Here's a link - about 2/3 down page it starts discussing 'unknown causes but here's a theory' (...microwaves) Gives concussion-like symptoms.
I hate to be an 'I told you so' person, but I am really tired of my friends talking around me (pretending they don't know I'm a pureblood) "selfish, endangering the rest of us, they're keeping this pandemic alive, stopping us from getting back to normal". And yet, they're sick every few weeks with a virus (It's Not Covid!) that is identical to flu.
Frontline Drs should develop a combo-shot of the antioxidants and amino acids and other 'stuff' (no hydras, please) that they have been touting for 'after-vax' remediation. Then, they patent it, make it, and sell it to the govt at $400/dose. Suggest boosters twice a year. These Frontline Drs have been out front on this at great personal risk to their careers. Dr Zelenko too - I understand that he has a terminal disease now.
Is this mess going to have to wait until 2024 to be investigated (spec counsel)? Nobody in public office right now would stand to gain by calling for an investigation. Maybe Devin Nunes can make some waves while he still has a known presence from his recent office? Or Navarro? I always like to see him on the shows. He holds nothing back.
Nothing for DS to gain by sponsoring this standoff. things were already going their way with mandates and lock downs. Wouldn't make sense to bring such attention to the world stage like this, It only hurts them, IMO.
This was announced on my local MSM station this morning - also that the app is on iTunes now. They gave a 2 minute blurb about it - no censorship for political comments, etc, but then added 'developed after President Trump was banned from FB for the January 6th riots in WDC.' Of course, they had to put that one in :'( But, a month ago, they would never have mentioned Truth Social at all.
Their success is felt only because of the MSM mouthpieces. Need to look behind the curtain. Also, the avalanche of independent doctors and researchers and podcasters putting out info (around the world) on the contents of the jabs and the adverse events of same. These articles are getting out there. We just desperately need an outlet in MSM. (Thanks,Jessie Watters, but we need an older, grey-headed establishment mouthpiece to start putting this stuff out too.)
Why aren't private harmed individuals or orgs suing Pfizer et al for this data? CDc would have copies of this, correct? Even if it doesn't succeed with revoking immunity for Pfizer et al, at least the truth can be in public domain and be circulated.