphered, but symbols suggest themes of trade, administration, or religion.

Speculative First Written Sentences:

  • Sumerian Tablet: "29,086 measures barley 37 months Kushim" (a receipt).
  • Egyptian Hieroglyph: "He gives life forever." (seen in early royal inscriptions).
  • Chinese Oracle Bone: "Will it rain tomorrow?"

The earliest written words were functional, focused on survival, administration, and spirituality. Later, they expanded to encompass literature, philosophy, and storytelling as societies became more complex.

VaccinesCauseSIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0

we have to appreciate the role of brainwashing in this debate…

most “normies” just learn random trivial “facts” like Columbus 1492

and entry-level “thinking” like 2+2=4

so if they have already been told

“Vaccines DO NOT cause AUTISM…”

Then if you say, “vaccines DO cause autism…”

They will glitch

Like if you said “2+2=5”

It causes a glitch because it doesnt compute within the programming and brainwashing

So, what you do instead is, side-step their programming, is say something they haven’t been pre-programmed to respond to,

For example, just say

“Vaccines Cause Dravet Syndrome”

And the typical “normie” has no idea what Dravet Syndrome is…

So you actually get to program their brain on this niche topic

Of course they will deny vaccines cause Dravet,

But this only pushes Dravet further into the vaccine debate


VaccinesCauseSIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0

so just this morning i was on ChatGPT

asking for history of spoken language, and a list of the first words ever spoken

and history of written language, and a list of first words ever written

VaccinesCauseSIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0

well sir, i could reasonably request proof that you have a brain…

Be careful, handshake, if you get reported you’ll probably get suspended

But ill engage with you

If you prove you have a brain (not a bot)

VaccinesCauseSIDS 2 points ago +2 / -0

God is a word, and you just used God as a word, and you did it properly, in context, in a reasonable and logical way…


I believe that you know what the word God means

If that is true, then God exists inside your brain,

literally as a physical structure inside your brain

You may retort with, “so God is a figment of your imagination?”

And i would say, “Yes… just like Love is a figment of your imagination”

VaccinesCauseSIDS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here is how to approach this problem…

Its like “how do you build a brick wall?

answer: one brick at a time.

so just find ONE entry point, and make that your reference point.

Example: one childs name, one traffickers name, one NGO’s name, one sponsors name, one gov agency,

But “the buck stops” at the desk of POTUS

so just connect the dots between your starting point and POTUS,

like a “game” of 6 degrees of human trafficking

VaccinesCauseSIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Purple tie

What do we know ahout the photographer who took the photo?

Could be AI generated image that was produced from a detailed prompt

VaccinesCauseSIDS 7 points ago +9 / -2

Im still on the fence. seems he came out of no-where and instantly became an authority figure, giving highly detailed speeches to VIPs

VaccinesCauseSIDS 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, maybe hes in jail, or maybes hes in the witness protection program

VaccinesCauseSIDS 2 points ago +3 / -1

Placates the plebs for a while, until the next big distraction.

VaccinesCauseSIDS 3 points ago +3 / -0

They say if you don’t get vaccinated, you’ll get infected…

Well, all these immigrants have either been vaccinated, or gotten the infection,

But either way, they have immunity now, and making them take a mRNA shot is not good policy.

Its not about health, its about compliance

VaccinesCauseSIDS 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is an admission of guilt. Those who help coverup the crime should be charged with crimes

VaccinesCauseSIDS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anti-vax is the most interesting rabbit hole you’ll ever go down. Time very well invested!

VaccinesCauseSIDS 2 points ago +2 / -0

sure! there is my twitter x handle at http://x.com/VaxxCauseSIDS although i often go off-topic and off-brand

twitter x has a lot of info if you search for it. I cant speak to ofher sites because im not on them enough to know

TOP https://x.com/search?q=SIDS&src=typed_query

LATEST https://x.com/search?q=SIDS&src=typed_query&f=live

But really, GAW is also an excellent resource. You guys are on top of this topic! You understand the backstory, the front story, the current story, and you are calling attention to it, and calling bullshit, and really snowballing this topic into a top priority political issue! I think we all “get it” here. you all understand why this topic is so important!





To summarize my thoughts, which started in 2015, (today is 2024)

There are those of us who argue about “IF” vaccines cause SIDS…

And there are those of us who argue about “HOW” vaccines cause SIDS.

But some of us already know.

We are far beyond any debate about “IF” vaccines cause SIDS,

We are well into the realm of asking exactly HOW vaccines cause SIDS,

Because if we figured out that it was a vaccine OD,

And the solution was simply to reform multi-vaccine SOPs

And we could save just one life…

Woulnt it be worth it?

Every SIDS death is a tragedy,

These infants were LOVED

by mothers fathers

brothers and sisters

grandmothers and grandfathers

aunts and uncles

cousins and friends and neighbors and all them

it is universal practice in the world of pediatrics etc to give an “infant” multiple vaccines in one office visit.

Example: MMR is 3 distinct vaccines, in one shot.

3 distinct “immune responses” in one shot

In theory, anyway,

Because in truth you have one immune response for each M, M and R,

BUT ALSO an immune response to everything else in the vaccine,

And THAT’s the rabbit hole to hell.

