asknetC 3 points ago +4 / -1

ThanQ fren for another Plandemic incontrovertible proof.

This is called evidence!

God Bless

God Won

asknetC 0 points ago +1 / -1

I meant across USA and the World.

You live in a County and you WWG1WGA in a Country.

County is a geography and community.

Country is a concept with Common External Borders.For limited issues that extend beyond county limits. Like commerce, etc.

asknetC 4 points ago +5 / -1

Returderos - some will sacrifice their own Children to Baal - just to stay in the Evil System that they pay for and obey.

Instead forcing Public Servants to serve community - they have already choosen to be slaves of their own Servants, as if they were chattel property begging for an owner.

Brain Dead Zombies WHO want to live in ZombieLand.

asknetC 2 points ago +4 / -2

J&J is like Sputnik from Russia.

That's why ClowNzZ are against J&J shot.

Stay away from experiment of "GENE Therapy"!

Few years ago, when they only wanted your money, ClowNzZ marketed "targeted gene therapy" when they were saying that they can cure any illnesses by "fixing your unique DNA" - now ClowNzZ tell you that the same 2 shots can "repair any DNA" with the same formula of unknown ingredients for any person in the world.

No concern for age, race, sex, weight, illnesses, immune system difference, diet, culture, geography, etc

Even dosage is the same for children or adults.

The ConVidzz absurdity is designed for you not to think about election Big Lie, or audits that are ongoing.

They told you that you are a Monkey, and that's why they experiment on you as if you're a Lab Monkey.

There's a movie where Monkeys break out of the Lab to avoid cruel experimentation on them. Forgot the title.

Act as Human made in God's image not as Lab Rats.

Your immune system is better than any vAxxSINss put together.

Don't let them make you into a patentable property. You have rights to defend!

Don't think what the Country can do for you, but think what you can do for the country!

asknetC -1 points ago +1 / -2

Quarens will need to decide what's more important.

Children or Political Correctness

Motherhood and Fatherland


Birthing Persons and Open Borders

asknetC 0 points ago +2 / -2

He is not a Junior anymore.

Married with children.

So no - JFK Jr is no more.

It is JFK senior now.

asknetC -1 points ago +1 / -2

Those you think were bad will turn out Good

Those you think were good will turn out Bad


asknetC -1 points ago +1 / -2

Delta Force

Chopper Down

Military is the only Option

Should People Fail

asknetC -2 points ago +1 / -3

Stand up for ConVidzz Elections

Big Lie

Don't lose sight of Don's sacrifice, just because you survived ConVidzz!

asknetC 1 point ago +3 / -2

Unity Beyond Humanity

One Nation Under God

asknetC 1 point ago +3 / -2

There might be 3

1 was

2 under The New Republic

King Don

Bigger than King Kong

Smaller than

Kingdom of God

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