Gab is slow and cluncky.
Telegram isn't amazing either, but at least it's smooth.
Since the 6th really.
Some think it's abondoment, he gave up, was gotten to, tired, or simply lost, swamp too big.
Others see it as a sign of clear intention.
Anyone got a link to his EOs list?
COGCON 4 represents normal peacetime operations.[1] COGCON 3 is a state of heightened readiness, with some government officials required to notify a Watch Office as to their location.[1] During the U.S. State of the Union address, the COGCON is raised to this level and a cabinet member is the "Designated Survivor." COGCON 2 calls for deployment to a relocation facility with four hours notice. [2] COGCON 1 calls for the United States government to be relocated to secure, fully staffed bunkers[1] such as the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center.
From Wikipedia
It's also seems unlikely that right before inaguration we'd all get a text on our phones with "the storm has arrived".
My point is, just because it's likely, doesn't mean it's not possible. This entire website is based off of possibilities vs likely hood.
Also there's tons of great black Patriots.
Haha sorry. I had to start somewhere.
Trump letter to pelosi and pence.
Ever since parler went down I don't know where to find him. Anyone know where he's posting these days?
I predict they won't go for it anyways.
What's more likely is that a ton of people show up on the 6th. Most will eventually leave as the convenings drag on. The stragglers will clash with Antifa/BLM throughout dc until the 20th.
Great thread! Thanks a lot
haha, I've just gone down the Q hole so am fairly new.
This is after having gone down the conspiracy hole in general, and regarding the election.
Can wait to see the look on my wifes face when I start telling her about Q now.
I dont know shit about fuck, but I appreciate how he has stuck to his guns on the clear objectively logical accounts of election fraud.
As opposed to aligning himself with the more "edgy" accusations of S. Powel and co. Which I completely agree with.
But someone in his position who has the duty in a more public sense to make sure these accusations are digestible, to the point, and accessible to your average person.
Not everyone can comprehend the extreme allegations of S. Powell, Lin Wood etc besides people like us. Its almost overwhelming for your common layman.
So I understand Guiliani's distancing and sticking to the "hard facts", so to speak.
I've been wondering the same. It is undeniable, or just suggested, circumstantial, implied?
I feel like for how brainwashed people are and the mental gymnastics they'd be willing to attempt it would have to be undeniable.