But perhaps he wants to spread the ideas in the article to a larger populace. Because regardless of this moment in time and the hope for the movie and plan,these are all excellent needful plans that would help going forward in many future elections amd generations.
I'd love to know why military hasn't moved. If space force (or who the hell ever) has digital tracking showing overseas manipulation why not show it now and be done. The longer people appear in office, the harder to remove, along with policies, in the public view. And unmolesting children, thats hard to do. I understand faith and belief...but God helps those who help themselves. Is there uprising needed before revealing or military movement?? I should hope not. And I wish everyone would STOP about 2022 and 2024. Its comedic.
Not really.
In PA and just hearing about this, here. Signed and contacted. Huge thanks for sharing.