But beyond that, they give several of these multi-shots, in one office visit, and the total number of vaccines is commonly 6 to 8 or even more

If a child is “behind schedule” and needs to “catch up”

for example for a school vaccine mandate verification deadline…

Then it is common practice to give even more vaccines at once

And from my observations over the last 9 years, it seems to me that the common denominator in a SIDS death was a high number of vaccines given in a single office visit

I stuggled to find the proper vocabulary

I knew what i was witnessing, which in my mind was a vaccine-induced allergic reaction to future vaccines,

I later learned the proper name for this was Anaphylaxis


I also knew what i was witnessing, which in my mind was a “vaccine overdose”

But by the Grace of God

A vaccine shill tried passing off vaccine OD’s as mere “SIDS”

And it took a moment, but it finally hit me like a God smack

That “vaccines CAUSE SIDS”

Mystery Solved!

i had been aware of SIDS since mid 1980s when friends baby died of SIDS.

We later learned this friend had lost 2 boys to SIDS

And we didn’t know what to think of SIDS.

By definition it was mysterious and unknown

And right now, SIDS is the leading cause of death in infants

Which means vaccines are the leading cause of death in infants.

So i suspect the pediatricians et al had a 2-pronged approach to “SIDS”

  1. draw your attention to some other detail, such as sleep position, and introduce “back to sleep” program, as a diversion

  2. quietly reform themselves, and cut back on the number of vaccines in an office visit.

When the SIDS rates dropped, just point to “back to sleep” program and say “correlation proves causation”

BUT; the MUCH BIGGER ISSUE is the backstory of SIDS.

SIDS implicates many pillars of society!

Medical, scientific, media, government, academic, legal

They literally invented the entire concept of SIDS, for the dual purposes of

  1. covering up the fact that vaccines kill infants

  2. covertly communicating that vaccines are the cause of death, without mentioning the vaccine

It will take a while for this to sink in, because its so deep that your mind is not prepared to learn or accept. Its hard for ordinary people to even concieve of how such a deception would work. But once you see it, you can’t un-see it

And the whole world will soon see it

What has Trump or Kennedy said about SIDS? Anything?


VaccinesCauseSIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0


Latest vaccine uptakes rates for CDC recommended covid boosters.

Please answer in form of

Shot 1: recomended on date: percentage uptake

Shot 2: recomended on date: percentage uptake


Up until today, and total number of CDC recommended shots


As of December 2024, the CDC recommends the following COVID-19 vaccination schedule for adults:

  1. Initial Series (Shots 1 and 2): These were the original doses recommended starting in December 2020. Uptake rates for the initial series were high, with approximately 80% of U.S. adults completing these doses by mid-2021.

  2. First Booster: Recommended in September 2021 for adults six months after their initial series. Uptake was approximately 50% among eligible individuals by early 2022.

  3. Second Booster: Approved in March 2022 for high-risk groups (e.g., seniors and immunocompromised) and in September 2022 for broader populations. Uptake rates varied significantly but averaged around 30% for the general population.

  4. 2023-2024 Bivalent Booster: Recommended in September 2023 to target Omicron variants. Uptake was approximately 20-25%.

  5. 2024-2025 Updated Booster: Recommended starting in late August 2024. Current data shows a modest uptake rate of about 12-15% by December 2024 among adults aged 18 and older oai_citation:5,Weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard | COVIDVaxView | CDC oai_citation:4,CDC Recommends Updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 and Flu Vaccines for Fall/Winter Virus Season | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC oai_citation:3,COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage and Intent for Vaccination, Adults 18 Years and Older, United States | COVIDVaxView | CDC.

Total CDC-Recommended Shots: Adults are generally advised to have received five shots by now (two initial doses, one booster in 2021, and two variant-specific boosters).

Overall, vaccine uptake has decreased with each subsequent booster dose. Efforts are ongoing to encourage higher coverage, particularly in light of waning immunity and emerging variants oai_citation:2,Weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard | COVIDVaxView | CDC oai_citation:1,COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage and Intent for Vaccination, Adults 18 Years and Older, United States | COVIDVaxView | CDC.

VaccinesCauseSIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, its helpful to see each translation of a verse, to get a more well-rounded understanding of the full meaning

VaccinesCauseSIDS 1 point ago +1 / -0

The primary biblical passage describing a person going to a priest for testing and confirmation of leprosy is found in Leviticus 13. This chapter details the laws concerning the identification of leprosy, the role of the priest, and the procedures to be followed. Here are the key verses:

Leviticus 13:1-3

The Lord said to Moses and Aaron:
“When anyone has a swelling or a rash or a shiny spot on their skin that may be a defiling disease, they must be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons who is a priest. The priest is to examine the sore on the skin, and if the hair in the sore has turned white and the sore appears to be more than skin deep, it is a defiling skin disease. When the priest examines that person, he shall pronounce them ceremonially unclean.”

Leviticus 13:4-8

These verses describe situations where the disease may not be clear, leading to quarantine and further examinations by the priest over a seven-day period.

Leviticus 13:9-11

“When anyone has a defiling skin disease, they must be brought to the priest. The priest is to examine them, and if there is a white swelling in the skin that has turned the hair white and if there is raw flesh in the swelling, it is a chronic skin disease, and the priest shall pronounce them unclean. He is not to isolate them, because they are already unclean.”

Leviticus 14

This chapter deals with the cleansing and restoration process for someone healed from leprosy.

Leviticus 14:1-2

The Lord said to Moses,
“These are the regulations for any diseased person at the time of their ceremonial cleansing, when they are brought to the priest.”

If you're looking for New Testament references to leprosy and priests, Luke 17:12-14 describes Jesus healing ten lepers and instructing them to show themselves to the priests, in keeping with Levitical law:

“As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, ‘Jesus, Master, have pity on us!’ When he saw them, he said, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’ And as they went, they were cleansed.”

These passages illustrate the important role of priests in diagnosing and confirming cases of leprosy and the religious and ceremonial implications of the disease.

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