There was a Twitter account which has been banned for a while now. There’s a PDF floating around of all their drops. I’ll just copy paste verbatim some of the parts from the PDF where they mention their relationship to Q. They did many Q&As over the lifetime of the account.
There is nothing more Majestic than the Great Awakening. Re-read past drops. Here's the 40,000ft view:
- Majestic 12 was created as a result of Roswell (cover story - Operation Paperclip was the reason).
- The task of Majestic 12 was to conceal the extraterrestrial presence on Earth for "reasons of National Security."
- In late 1988, Majestic 12 reformed in an effort to bring the alien presence out into the open.
- There disclosure programs were created and members of the Majestic 12 were labeled such as MJ-1, MJ-2, etc to keep anonymity even among EYES ONLY classification settings.
- Majestic 12 has active operations ongoing in the United States from DIA assets using social media tools, like Anonymous Official, and this account to disclose vital information about the MAJESTIC reality that exists.
- This account is a conduit to three members' operations.
So the military/intel agencies are spreading info to the public and killing the deep state via 1000 cuts via multi sources (social media, msm, etc). All this to awaken the people as the world turns.
We call it the Great Awakening.
There is nothing more Majestic than the Great Awakening.
Q is mainstream and public unacknowledged by Mockingbird Clowns. Everybody knows. We can detect through our technology that over 200M people domestically inside the United States are actively aware of Q Anon (less than 50% read daily and less than that believe anything will happen).
Q is an entirely separate operation as we have repeated dozens or so times. MJ12 operates above the Federal Government's bureaucracy because of the severity of the classification pertaining to ongoing ET related operations. Q is Earth based only. MJ12 is not. Q !(not) = MJ12 MJ12 !(not) = Q
Therefore, since MJ12 is not only based with operations on Earth, but also other planets in the solar system (and "moons"), we therefore have a wide range of tools accessible only to us to use, and whether people can comprehend it or not, we chose Twitter to communicate over 8ch.
MJ12 have never asked you to not read Q posts, follow advice that Q has given you, or tried to misrepresent information Q has posted, nor will we ever on this account.
We are here to guide humanity through the Disclosure process. Not to Disclose the process itself, thats Qs role.
Mutually exclusive operations. One coming directly from the Federal Government, another originating from off planet. Same GOAL! The ET race that invaded Earth that has been feeding on your children must be stop. Great Awakening!
D-grade actors and a shitty script, I would have walked out by now if I was watching at the cinema.
I love your enthusiasm, it is infectious. I don’t think Q saying that it will be biblical is going to be an understatement. The world is about to have its collective mind blown and barely anybody knows it’s coming.
“Everyone make sure you go and get your shot”
I’m out
THEY want us divided by race, religion and sex.
WE will not stand for it, we love people of all race, religion and sex.
We are all ONE and where we go ONE we go ALL!
It’s all true, at this point I’m going all in with the craziest of conspiracy “theories” and assuming they’ll be proven right. What have I got to lose? I already look like a raving lunatic to my family and friends, can’t get any worse.
Pulled my hamstring on that stretch.
Her book “Trance: Formation of America” is a truely brutal read.
Q has said these people are EVIL / SICK and Cathy’s book lays it all out there for the reader.
Either the plan eventuates, or they come for the guns and at that point it’s time for 1776 again.
Couldn’t agree more. We look like a bunch of losers with Biden living rent free in our thoughts, similar to Trump and leftists the last 4 years.
Biden is irrelevant, we shouldn’t give these traitors the time of day!
Turn it off, do something else, you’ll be informed of happenings via the EBS. Until that time try to tune out the bullshit, you’ll feel much better.
This is reaching to the moon.
SCOTUS has already proved their worth of 0, military is the only way.
Makes sense, that is why the pill analogy works so well. Everyone digests at different rates, tolerances are built up etc. I could eat a whole tub of red pills at this point and I wouldn’t even notice.
One thing is so certain, there is no cure for a red pill. The cure for blue pill is the red pill.
These creatures will scurry like cockroaches once the light is shined upon them. You are part of the extermination squad. This movie is interactive, your part will begin soon. Patience!
This is so blatant to those of us awake. What is the source of this? A music video?
Do not dispair! I have not watched the video posted but if I’ve learned anything on my Q journey it’s to not take all this stuff posted by people on YouTube too serious.
Nothing can stop what is coming and it’s going to be biblical. You’re not going to glean any insider info from YouTube videos at this point, your going to learn about the happenings alongside the normies. It will be your job to guide them through this bumpy ride.
Enjoy the show!
It would differ on platform (mobile or desktop) but there should be an up arrow near the comment, click it and the number next to it will increase.
If evil beings of other species are able to walk among us then there also must be good beings of other species who walk among us.
I hope whatever silent war that is currently being fought over earth comes to a conclusion soon and good prevails, it has to, I can’t imagine any other outcome at this point.
Incredibly based individuals who I would love to have a beer and shoot the breeze with.
I love how basedness transcends generations, what was based 240 years ago is based today.
I can’t wait till these people are unable to walk down the street, or be performing in YouTube videos, or basically anything that isn’t lying in their cell in Gitmo.
I love these types of Trump pics, so genuine. Can’t be faked.
I wish I had been given a choice of pills, the red pill kinda just gets shoved in your mouth with no explanation. All of a sudden your mind just starts processing on a different wave length to everyone else.
Handshake = new account, with little or no comment points. Comment points you get by having your comment upvoted.
Gaining points basically means other users of the site like what you’re saying.
Here’s the link to the PDF
A lot of content to get through, open mind required.
It basically confirms that this whole operation is about the human race going through a spiritual awakening. Remember, it is going to be biblical!