Witness2Reality 1 point ago +1 / -0

The plan/blueprint that the Q team did/is/tried to follow was initially meant to 'go live' under JFK, but lack of support* forced it into a military 'contingency' plan, basically forced monitoring that could only be seen as prophecy with each marker hit. ^support could be replaced with a lot of descriptors here...willingness to give up dishonest wealthiness, and sadly for many it was inability to comprehend/entertain (such a sophisticate enemy, or an even higher level counter.)

Time and success are the only paths to confirming this bit of Q-history, but I'm hopeful enough to sound like a crazy person for a while.

Witness2Reality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same here. They were definitely using all of the podcast tricks (how to turn 2 minutes of content into a 40 minute 'show'). With that 'filter' applied the only thing 'suspicious' I saw was what looked like the guy on the left using his mic for (smirk) cover a few times. That plus the lack of sourcing tips the scales a little bit in the fake direction. I've ended up back on the fence....even saying, 'I found it on [insert] website, go check it out' would be better than being the only source.

Witness2Reality 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did they mention where this leaked audio came from? Its certainly a very good fake/impersonation if it isn't real...my ears say real. [word choice 'pal, etc', inflections, along with breathing/where breaths are taken all seem to match.]

Witness2Reality 9 points ago +9 / -0

This has a lot of the pre-warnings of a self-attack FF. Troops there, to set up the pretext that there were threats (if they had a legit threat wouldn't they have already neutralized it?). Then the bigger players back out, send sacrifices in their place, use some proxy to attack the place, and use their presstitutes to sell the narrative they are victims and blame 'nationalist terrorists'.

I hope that doesn't happen, but the stage is well set for it. [I was hoping they'd all be there and by some miracle the troops were there to arrest them all...still in the cards...maybe some got tipped off?] Both scenarios are kinda polar extremes, but we don't seem to be seeing a whole lot of null/neutral happenings these days.

Witness2Reality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Info is there for the most part...HEK293 ('immortalized' human embryonic kidney cells) are the 'host'. To which some things are added, the spike component being https://www.addgene.org/145032/ pcDNA3.1-SARS2-Spike, which is a synthetic something or other to invoke a spike protein expression. So it is still effectively a simulation rather than a real-life test.

Witness2Reality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed, thanks. Got crossed up, focusing on where they're sourcing the S-protein from (didn't see any mention on the first read) and then a mix-up of vitro/silico added some confirmation bias towards it being 'virtual'....guess I need to give it another look to see where they're getting these S-proteins to test Natto against. [weren't there some massive 'bounties' on the table for tangible proof of a Cov-19 causative agent/isolated sample?] are the S-proteins really a synthetic creation based on the seemingly in silico nature of the rest of this pandemic? or is this a sample from a jabbed spike factory? or have they actually used/proved the real initial causative agent? ...somewhat rhetorical, but if you caught something I'd love to know.

Witness2Reality 3 points ago +3 / -0

Having not born fruit of my own research down this rabbit hole I'm hesitant to suggest much, but the most promising road let to Vortex geometry/math (as being the proper perspective/framework within which to apply the 3-6-9). Good Luck.

add: https://awakeningtimes.com/nikola-teslas-secret-behind-the-numbers-3-6-and-9-is-finally-revealed/ this is the only bookmark I've got for that 3-6-9 Vortex math (sounds like the same thing sleepydude is referring too)

add2: I re-read that link and remember how my search ended..ultimately 'the secret', as told through this Doubling/3-6-9/VortexMath avenue isn't anything like the secrets to free energy. Rather, a fairly sobering view on duality and physical manifestation requiring the polarity of good and evil, one unable to exist without the 'geometric' balance of the other. I've yet to see or think of any application to his inventions or free energy...quite sure that's still the missing puzzle piece surrounding the whole mystery. (was it really sustainably sourced, with his shutdown coming at the hands of oil barons?...or could it have been 'hacking' the duality so to speak and he was shut down by the '9'?)

Witness2Reality 7 points ago +7 / -0

Coming full circle to my first post here (about my experiences with an alternative Lyme treatment). When it's all said and done there's going to be some obvious and close link...just way too many coincidences.

[deleted, I got mixed up on terms here, see DRQ reply below.]

Nattokinase, in my findings, was effectively an external influx of enzymes to simulate a 'tipping' of the scales in favor of protein/peptide chain metabolism. At least in the case of the Lyme protocol, that was just one prong of a three-pronged attack, re-balancing (or likely over-compensating knowing a relaxation would occur) the whole deck between fats, carbs, and proteins. Ultimately, I believe I achieved the same via an almost pure carnivore diet for 4 weeks, and subsequent carb minimizing (I always have effectively eaten in intermittent fasting cycles, and that's a factor too).

Ketosis, a non-acidic body pH, and not having a vitamin or mineral deficiency seem to be the three things that contribute to a hostile terrain for whatever these diseases really are (certainly seem to have as much of a fit with parasites as any other classification).

Witness2Reality 1 point ago +1 / -0

I found a 120 page PDF, but it's likely not the original [this one published in '93...original would be in the 60's it seems].

If you take this review exploration to goodreads.com you will find a comment that leads to a private site providing the pdf. Having not fully explored it yet, idk what to make of it and certainly don't want to effectively skip steps in the research process for people (steps where you might see something I missed).

