axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

The meme magic flows from this...the ancestral whimsy is so beautiful.

Please Trump, post this!

axrevolutionai 4 points ago +6 / -2

I disagree.

Thank God gen z wants to break away from the single biggest cabal lie, work.

They are misguided but the ones who make it past the precipice will be more ready for the awakening than a lot of people amongst the traditional republican base.

Being awake is not easy.

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know we love the patriarchy around her

But girls are the best. My wife and I would only hope for girls if we take that step one day. Daughters are underrated culturally and it is mindboggling.

In seriousness though...if you have to vaccinate, and are not willing to brave vaccine free, look up a 1970s vaccine schedule and stick to that. The current schedule is 300x longer. And you can also request the older previously approved vaccines for a lot of things, because from what I know, precurors to mrna (not mrna but part of the tech) and heavy metals are more prevalent in newer combo vaccines

axrevolutionai 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hate that I cannot tell off and middle finger one of the few people I have ever called a friend for most of my life

We went to school together. We have not talked in years, maybe since before scamdemic

She is the most TDS consumed moron ever. I have seen her via FB/IG over the past decade devolve from a very bright and genuinely good person into a ugly, bitter, and brainwashed liberal.

Or more than that, the war has revealed all her flaws, her skin deep faith, her vapid mind, her lukewarm soul.

It still pains me though, how lied to she really has been. I wish I could talk to her, but I cannot swim through an ocean of lies. I keep her on my friends list only because I want to see what she does when it all comes down. I know there is a good chance she will be 4-6% but maybe she will wake up at the last second

axrevolutionai 14 points ago +15 / -1

I was a devoted Taylor fan for a decade

One day I simply could not listen to her.

She is in the dark, might as well be dead.

all the money in the world cannot save your soul

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel bad for the peope here hopeful she was a double agent or a WH

But as someone who loved her very fiercely and devotedly for over a decade, one day I could no longer bear to even listen to the songs I adored, I knew then she was fully in the dark.

axrevolutionai 6 points ago +6 / -0

That is all part of liberal led one drop rule racism. Identity politics, divide and conquer.

Most jobs truly don't care about race. sure, fortune 500 companies meeting dei quotas but your local factory or office just want a good hand

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would not respond because SEO is meaningless. There is no such thing as SEO for normal people or people outside the system. You cannot hashtag a post on instagram into being viewed. In fact, you cannot even post a picture during peak moments and get views. The Rock himself could view your picture, HEART it, save it, and comment on it, and because it isn't a video reel the algorithm would not pick it up so it was viewed. The same thing applies to twitter/X and Facebook.

Tiktok is a whole other beast, and SEO matters as little there. FYP selection is based on a number of factors but one big thing tiktok does with normie accounts is pretty much brainwashing. Someone starts a normie account, they fill out their profile, they allow Tiktok to scan their contacts, they select what kind of content they like in the opening survey, and then they make their first post...

Tiktok will auto put it in FYP for a little bit, the post will get a few thousand views, a few dozen likes, an even some comments

But that's it, that is all normie #16483 needs to be hooked. Not only will they constantly view content, they will follow, they will like, they will comment, and they will continue posting content AND not question why their next video has 5 views and 1 like. Tiktok now has their entire peronality, lifestyle, and habits tracked and sellable to advertisers.

Social media accounts in niche spaces do not grow via SEO, they grow based on grassroots marketing. Analyze how the instagram models, or instathots, function. They comment on each other, follow each other, post each other, and generate so much interaction amongst themselves that the algorithm has no choice but to push their content. It is one reason these girls do not get cancelled even when a good half of them are MAGA. IG routinely does shut down their accounts because they are completely above the algorithm and profit outside of their ad based bubble. But it does not matter, they open an alt, DM their fellow thots, and they are back to business in hours.

SEO only works for multinationals who have the capital and resources to enact it via botfarms and tracking cookies. Who is that? Wapo, msdnc, NY times, etc. THEY absolutely can control what gets viewed and what you view next. And using that advertising data they purchased from Tiktok or Google, they can put the exact eyes they want in front of the content thwy want those eyes to see.

The libtard with this challenge thinks he is so smart..he fails to notice just the base data point. MAGA beliefs can easily tie to Christian beliefs. Look up the stats even by liberal sources, 68% of the US is Christian or Christian adjacent. But Mr. BIG BRAIN is so up his own ass and his own brainwashing he believes his retarded SEO brainwashing theory

axrevolutionai 7 points ago +7 / -0

I will take drinking hot tea and cuddling with my wife over getting eaten alive by ants and wasps. Modern world is so cozy while the movie finishes :)

When you are awake AND you have Jesus? life is a game, so fun!

axrevolutionai 4 points ago +7 / -3

As someone who has never touched a drug in their life and has no desire or curiosity to, this is mindblowing to me. I think when you reach a certain degree of awake and have certainty in God, anything altering of your mind is unnecessary.

