Also, the summary posted the other day containing the links to all 7 parts piqued my interest so well that after reading the well-presented summary I read all 7 parts in 1 sitting.
I havent used twatter in almost 2 years. I looked at my old, original account yesterday; almost all of the posts have been removed lol.
Also, wtf is the deal with every child at that ceremony wearing a mask while none of the adults have them. Exactly the opposite of their fucked up "policy."
Apologies for MSM link.
Yes. The Catholic charities will do what they do, but theres only so much charity to go around, and 100% of this debacle lies square on joebama's weak ass pedophile shoulders. Worse still, it is 100% all intentionally, and that right there is what I'm going to remember when the legal bill comes due for that prick and his cabal.
The town of McAllen has been forced to set up a quarantine tent facility for them because the Feds keep dumping busloads of them at the Catholic charity in town and the charity says that they can't take anymore. Fucking democrats are doing this shit like it's legal and the right thing to do. Wrong, motherfuckers...everyone sees what you're doing.
Meanwhile joebama and that whore that nobody would vote for had a bullshit ceremony at the white house (lower case intentional) to give medals to the murderous and corrupt Capitol Police...the ones that arent suicides yet..., and it featured plenty of fake solemnity, amateur drama and creepiness with joebama groping and sniffing numerous children on nationwide television, while the whore looked on approvingly. I just caught a few moments of it; it was too sickening to watch. Fuck every one of those asswipes.
I dont know one way or the other, but the NCIS better make damn sure they're right about this guy. Look up Clayton Hartwig. That is all.
Dusty Hill died last need to worry about being shut out of ZZ Top gigs anymore.
Want to bet that he caught a weapons charge from them too, with that sword hanging off of him.
And as for the drink...kek.
I had no problem figuring out who I was gonna vote for, so according to the resident, I ain't black either.
Anybody else besides me feel a crippling case of schadenfreüde fixing to hit you when this shit breaks wide open? What is the antidote for that, just planning ahead.
I dont either, but you can bet I'm sharing this with my frens who do.
My Florida Bro...
I have a youngfriend, who I have been providing guidance through my experience in making inquiries into joining the Navy. We talked about this earlier today, before I saw this news, where I asked him how he felt. About the possibility that they would inoculate him with a covid jab. His response was as I expected - worried, and that his health would be compromised. Now, after reading this subj news, I hope that the theory of placebos for Patriots is a practice up there at bootcamp.
That's my awesome Governor. 🤘🤘
This gets filed in the "Crying like little bitches" folder.
I saw the part of that interview where he spoke about N95 masks not being effective and that RESPIRATORS should be worn. Fuckin gas masks? Nah...this is out of hand by now.
Retired Senior Chief Mineman here. I dont know about SEABEEs but we Weaponeers jerk it for effect...with checklists.
I was driving through Polk County a few weeks ago, stopped for a coffee at a convenience store where I ran Into a Polk County Deputy, where I acknowledged his work, and mentioned that our own Sheriff, Wm. Snyder of Martin County sent teams of Deputies to help arrest border crossers at the Texas border, which he had heard about We exchanged a few more based discussion points and agreed that our world is fucked without LEOs like Grady Judd.
I know fuckall about finance. I know only one thing when it comes to short squeezes - and that is I hold my $GME and $AMC like they are the last bananas in the world, and to keep stacking my shinies.
I watched that prick denying every charge (as anyone would, but) and 2 things I found despicable. 1) challenging accusers by name with his sleazy rationale, and 2) using the revelation that a family member suffers as a sexual abuse victim...the guy is a fuckin pig for doing that.
"When I medal, I will protest." - Gwen Barry
The next illogical idea from the idiot Left - watch them exempt black people from the impending vax mandates "in the spirit of sensitivity to the historical wrongs done to African Americans by our predecessors." Watch then as I break down into a fit of uncontrolled laughter.