I grew up in the 50's and 60's. Somewhere along the way the world changed. I do mess with odd inventions time to time and am open to the idea that I may have inadvertently zapped myself into parallel clown world. I really am at a loss.
Wow. You agree now, for the first time as far as I can tell, that it actually said what it said,...while qualifying your acknowledgement in "semantics"... meaning you have always read it other than written and intended, knowingly, so as to alter the message to fit your agenda. You then take your own distorted interpretation as grounds to call for violence and physical destruction of property. Those who with nothing but honorable intentions who with their own effort and funds, neither asking nor demanding anything of others, left ridiculed, threatened, accused of heresy, satanism and just generally being murderous demons. Good show, mate. "who are these fckers to tell the surviving humanity what population they should have?" ( by the by...no where did the stones tell anyone what they "should or shouldn't" by coercion or force...more interpretation semantics' I suppose) That would be the "fuckers" who at great expense, facing excommunication, and ridicule both from those they were exposing and future beneficiary recipients of the exposure, made an effort to do something for the benefit and survival of humanity. I read your 12 points. Do you claim any of them as your own thoughts?...or parroted thought/ statements of others? I ask because I saw nothing I hadn't seen many times before. I won't comment on them separately. In general I agree with the sentiment...in general, as applies generally to conspiratorial things across the board. None of it has jack to do with the stones or their creators other than as applied by your admitted intentional distortions and false allegations and agenda. When I asked if you had any comments actually regarding the stones it was to clarify your intent in interceding in a thread where someone got their feelers hurt for being called on BS. I honestly had no idea I was disrupting the rumors of the good folks of Melbourne.
If I were an alien or demon bent on giving folks on some distant planet crap, I wouldn't go there at all. I'd send 20 A-I's to 20 different planets, so I didn't have to worry about life support, and I'd be messing with all 20 !
Now there is a good argument. I haven't been to Australia. Always had wanted to. Not likely I will. If you visit the states, I wouldn't put NG at the top of the list to visit, certainly not in terms of attractions. (The one they had is gone now anyhow). That said, it's rural. Even today it is more than 90% white Christian. In 1980 that was likely 99.9% and still very rural. Not many coming or going either. Most families on the same land for generations,...pretty much since the trail of tears. Every small community tight knit. Go to any local cemetery in any town for 5 counties around and you find headstones with my surname going back to 1700. Not the most welcoming of places. Lots of farmers, working people. God fearing family folks. Could be none of that is relevant, or maybe at the heart of it. Interesting it was generally glossed over. The stones will never be viewed as intended. The chances they would have ever been found were always deemed very low in any case. In the end I do agree this has been a better solution... their destruction that is... It was something of a surprise (likely not to everyone) they became an attraction at all. They were definitely not placed where they were to be an attraction. Of all the verbiage in all the languages and the time capsule and the astral alignments, one segment of one line..."maintain the population at 500,000,000", was continuously miss-read where in the misreading was the actual reading from the original manifesto it was taken from and accused of exposing. This was the crux of it. The exposure of elite eugenicists plans that are now in the public domain as a result of people made aware of the stones is staggering. One could argue that in the end their reach was far greater than ever imagined at their conception.
When penned down by a mod...laughable. One of my several bans was from a mod here, I called out for openly calling for the stones to be bulldozed shortly before they were destroyed. Nothing has changed and I don't think I have avoided answering any answerable direct questions...going back years prior. In all that time I have never proposed any "theory" regarding the stones other than my speculation regarding their demise. I must say the Melbourne virologist one was pretty good. Hadn't heard it before. Be well, pede.
Holly *^%#$!