the president is like the locomotive pulling the train. Over time our train has gotten so big, one locomotive couldn't move us down the tracks, we have to use several heavy locomotives, maybe some pulling and some pushing
if you were a liberal, it was generally because the government was obviously corrupt and the system favors self-serving liars. The culture war divide gets played up big time by our subversive enemies who are usually quite comfortable themselves.
admitting that it's a serious problem with modern society, i.e. none of us are made for this modern world is the first step... but yeah, the whole 'owning the libs' is laughably immature and worth nothing. If they continue listening to celebrity media garbage, they will never heal. There's a lot of weak sad people on both sides, and we get little credit for anything we do to help. In the end, the media, athletes, celebrities, etc will take credit for everything good people do, which is the disease in a nutshell.
the strategic national inventory is pop-up field hospitals packed into semi-trailers. There's a bunch in commercial caves around the country, they could be spreading them out, or could be new stock to replace some that's ageing/ expiring. I think they anticipate something, we've made destruction elsewhere our business for so long, what goes around comes around. Between solar maximum 2025 and gladio events from deepstate pervs, we're only halfway through hell.
debating an msm viewer is like trying to explain to a criminal that some people succeed by honest work; they're simply not interested in that message.