No it will be tweeted
But what does that say about their critical thinking abilities
Please remember. Violence is not the answer. It’s the bait. The board has been infiltrated to push patriots to violence.
We have it covered.
But never relent. Maintain pressure on your legislatures. The audits are coming. Decertification is coming. Trump is coming. Justice is coming
He is
Be patient
Why do you think factfiler believes no one died???
But to confirm, you left your fiancé because he
- Didn’t want to take the vaxx, but gave in anyway
- Bexause he had a different opinion on the vaxx
Happy you found someone.
I’m a sucker for love stories
2020 Is being fixed
Moves are being made in the background. I’m Aware, but can’t say the details yet. Nov 15th, more will be relayed
I have done everything to fix 2020
Why did you leave your fiancé?
This made my day.
Nov 2nd. I’ve been working on this theory for a while. It’s coming true
I’ve been telling all my friends this
But it would be Nov 2, not the 3rd
Elections are on Tuesday
The tests are pretty good at detecting Covid