Witness2Reality 2 points ago +2 / -0

As honest as this guy might be, no one can fill in the blanks when looking at 57/284 'sanitized/redacted' pages. There's a bit of 'artistic liberty' taken here, and from what I'm reading on the book reviews there's content that this guy won't touch.

One review (on Amazon, nonetheless) stands out in particular though: "Not the full uncensored version you can get for free online, still a lot of very important pages missing which ruined the purchase for me." Is there really a full version somewhere? Is the 57 page remake a whitewash and this video an attempt to wrangle people towards that rather than the full thing? Idk, but I'd sure like to get my hands on the full thing.

Witness2Reality 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's likely an effective admission it has already been done, with this just being part of the post-deed marketing campaign to sell it as a good thing.

Witness2Reality 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not at all absurd to me...have to leave it there, cause I'm not clear on what has happened to me personally, me in past lives, or vicarious perception of someone else entirely. I'm quite sure that clones were the initial phase of the separation we now see between 'public facing leaders' and those who actually move things in the shadows.

Witness2Reality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks, appreciate the insight. I can see the accessibility factor/value for sure (didn't before).

Witness2Reality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, very small cross-over (think ven-diagram) between 1A and Treason...most lies slipped in under the cover of Free Speech don't correspond with actions that undermine the Presidency and Will of the People that got him there. I'd have to think we've already got it covered on the books.

Witness2Reality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone have any experience with one? Doesn't seem like that picture even shows one...which I find though other searches to be a literal strap on the stock that anchors the gun to your forearm (seemingly favoring a smaller gun, and I'd think at massive expense to accuracy since it seems centered around one-armed usage.) ...that said I don't have any experience with them to know for sure.

Witness2Reality 10 points ago +10 / -0

"Also, guilt is rarely a good motivator". Unbelievable.

The human mind comes equipped with a gift from God. An undying spark of Truth...a backup/anti-virus of sorts. Separate 'self' from it enough, stifle it and 'lock it in the closet of one's mind', and you end up like these sad souls.

I can't totally fault them for ending up here, as there are many pitfalls along the road to get to this point that make it easier to deny that which cannot be killed. I find it within reason that they've been trying to suppress this in the population for quite some time now via various means, so some are pre-disposed toward this state via external forces. Our job is to be a gentle external force in the other direction, but make no mistake they must chose to excavate this Truth from within themselves.

Witness2Reality 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems to fit with sitting on them for a while and with the way they have been mysteriously all discovered, at most within a few months, and handed over. (also spreading to multiple location could ensure he couldn't be quickly disarmed of it.)

There is definitely a rift between the 'actors on the stage' and those behind the curtain...I'm torn between your idea and one where those behind the curtain missed a transition and had fallen for White Hat acting; just now reacting to not being in control of the stage.

I'd imagine the exact contents of the documents would provide that clarity, but so far all I've seen is seemingly unsupported guessing. Have I missed something confirming the contents?

Witness2Reality 2 points ago +2 / -0

here's a coincidence for you.

and here's another study demonstrating we do in fact have a 'bio-field' (whether we 'are' that field or just have it consequentially is irrelevant). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8981232/

might not be able to prove the initial premise, but one can for sure demonstrate it is a legitimate line of thinking/questioning.

Witness2Reality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our bodies do resolve down to energy fields so it would stand to reason there would be environmental interactions (other fields) that would lead to an interference pattern (and there would be varying effects; with some frequencies having mild constructive interference or 'not bad' effects, and likely some specific values/tight ranges that cause destructive interference and effectively destroy tissue.

Here's one study's abstract confirming that, albiet on lower frequencies than 5g. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/751078/ [not sure where the actual study materials/data are, but I'd imagine there are more like this to be found.]

I'm not sure we'd see any sort of public scientific test of a 'death frequency'...kinda hard to do a study where you're deliberately trying to invoke/prove a death response. I'd imagine any proof would have to be classified/hidden (discovered and kept under gov't or military programs). There are certainly a lot of 'sources' pointing to this being a causal relationship (5g + sudden death), but do seemingly require reading between the lines or connecting the dots, rather than having undoubted proof.

Witness2Reality 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you're saying to OP's is AI generated too? (or is that me inferring/projecting lol?)

[not discounting the compounding things you lay out, could very well be...but then you posted that image, now I can't discount both being AI generated.]

Witness2Reality 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right there with you. I do the only thing I can do and that's take it one day at a time. Everyday I battle with thoughts of 'I can't continue to live in this environment (world).' Usually I need just one specific thought to break that though, 'This is how Jesus must have felt. I'm in good company.' Might be a cognitive self-trick involved, but somehow that gives me a boost of fortitude.

[I've also recently come across a Christ-ian tie in to buddhism and 'shakras'. Looked into that stuff before and it didn't seem to 'work' for me...eventually classified it as woo-woo bull-dung, but there might be something there. I gave it another go with new perspective and I'm feeling sensations of 'the river' flowing...remains to be seen if there's any 'gain', but at the very least it's given me a pathway into meditation (that I struggled with before) and a good 30 minutes each day sitting quietly and 'listening' to my body. https://www.bitchute.com/video/v7O3VkW0siZ0/ Here's the video, certainly has a better foundation than New Age Shakra stuff. Maybe not your thing, just sharing what's getting me through atm.

Witness2Reality 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hear ya. BTW, there's no rule against saying I'm wrong :p [teasing you, that's a good anti-confrontational starter...another one to add to the repertoire is 'I see it slightly differently'. Going to try to implement that more myself, thanks.]

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