Veonison 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree, but is just a part of a multi-layered agenda. Is like, see you Trumpsters, what a disgrace you voted for? It's about hoping to wear us down, is about painting us as deplorable to our friends, family, neighbors to the point we will give in and admit we were wrong for voting for Trump.

The problem is is that they don't understand us at all and their old worn out play book doesn't work any more.

Veonison 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, true. There was a video taken from a gas station? or a store next to the Pentagon and it clearly shows it was a missile. It was posted within days after this happened. I watched it several times. Will try to find again, but may be scrubbed.

Veonison 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had this creators work recommended to me on YT for some unknown reason, so I clicked on this video and it was rather intriguing. Cannel is called "Forward Observations" and seems to be US ARMY since someone in the comments on another of their videos asks the creator a question and they answered @usarmy.

Some of the videos are fairly intense, but some they don't specify what exactly is happening or where. Many place the word "soon" at the end. Wondered what y'all thought or if you are aware of this content.

Veonison 1 point ago +1 / -0

Especially birds. They die of lead poisoning all the time. Do a search of lead poisoning from birds eating the bits of lead.

Veonison 4 points ago +4 / -0

Polly really put together a good vid here. Ready to go to Wyoming for good.

Veonison 1 point ago +1 / -0

THX - I didn't know that the word Citadel means fortress.

Veonison 8 points ago +8 / -0

Their play book hasn't changed for not hundreds, but thousands of years. When you study history, especially the Roman empire, it becomes clear. One playbook.

Veonison 19 points ago +19 / -0

And since the American Journal of Medicine did a peer reviewed study on hydroxychloroquine and found it totally safe, they can use that to help ease any fears.

Veonison 7 points ago +7 / -0

Utahn here, Good news, there are not many democrats here. But the local media sucks up to them.

Veonison 1 point ago +1 / -0


Veonison 5 points ago +6 / -1

My neighbor, an elderly lady with no computer wrote him and she showed me the letter he wrote her back. He was very nice and addressed her concerns.

Veonison 5 points ago +5 / -0

Would like to see this issue receive immense sunlight. It is the one issue that will not only save and help the trafficked, it can bring down the stinking corrupt political elite, which in turn connects to the corporations that are the self imposed gate keepers of information.

If people can get past their fear of looking at and researching more of this issue.

Is #1 why they equate Q as dangerous, IMO.

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