It’s either what you said or Trump using Elon to thrust this discussion into the public domain without putting heat on him or his admin. Who knows, regardless I’m not worried.
What are the three?
Problem is they shut down or ferociously fight back if you start to go the “hard way”. I simply just don’t talk about it anymore if I get the sense the person isn’t aligned.
Patton did say he thought we fought the wrong enemy. Those Bolsheviks sure ended up creating some global problems.
You’re feeding a troll. American patriots love hard working legal immigrants. End of story. And anyone that says otherwise can find the door.
Signed, A white, “native” American. But really just another American, because real ones don’t give a fuck about race.
Great point on the vaccine comment from Trump. That was a pretty similar event to what’s going on now. He said something a massive part of his base disagreed with and we fought and pushed on. I foresee something very similar going on here.
Also, will definitely read those 36 stratagems!
Ammesty and removing liability from the Satanic vaccine industry that directly harms children.
Great analysis, I think you’re spot on. They’ll fail but whatever helps them sleep at night.
Or did they know how we felt and wanted to get this aired out into the public domain in a disruptive, engaging manner? Art of War is all about knowing and deceiving your enemy. I won’t be surprised if this all turns out to be a short-term tactic to help accomplish a long-term strategy.
My guess is replacing with American workers would significantly impact profit margins as well.
I think this was a test to gauge public reaction. My guess is they got their answer.
Yup. I took a break from GA but am now back after this X controversy. Pulling blue check marks from people questioning the narrative really made me raise an eyebrow.
I believe it. Have read those theories on X and they make absolute sense. Think he’s related to Lincoln too. If you photoshop Trump with a tall top hat and some facial hair the resemblance is there.
Many theorists on X that Trump is part of Payton’s bloodline. I believe it.
What way did it change her? I’ve noticed the vaxxed have slowed down a bit. Cant quite put my finger on it but the ones I know seem more lethargic and get sick more often.
I feel for you. Moved out of Chicago a couple years ago. I know you want to save them, but my happiness has skyrocketed since leaving that place. The toxic energy was too much for my spirit to handle.
We can all hope. Something tells me we have a little ways to go before we get there but it is on the horizon.
Going to be honest, X has taken more time from me than here but I still use both.
Right? That caught me as well. Holy moley it’s been almost 5 years. Almost hard to believe.
He said that with some serious confidence….
Almost like it’s planned…
Can you imagine the fight to get there? The vaccine industry alone is billions of dollars. These two have giant targets on their backs, I pray for their strength in the fight ahead.
Why do you think European descent is targeted? This part always confuses me. Like why not other races? Maybe something with genetics?
While an interesting theory, I’m willing to bet that things do not go down like this this week. No other evidence of that other than these predictions always fall flat on their face.
It’s a painful process especially with those you love. My mother was put through the cancer industry assembly line when she was diagnosed and I’m convinced the chemo is what ultimately killed her. She refused to change anything about her diet or lifestyle until the very end when there were no options left and it was too late.
My wife and I are struggling to get pregnant (month 14), Docs want to put her on all these hormonal drugs. She tried one dose and it sent her into a hyper anxious depressed mindset for 3 weeks. We bagged it and are now going full Mediterranean diet with a focus on Whole Foods and reducing stress. Fingers crossed it works.