acQuired_Intel 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly, he uses it for political arguing points against Trump during the campaign until November and then when the election is over, Gavin and the DNC make it all go away for the Bidens.


acQuired_Intel 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm telling you, Gavin is their pitch hitter, that's all they got left, Fren.

acQuired_Intel 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't think so, not even slightly.

Mikey does not want the scrutiny or limelight and neither does Barry.

Barry is so closely tied into Biden's criminality that he is just fine pulling the puppet strings from the shadows. Barry has been running this administration for 3 years and the FBI for 8, why would he want to put his boy toy at risk?

acQuired_Intel 5 points ago +8 / -3

Follow my logic, Gavin has already debated DeSatis, even though he is not officially running for 2024 Presidency.

Now, Gavin lets his AG go hog wild on Hunter, as a threat to Joe, with DNC approval no doubt. Joe steps down from running again. He thinks he will be saving his legacy and his son.

Gavin keeps the investigation going throughout the election, claiming he is tough on crime and prosecuting the bad man's son.

This would paint him in a similar light as Trump, a good guy taking out the trash but with more media support and less criminal court cases against him.

acQuired_Intel 26 points ago +27 / -1

And this is how Gavin Newsom gets to be front runner on the ballot against impeachment Joe.

This is literally a movie, scripted, produced and acted out by politicians, judges and the talking heads media.

If this planet was a bus, I would be pulling the emergency stop cord.

acQuired_Intel 1 point ago +1 / -0

The car actually crashed into a barrier, took flight and then exploded midair. Allegedly, who knows? It could have been Cheech and Chong's last run for all we know.

acQuired_Intel 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well done, whoever created this made me jealous that I had not thought of it first.

acQuired_Intel 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't worry, everyone has a brain fart every now and again and needs to step away for a while. It is even healthy.

We all come back eventually. As she/he writes so eloquently, about our journey to awakening, I cannot help but laugh.

I woke up over two decades ago but there was no Q or mass awakening, just a handful of nutjobs who broke through the veil of mass media programming and started seeing world Governments, agencies and formerly trusted institutions as the villains and creators of our world's woes.

I have to look away from this lunacy more and more frequently and have to remind myself of the beauty all around me that these villains cannot take away from me, ... yet.

acQuired_Intel 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are not trying to be disrespectful, but replicant clones have a fault with involuntary eye movement. One eye looks toward the camera and the other eye can't help stair at a little girl offstage.

I think that would be a funny garrison toon meme.

acQuired_Intel 2 points ago +2 / -0

What blows my mind is the Candidates the RNC drummed up. The worst of which, is Nikki Haley the most constantly liberal policy adhering to, globalist scum villain on this side of Tatooine.

Then we have a billionaire crook who scams investors out of a billion dollars on a drug he knew could not ever get to market but exploited loopholes in the law to screw people legally.

The best in the running has been savaged by the 10's off millions Trump spent to diminish his chances and the dude put all of his eggs in the Ohio basket, now Ron is all but dust in this race.

The Democrats want Trump as the nominee, I just can't figure out what card they are going to play, Biden is too toxic for them to risk it again, IMO, but who knows?

Maybe they are that stupid and think they can cart Biden's corpse over the finish line, with kite string waving his hands and the aviator glasses making crispy Joe look cool.

acQuired_Intel 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good point.

I seriously doubt that it is Barry or the DNC's plan to actually do another sequel to weekend at Bernie's with a Biden run. If True, who do you think they have as a last-minute ace up their sleeve as a candidate?

acQuired_Intel 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's cuz he thought 17 was the age of consent :)

Or maybe the Ghosts know how to remind pedes of the truth about the puppet Pres. on his 81st B-day.

Maybe the message is; the same dude falling up and down staircases, tripping off the stage, who can't form sentences and shits his pants when meeting the Pope is going to be 82-yeas-old, two weeks after the election next fall.

I doubt Joe will be around, let alone running for President.

acQuired_Intel 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, look at it from Obama's perspective. If Joe goes down for his myriad crimes and treasons, Obama knows creepy Joe will rat out the big dog to save his own ass.

Obama advised Joe not to run in 2020 obviously knowing Joe's dirt and knowing Joe's level of stupidity mixed with hubris would put himself in jeopardy.

Once Joe got in the Whithouse Obama had no choice but to put his people into place, not only to protect himself by protecting Joe but also to be the master of puppets for his thrid term in office.

But Obama is no fool, he knows how dangerous Joe's idiocy is to him and the islamo-communist party that he spent over a decade building. All his work in taking over the FBI, DOJ, MSM and parts of the military will be undone if Joe's corruption is revealed to the world. The chain of evidence will lead back to Barry, and he knows it.

If I were Obama, I'd have nine different plans of dealing with Joe when he was expendable or becomes a greater liability than an asset.

acQuired_Intel 8 points ago +10 / -2

So, your post is disingenuous from the start, I see no posts in here with comments like what you have claimed and if there were any such calls to violence then the mods here are on the case, quickly removing hateful violent comments. Your link as proof of such comments show no evidence, just a list of names. The comments section below shows no call to arms.

Posting a list of names of people who have betrayed their constituents and oath of office is not a call to violence but a call to recognition and culpability.

I suggest you take your lies and crying elsewhere.

acQuired_Intel 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thia isn't a joke?


I have to play it and I think I'll get my son a copy for Christmas.

acQuired_Intel 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know boyz, P Diddy is a good Christian boy, this sounds like a Me-Too attack on our righteous brethren.

And then I slink away to collect my damage control check.

Doh! Did I say that ought loud?

acQuired_Intel 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was going to come busting in with, "Hell yeah he should". But I read your post first and I think you hit it on the head.

The timing is wrong right now, but the interview is inevitable.

acQuired_Intel 2 points ago +2 / -0

@LakotaPride, I watched the testimony, I found it compelling, adding more detail to exactly who did it, and the information parallels similar previous activity by Dominion software over-turning elections in South America.

My question to you, because I respect your opinion, do you believe her testimony as trustable sauce?

I tend to believe but other commentors below are singing different songs.

What is your take on it?

acQuired_Intel 5 points ago +5 / -0

From the title, I actually thought this post was a joke set-up like, how many Polish immigrants does it take to screw in a lightbulb? But this is no joke.

The reality of these cars requiring the per/hour energy consumption equivalent of 280 homes is just laughably absurd.

The same lunacy effected climate warriors, who tell us all to go green and drive these E-cars, also say no to coal energy plants and say no to nuclear steam driven power.

I guess they think we can charge all these E-cars and E-bikes and provide electric power to half a billion homes and businesses on their bright ideas alone.

acQuired_Intel 8 points ago +9 / -1

I will apologize. But at present, I stand fast, declaring she is nuttier than a snickers bar.

acQuired_Intel 4 points ago +9 / -5

She's been going on about secret tribunals for years.

Nut job.

I drop more truth when visiting this board in one night than she will in a decade of her delusional podcasts.

acQuired_Intel 1 point ago +1 / -0

I apologize to you all, but I am told it is because of my face.

The government needs to violate your civil liberties, overextend its lawful boundaries and tax you into slavery to protect you from my face.

A third of a trillion freshly printed dollars a year is now being spent to protect you from my face.

My face apologizes to you, but my face will be the last thing certain enemies see before their judgement. I can assure you.

acQuired_Intel 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hal Turner? Really?


Breaking news, The Easter Bunny has been accused of decades long conspiracy to give away candy that causes low birth rate among white Christians.

Tune in next week for the smoking gun sauce.

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