They deserve way more than anything they will get
I am high as fuck off that hopium
Being able to remember & recite what you are told is not intelligence. That just makes for good sheep.
I have said this for over 5 yrs now.
What if Trump is being used to build up Patriotism & Nationalism and they start or false flag a Civil War to take more rights away?
Are we really to believe the Military Industrial Complex is going to be our saviors?
It is good to think of other angles because our enemy is everywhere and has unbelievable abilities.
Sure GOP will do anything to fight corruption, /sar
So why do birds beat up planes?
So McDonalds is healthy? And is eating only McDonalds for 30 days worse today or 20 yrs ago? That's crazy, he died almost 20 yrs to the day from Super Size Me release date.
What is America 250? Is it the 250th Anniversary of 1776?
Alot of them are braindead followers. It did not take a genius to see the initial Covid hysteria was fake. Canx all non life threatening surgeries, don't allow loved ones into hospital. This to hide from normies that hospitals were a ghost town. So much so that there was a global craze where, drs/nurses that were supposedly dealing with death on a pandemic level, made cringe dance routines.
But anyways, these braindead drs & nurses still mimicked the media of a pandemic instead of saying what pandemic, these hospitals are empty. Even places like ground zero NY, were empty. Don't everyone remember the Red Cross ships and Central Park hospital that were never used.
And then even after all that obviousness, they lined up for the jabs.
I flew mine upside down in my neighborhood when Miralago was raided and when Trump was arrested. I thought my timing was obvious enough, but Veteran neighbors had to come down and asked my wife why. I wished I was home to ask them why theirs was not upside down with me
Every State except Iowa requires MMR vaccine for public schools. Iowa requires Measles and rubella but not Mumps
Are they really issuing these 45 million new shares?? Wouldn't that lower tne price/value? Wouldn't that be helping the naked shorters come up with these missing shares?
I wish she was my wife
Does someone know the answer to this?
Can a President choose any citizen for a Cabinet position? Head of Depts like Transportation, Agriculture, EPA, etc? FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA,?
I thought they can only choose from certain individuals or their choices have to be accepted by Congress?
There seem to be multiple beings in it. I see at least 4. They all seem to look like animal heads. I see baphomet, rabbit, owl
It looked like a man was helping holding the tranvestites legs
Looks like a small owl about an inch from the bottom
Agree. If you are caught committing election fraud as a govt officials. You should get the firing squad. I believe every citizen should, but especially a govt paid person. I mean wtf, we are so soft on purpose. To allow this shit. If we prized elections the way they should, it should be an executable offense.
I heard it was a conservative wants to take out a liberal mugger
So what does she owe Trump $ for?
I kind of respect him for trying to bribe NIKE.
Fuck those slave laborers
What a miserable and insufferable looking bitch