Voortrek -5 points ago +1 / -6

Cut the bs. Full clinical trials have been run on both humans and animals for these vaccines, despite what the fearmongers in this shit hole are telling you. You want to look at the damned things, look here, here, and here: https://www.icd10monitor.com/setting-the-record-straight-on-covid-19, https://www.understandinganimalresearch.org.uk/news/communications-media/top-10-covid-19-vaccine-myths/, https://regenerativemc.com/pfizer-animal-trial-results/,https://www.fda.gov/media/146338/download#page=56

There is plenty of data if you could be bothered to look, rather than just continuing to reside in the cesspit of ignorance. So kindly fuck off and peddle that conspiracy theory bullshit elsewhere.

Voortrek 1 point ago +3 / -2

It's less confidence and more I take what I read from both sides with a grain of salt, as well as try to see if what I am seeing matches up with what can be proven. In the case of the vaccine, I think we can reasonably establish that the concerns for it are valid in that we are dealing with something that is in late stage trials and has yet to be given FDA approval. Now hesitancy for it is reasonable given it's still new, but I do not think the scaremongerers/doomers are necessarily correct given that you have had a number of trustworthy figures(Trump, the first family, and a number of his inner circle receive/promote it and even push for it with OWS). Given that the man has worked tirelessly for the American people, I doubt he would push for something that would result in tens of millions of Americans dying. At any rate, I will just conclude with this: Use your own best judgement on what to do regarding it and try to seek out the facts for yourself rather than relying on fear or rumor.

Voortrek 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sorry to be a buzzkill. Still....think of it this way, it's a chance to bring back good old fashioned hangings!

Voortrek -4 points ago +1 / -5

The problem is that at this moment, you cannot be sure of that being the purpose of it(in all likelihood that's not it.) Personally speaking, I believe that a lot of what you are seeing for arguments coming from the anti vaccine front relies too much on misunderstandings about what vaccines actually are/recycled fears instead of looking at the actual data/experimental nature of it. At any rate, I think once this is all over you will see that the vaccine is likely overhyped/it's main purpose was more or less to make Pfizer and their ilk a shit ton of money instead of relying on more natural means to treat the virus(or alternatively a means for good pr.)

Voortrek 2 points ago +3 / -1

No they're short because the various manufacturers refuse to supply them to states in the US because they don't want them being used in executions.

Voortrek 1 point ago +4 / -3

It depends on who you ask. The medical community from what I understand seems to think that the MRNA more or less teach the body how to produce a spike protein that helps in future immune responses. The more....controversial opinions range from it being a crock to it being some sort of serum designed to cut the population in half.

Voortrek -5 points ago +2 / -7

You can't be certain because of how much misinformation is floating out there right now. The best thing you can do is disregard the scaremongering and just take care of your own health. If you feel the vax won't help you then don't get it or if you feel your immunity can't take care of it then don't. If you live with or are immunocompromised people, then it may not hurt to get it.

Voortrek -6 points ago +1 / -7

From what I've seen the claims tend to vary and are contradictory. You have people urging caution because they're still waiting for data to come in on the vax's long term effects whereas others seem to be thinking the jab is a tool of population control(which the more I dig seems to be repeats of old fears/seems to reoccur every few decades). So based on what I've seen, the most reasonable approach at the moment is to ignore the fear mongering and go with what makes sense for your health. If you have a strong immune system/aren't really in danger of catching a bad case of COVID, then you should be fine without it. If not, then it's honestly up to you whether you get it or not. As for the Ivermectin and HCQ I've seen conflicting reports on whether it works or not(the former seems to be more reputable whereas the latter is hit or miss from what I am reading.)

Voortrek -7 points ago +1 / -8

It's possible she may have been exposed to somebody at work or in line for the vaccine. I had something similar happen at my work place where our engineer got sick due to someone who was sick with covid at the vaccine administration site.

Voortrek 0 points ago +2 / -2

Eh not really, but we can agree to disagree. Ideally you'd have neither be involved in each other's business and instead keep to their respective spheres.

Voortrek -1 points ago +3 / -4

Essentially what I want boils down to this: Once the war is over, we ensure that no radical faction or ideal is able to hold sway over the American populace be it right or left. Basically keeping them in check once this is over is what I am asking for, as all too often when the war is one the radicals aren't dealt with or are allowed free reign. And really? Have you not see how influential the fundies and the nationalists can be? Look at how you have more or less seen the evangelicals dominate the right for the better part of four decades or how the nationalists more or less enabled the rise of the Maga movement in the first place.

Voortrek -1 points ago +3 / -4

Not really. My understanding of it more or less boils down to the commonly accepted consensus that both modern US tradition and Western law are based on a desire to avoid the endless religious conflicts/strife or overt influence of the church in politics seen in medieval and in early modern europe(wars of religion, the innumerable problems caused by the catholic church, religious persecutions, corruption etc). By pushing for overt christian influence in government(ie religiously based laws, christian religious instruction in classrooms, etc) you are essentially setting the stage for trouble later on. If you had the barest understanding of western culture or history beyond the distorted world view of the hard right in the US, you would know this.

Voortrek 1 point ago +3 / -2

I don't side with the left here. Personally I find them to be among the most abhorrent individuals in American history and god willing they will be struck down. Yet at the same time, I am not going to turn a blind eye to the fact that in your ranks you have individuals who either actively distort or twist this country's founding principles to push their own agenda(be it dominionist or nationalist in nature.) Such individuals if allowed their say in government will only further drive a wedge into an already divided populace(tldr my point being neither group should be allowed to hold power.) Yes the US does have many problems in its history which need to be revaluated, whose legacies need to be fixed to ensure our children learn from the mistakes of the past(And yes CRT is baseless bullshit propagated by the left.)

Voortrek -14 points ago +1 / -15

No, I am just waiting for you bottom feeders to produce actual fucking evidence for a change rather than pushing pseudoscience like you normally do.

Voortrek -1 points ago +3 / -4

See this is the problem with you freaks. You are so wrapped up in the fundamentalist agenda, that you can't see the reality of the world for what it is. Modern western civilization gravitated towards secularism(our republic as well) to avoid the excesses of the church in ages past. Essentially what you bottom feeders are doing is ignoring the wills of the founding fathers and the principle of the enlightenment(ie the true founding principles of this country) as part of a misguided effort to "save this country from satan). So kindly take your own advice and go set up your little theocracy elsewhere, preferably in some arid shithole out either in mexico or west texas. We don't need it or want it here.

Voortrek -5 points ago +2 / -7

XD. Let me spell it out for you: You complain about how the left pushes their ideas on you, be it gay rights, CRT, a reconsidered view of american history, big government etc. Yet at the same time, you guys push for a heavily christian influenced us(in which state policy is barely separated from the church), a revisionist version of US history that ignores or downplays the flaws(versus playing them up), so called patriotic education(which demonizes anybody who doesn't cling to your particular political views, ie those who hold viewpoints to the left of the far right), and more(ie push your own ideas on people who don't want it.). At this point, you're pretty much the right wing versions of the fundies on the left. Oh and fyi dipshit, since when has the left employed suicide bombers or muslims to influence us domestic policy outside of the drug fueled nightmares of your pundits and leaders? Grow up

Voortrek -8 points ago +3 / -11

Anti god and anti christian dogma.....Says the group of fundamentalists that routinely push their nationalistic and religious dogma on a secular society at every fucking opportunity. Seriously, you guys are just as bad as the left in that regard.