100%. I love Trump, but the admin absolutely needs to be held accountable to succeeding on this pillar of their campaign.
I very much want kids. Unfortunately my wife and I have been struggling, going on month 16 of trying. We’re in our young 30’s and both of us are perfectly healthy, no tests have said we should struggle having kids naturally either. It’s been a bit of a bummer.
What are the tactics they use to fight you on it? Trying to prep myself for when I have kids of my own (God willing).
Heck yeah! I love Adam and John. They crack me up and are probably the leading reason I didn’t get the vaccine. Without them during that time, I might have crumbled to the propaganda. Glad you enjoy!
I’m sorry to hear that about your stepdaughter. I can’t believe someone tried to paint autism as a gift to humanity. Talk about ignorance….
To your point, it’s that they KNEW this whole time. It’s one thing if vaccines cause autism, it’s an entirely different situation if the cause autism and officials knew about. Death penalty IMO.
Adam Curry’s show “No Agenda” is also fantastic. I love how they roast the media.
But she followed up with asking, “will you agree not to sue drug companies for four years after leaving office.”
She is a total hack.
They already are. It’s called Amazon One.
Lost my Mom in a similar fashion to yours just over a year ago. She was 63 years old and I miss her everyday.
In her last 6 months, she finally gave in to my pestering and decided to try Fenbendazole. Prior to trying it, she had gone two weeks without a bowel movement. After a few days of the protocol, her bowels became active again. A few days after that, full blown parasitic worms (I am dead serious, saw them myself) started to pass through her. That lasted a couple days until it stopped and things returned to normal.
Over the next few weeks after passing those, she miraculously started to feel better and better, even getting to the point where she could walk around our block with little fatigue. I was so excited and couldn’t believe what was happening, along with my family.
On our next visit to the doctor, they told her she needed to start a new oral chemo and to stop the fenben. We begged her not to and to stick with what we were doing. She took the doctors route and stopped the fenben. 3 weeks later, her bowels shut down again. 4 weeks later she was dead.
I pray for you friend. And I pray one day along with others in this movement we’ll be able to honor the legacy of the ones we’ve lost with cures we know exist. I took the slings and arrows of getting called “crazy” by friends and family with pride, and I hope you did too. Time and truth are on our side, stay strong.
Regardless of what you call it, it’s all a bunch of manufactured BS, and anons should make fun of it.
If I threatened to chop off my hand because I believe I should have been born without it, I’d be in a straight jacket tomorrow. If I threatened the same for my male genitalia, I’d be celebrated in the streets.
Mel was saying how he believes human sacrifice is still alive and well. I don’t think Joe caught on to what he meant, but I’m fairly confident Mel was alluding to abortion.
It’s a painful process especially with those you love. My mother was put through the cancer industry assembly line when she was diagnosed and I’m convinced the chemo is what ultimately killed her. She refused to change anything about her diet or lifestyle until the very end when there were no options left and it was too late.
My wife and I are struggling to get pregnant (month 14), Docs want to put her on all these hormonal drugs. She tried one dose and it sent her into a hyper anxious depressed mindset for 3 weeks. We bagged it and are now going full Mediterranean diet with a focus on Whole Foods and reducing stress. Fingers crossed it works.
It’s either what you said or Trump using Elon to thrust this discussion into the public domain without putting heat on him or his admin. Who knows, regardless I’m not worried.
What are the three?
Problem is they shut down or ferociously fight back if you start to go the “hard way”. I simply just don’t talk about it anymore if I get the sense the person isn’t aligned.
Patton did say he thought we fought the wrong enemy. Those Bolsheviks sure ended up creating some global problems.
You’re feeding a troll. American patriots love hard working legal immigrants. End of story. And anyone that says otherwise can find the door.
Signed, A white, “native” American. But really just another American, because real ones don’t give a fuck about race.
Great point on the vaccine comment from Trump. That was a pretty similar event to what’s going on now. He said something a massive part of his base disagreed with and we fought and pushed on. I foresee something very similar going on here.
Also, will definitely read those 36 stratagems!
Ammesty and removing liability from the Satanic vaccine industry that directly harms children.
Great analysis, I think you’re spot on. They’ll fail but whatever helps them sleep at night.
Or did they know how we felt and wanted to get this aired out into the public domain in a disruptive, engaging manner? Art of War is all about knowing and deceiving your enemy. I won’t be surprised if this all turns out to be a short-term tactic to help accomplish a long-term strategy.
My guess is replacing with American workers would significantly impact profit margins as well.
I think this was a test to gauge public reaction. My guess is they got their answer.
Maybe the plan is to piss us off to the point our voices on the subject(s) become so loud they’re impossible to ignore? Q did mention their goal was to awaken the people.