That they’re about to be exposed
For the record, I hate oil. I hate that our government and foreign governments have so much control over supply, demand and pricing. Hope no one takes my “electric won’t work” as being pro-oil.
To your point, I think we are on the verge of these technologies. Supposedly, Toyota is already far down the line of producing a hydrogen car. Most people criticized them for not falling for the electric scheme, we’ll see how things play out.
Pure electric vehicles are never going to work. Only way is hybrid or hydrogen.
…or water run car even though they killed the guy that invented that…
Every time I listen to her I dislike her more.. They are so far gone it’s almost fun to watch. Would be funnier if less people believed them.
Don’t forget my Lions. They’re exposing NFL corruption one game and flag at a time!
Right. I don’t disagree banks and credit car companies are predatory, but no offense, what bad decision making are you doing if you get caught up in their BS?
My parents always told me, “you can afford a Cadillac? Buy a Chevy.” Our culture has a big problem with living outside their means. No doubt the predatory practices need fixing, but we also need more responsibility and accountability.
What are you noticing in those vaccinated?
I think immune systems are shot. I know people that are going on month 3 of horrible head colds and flus.
What does the immune system help fight and hold off? Cancer. What happens when that immune system is overwhelmed? Easy to put it together.
Seems like somebody that’s designed to muddy the waters. Bring normies to question the vaccine but not the MOTIVES. There was motive, we all know that. Something tells me he know that, but for whatever reason he’s not saying it.
Always thought they were telling us something with those…
Prayers to you, Fren! Lost my Mom 4 months ago, she was only 62. To say it Broke my heart would be an understatement.
Only advice I have is to seek God, keep yourself physically healthy (eat well, get 20-30 minutes of exercise a day), and do your best to find joy in little things everyday. Also, keep on smiling with the knowledge that one day you’ll see your Dad again, that’s a promise!
Ammo is spent. We’ve reached critical mass!
The amount of my normie friends learning about Mossad and CIA honeypots through me today is crazy. I’m not sure what’s happened but suddenly they’re receptive to the info that our entire power structure is compromised. Crazy start to the New Year.
But what is the purpose of that strength? Only thing it’s helped me personally with so far is avoiding the death vax, which I guess is pretty significant more that I think about it..
Question is…what is the reason? Just to help shepherd the sheep?
Question is why are we the ones to walk it? Whats the purpose?
This is some of the most telling proof we have IMO. These companies only think with their pockets in mind, you don’t invest in something like this unless it’s an “emerging market”.
I’ve thought about this. Trump will be the nightlight that attracts all the mosquitoes, just to turn himself off and flick on another light (Fauci, Deep State, etc.) that were the real masterminds.
Will be very interesting to watch things unfold.
Good point, you might be on to something there. All I know is if I had gotten an injection only to have to get recalled due to negligence and greed, I’d be out for blood.
Too little too late. All this will successfully do is flip out the normies that took it.
Thank you! I’ve heard of Turtles All The Way Down, will check out!
Fellow MichiPede here as well. Unfortunately in the dreaded Wayne County. Hope our state turns it around this year 👍🏻
Correct. I noticed when I approached it from a place of wanting to help there was better reception. Something tells me they’re recognizing they messed up and are now looking to the ones that questioned things originally for help.
I think this is part of what Q meant by us being “chosen”. Deep down, we all have a desire to lead humanity toward the light. We need to drop our distaste for what they (includes loved ones and friends) did to us over the last few years and become beacons of hope by reaching out to help. If what we begin to recommend (alternative healing approaches, etc.) helps the Sheep recover, we now become their shepherd versus the MSM or other authorities. It’ll take some time but I actually see a huge opportunity for our “side” to strengthen its grip on the narrative.
Now I want to know the current rates of SIDS per capita in Idaho as compared to other states. Something tells me they are lower…
Wife and I are hoping to have children soon. I’m extremely skeptical and she is luke warm, she is very nervous about potentially opting out of vaccines for the kids. Any tips or things to read or watch that changed your mind?
And will be working to expose it…