WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know his name, but what is his research, his reputation?

I found a way to to answer my own question.

Here's his research. He has 6 papers all from 1994/95. My guess is that is when he was working for his degree.


WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

This article reads like they didn't watch the last part of the documentary.

WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is one of those what is the baseline questions.

Is this number high or low? What is the historical baseline to compare this to?

As QA points out in another comments.

One of this "food plants destroyed" was a barn fire in Montana>. No animals were hurt.

No injuries were reported by the property owners, including animals, but a horse trailer parked outside the barn sustained radiant heat damage, Eischeid said.

I mean there's 2 million farms in the US. That's a big number. Without a comparison point this is fearporn

More than half the incidents are about the Bird flu outbreak that's been raging since 2022.


WHOSkiddingWhO 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think 20% is way too high.

This is what Trump's lawyers had to say about the larger bond

In addition, sureties would likely charge bond premiums of approximately 2 percent per year with two years in advance—an upfront cost over $18 million," the filing said. That $18 million would not be recoverable even if Trump wins his appeal.

This is apples to oranges.

Therefor his cost $17.5 million if he wins appeals...quite possible.

Instead of coming up with $480 million @ 9%?

As you're comparing cost of a bond vs the cost of the judgement.

He would still have to pay the full judgment if he lost. That hasn't been reduced.


I read somewhere that the appeals panel reducing the bond by 60% might indicate the appeals court might be thinking about cutting the judgement.

The cheapest way is still if you have the cash, put up the undertaking yourself.

The DJT cash is certainly good timing.

The appeals court mentioned September as their timing.

WHOSkiddingWhO 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are being dishonest, and that makes me more suspicious.

Oh my god, first you were arguing that this was false

if he hadn't (paid the bond), they'd have been able to seize assets.

and it's not.

Then you move the goalposts to it was about seizing all his assets.

which is also false.

when I talk about how the actual process would go, you call me dishonest because of????

Idiots on Reddit and Twitter?

I was talking about the NY AG and the judge not idiots on Twitter.

More goalpost moving

Additionally, asset seizures are already dubious when it comes to the Constitutional rights of the people

Attachment is a legal concept hundreds of years old. It's been part of creditor/debtor law forever. Here's an example from 1702


Here's an example from the papers of Thomas Jefferson.


This is different from the more recent civil forfeiture laws.

WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't know what you mean.

You do not get to take everything he's worth

I don't think anyone was actually arguing this.

You get to take the amount of the judgement. Not everything. Unless the assets can't cover it.

If I owed you a judgement of 1 million dollars. And I had 500 grand in the bank and a car collection worth 5 million.

If I didn't pay the bond while I appealed you would have the right to execute the judgement once 30 days passed

You could seize my bank account and my cars. I couldn't stop you. After the cash I would owe you 500,000 grand.

The sheriff could start auctioning off my cars. Let's say 5 cars brought in 522,000. You would get the rest of your money and I would get 22 grand and the rest of my cars.

Seizing assets and auctioning them go through the courts and legal orders and it's not a quick thing.

But read the link I posted, that's the process.

WHOSkiddingWhO 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump announced he had paid the bond.

This didn't happen though. He did not pay the bond two weeks ago. And he didn't say he had paid the bond 2 weeks ago

He might have said he could pay.

But paying the bond means you have to file court papers that are public. He certainly did not pay the bond 2 weeks ago.

Here's the bond papers


WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +4 / -2

that if he hadn't, they'd have been able to seize assets.

Because that's how the law works.

If you have a judgement against you, you have an automatic 30 day "stay" of the judgement. Then to get a further stay, you need to put up the money or get a bond company to put up the money.

If you sued me and were awarded 1 million dollar judgement, I would have to put 1 million into an escrow account. If I didn't you have the right to execute the judgement and collect the money. As the judgement creditor you could ask the sheriff or a marshall to seize my assets


WHOSkiddingWhO 14 points ago +14 / -0

The Bond was put up by an insurance company.


The bond was provided by California-based company Knight Specialty Insurance Company. Trump’s collateral to secure the loans was a combination of cash and investment-grade bonds, according to Don Hankey, the chairman of Knight Insurance.

Hankey told Forbes that his company had initiated the deal, reaching out to Trump just a few days before an appeals court lowered the amount Trump would have to pay while his appeal was heard. “This is what we do at Knight insurance,” said Hankey, who confirmed he had supported Trump’s political campaigns in the past. “I’d never met Donald Trump. I’d never talked to him on the phone. I heard that he needed a loan or a bond, and this is what we do. So, we reached out, and he responded.” The deal, Hankey said, came together in just a few days.

Hankey, a billionaire who presides over an auto-services empire, may never have met Trump, but he was the largest individual owner of Axos Financial, the lender that bailed out Trump by refinancing his mortgages at Trump Tower and his Miami resort in 2022. Axos also previously had done business with the family of Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law.

WHOSkiddingWhO 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some clown just sent me a message spewing vile obscenities and accused me or shorting the stock.

Like anything I say affects the stock. Amazing.

I never shorted a stock in my life, too nerve-wracking for me.

WHOSkiddingWhO 7 points ago +7 / -0

Q never said anything about the 470th Military Intelligence Brigade as far as I know.

Plus we know what Q was talking about with 470.

The Q post you linked to comes after Q talked about what 470 meant. He is specifically talking about Special Counsel Huber and the 470 is the number of staff in the DOJ Inspector General's office.


He also informed the chairmen that Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel. (Who needs a SC with that type of manpower?)

WHOSkiddingWhO 6 points ago +6 / -0



What are they spending $58 million on?

WHOSkiddingWhO 0 points ago +1 / -1

Trump's family has been involved in politics since before he was born.

WHOSkiddingWhO 2 points ago +3 / -1

There's no way this is true.

Richard M. Won 520 electoral votes and took 60.7% of the popular vote, Richard Nixon won the largest share of the popular vote for the Republican Party in any presidential elections.

Reagan won 525 electoral votes and 59 % of the popular vote.

Yeah, looked at the link, Twitter claim doesn't accurately the news site.

WHOSkiddingWhO 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm going to Occam's Razor your Occam's Razor.

the shipping company is legally liable for the damages and their insurance is going to pay.

And how long will.this take. There's nothing that prevents you from building the bridge back quickly AND going after the shipper and their insurance company.

Perhaps the bridge and the port are key pieces of infrastructure and there's an economic cost to not rebuilding.

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