No chicken planks? And how many crumblies did you get??
We have the cards. Z never had the cards.
Because she is exhibit A of central casting
Bring down AOC and the entire curtain is lifted
-How politicians are chosen and planted -How useless and fake non technical college degrees are -How public facing personas are created
You cannot just tell them, you have to show them
Ok, so any nutrition otaku, need your input
Where do you stand on d3?
I am on a Facebook group (group name secosteroid hormone D if you want to read it) which is very anti d3 supplementation
They have tons of research, tons of documents, it seems pretty well thought out. Pretty much, the argument is that d3 in any form except for sunlight is poison and pretty much a direct cause of disease
This goes against the position of the medical industry, but also a lot of the wellness sphere, there are tons of nutrition and supplement experts who consider d3 vital. In fact, d3 is also part of the Z protocol and several other anti covid or anti cancer regimens that are popular amongst anons and the MAHA scene
So where do you stand? Curious to see what our own health experts think. I almost wish I could send this to RFK but I know he is a busy man
Jigsaw makes some of the best cod oil.
Crazy expensive but good, nothing compares to the real thing but Jigsaw and Rosita are the least likely to be rancid and have benefit
I posted this for awareness
This page is owned by actblue.
We need to make people aware the DNC is lying to them
You can doom but I do not think it is a good idea. Best to be cozy.
You coud try datefagging, it can be a let down but it can also be really exciting
Planefagging is really difficult but you might find the effort required super rewarding
whatever path you choose, being anon is the best
There are 3cyl compacts in Europe that get 100mpg and they do not get into accidents even surrounded by supercars on the autobahn
But here we are one, brainwashed into thinking we need X amount of power and two, scared into thinking anything less than a moving fortress is a deathtrap. Then they add kids as an excuse, so your cars get even more bloated because they need space and hardware for giant car seats that expire every 10 yeard
Q is worldwide, you are on the right path do not mind the downvotes.
Would love to see Lin Manuel Miranda arrested. I hope he is on the E list
Talk about a hack, his musicals are worse than the High School Musical movies
Based Houston anon, glad me and my wite are not the only ones.
Tell me you played Xenogears without telling me you played Xenogears.
Best comment all the way at the bottom. But this board really hates esoteric Christianity so it is expected
This one right here. I interpret the Bible literally so sign me up for New Kingdom and glorified bodies, no more sickness or death. And none or that we are a shapeless, non sentient blob praising him 24 hours a day, but fully alive in crystal cities as described biblically and infinite possibility for eternity.
501c3 Church is controlled opp, part of a two prong attack to institute sharia. People really wonder why 99% of corporate church business is about how women dress or when people have sex? It is all part of subjugation goals
I am in his district. His district is largely poor, old people. And all he uses his seat for is grandstanding when he should be desperate to work with Trump to lift his district out of poverty
Harvest Moon speedrun any%
I never expected to wake up and find multiple anons talking about Puyo Puyo
Wwg1wga for real
TSMC is Nvidia, AMD, Apple, and Intel
Pretty much the entire IT world, even Texas Instruments outsources to them
What is not made by them is made by Samsung, Qualcomm, and smaller fabrications
If TSMC shifts even one line to the US it will be a massive shift. Personal bias? Would love to see AMD make all their cpu and gpu here in USA going forward.
Melania is why Trump is in the Q plan to begin with. I trust the boss lady as much as I trust the boss.
San Antonio is a hub for voter fraud
No doubt this plays into it
Oscars is how I know what not to watch
Last good Oscar winning film was Rocky in 1977
That same year Star Wars was nominated, what a year and I was not even alive for it
Part of me wants to say on innovation and genre defining alone, Star Wars should have won
But Rocky is a cultural landmark and the narrative has been repeated even in anime and it is always just as beautiful
We need a thread..highly suspect development
Does anyone have any on Q data regarding incandescent light bulbs? Have read reports it is healthier and has a lot of actual benefits after long term LED usage, for example insomnia, metabolic syndrome, immunity, etc all improved
Sky event? perhaps worth datefagging