BUT IF IT WINS THE ELECTION, SO BE IT, MEANS TO AN END. I trust Trump, this a shot at prosecuter Kamala

axrevolutionai 6 points ago +7 / -1

"male fetal cells can persist in a mother's blood for decades after pregnancy, and can even integrate into her organs and tissues. This phenomenon is known as microchimerism, and it occurs when cells from the fetus cross the placenta and enter the mother's bloodstream. "

Mary had God literally inside of her. If she is not holy I do not know who is

axrevolutionai 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone have this without the editing? Just the straight interview? Much more powerful like that

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not fan of some of the design cues

But trading card design is actually very hard. This could pass for something Fleer did in the 90s

Good work fren

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I'll be..

Part 2 is a smoking gun pretty much.

Does not even need part 1 if you are well versed in these things

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

Limiters will be removed. You have way more time than you think

Read Isaiah 65:20-25

And honestly that falls short of the truth, no more illness, no more death!

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

All ten freedom cities will not take even a third of that space. And honestly, I am pretty sure the freedom cities will have tons of green spaces and organic desigm language

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

None of this matters if the economic framework and the idea of work remain the same.

We are getting closer to the truth. I hope Trump is only not saying the truth because normies can't handle the idea of it all being a lie. Imagine being a normie and realizing you wasted 50 years of your life

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

The banking system but also the entire concept of work need to be redefined.

Are we walking towards the new kingdom or not? If so the building blocks need to be placed now. We need to show God we have faith and we are willing to change. Even if some people can't bear to let go of old ways

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +1 / -0

Death of emu is the death of gaming.90% plus of Nintendo history is not legally or commercially available to play and Nintendo will never fix that. People's lives and art literally getting lost to time because of greed. Emu does not take their normie sales. Families will still drop $900 on two switches, four joycons, and multiple copies of Mario.

Core gamers would not even need emu for their current stuff if Nintendo played ball. I can buy Far Cry 4 on a digital sale for $5, Witcher 3 with every dlc for $10, Tekken 7 with all its season passes for $12. A few weeks ago I bought a bundle of two JRPGs (witch and the hundred knight series) which used would cost me $100 for $11

By comparison, you want Mario Kart 8 deluxe, a 7 year old switch game which is a no frills port of a 10 year old Wii U game which was am incremental upgrade of a 14 year old 3ds game? That'll be $60, $45 if you are lucky ;) and when Nintendo closes down eshop for that console, you own nothing. Meanwhile Sony, Microsoft and steam purchases I made two decades ago are all there, ready to download.

That is my biggest issue. I have a 3ds. The e shop is DEAD. Games are no longer sold in stores. Consoles are no longer even repaired by Nintendo. So why GO after citra now? Why go after the people who keep the device playable way past its lifetime?

axrevolutionai 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is nothing based about Nintendo. Game preservation, architecture and dev progress,community fanworks, even tournaments get litigation. All things like mods and emulation do is grow your brand. Nintendo was near bankrupt once but fans kept it alive.

None of it matters to them. I will not give Nintendo a penny. They are the very definition of corporate greed, sellng 8 year old hardware at full price when the hardware was already 5 years outdated when it was LAUNCHED. What happened to Nintendo Selects? Why never address Joycon and Pro controller drift?

Worst things is normies eat it up. Normies who only care about playing Mario Kart and Animal Crossing, who do not care that they are getting fleeced on crappy hardware and games that are just decade old rereleases at full price.

I like Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and a few other games. I will play them in the future on my PC upscaled to 4k and running at 60 fps. No rush though, my backlog needs me. Currently enjoying undubbed Star Ocean 3..

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure, I think we will definitely for sure adjust the schedule to that of the 60s or earlier. I have still not found evidence that complete removal is a good idea

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

Living to work.

Sweat of the brow, one of the first cabal lies.

axrevolutionai 1 point ago +3 / -2

Precisely, basic maga/q people love 2a...

But gunpowder came from China. 9th century alchemists. or for example, mayan indians gave value to the zero mathematically. And Indians (from India) defined zero philisophically

Everything is connected. Food, technology, art, religion, etc.

Q is worldwide, no way around it.

axrevolutionai 3 points ago +3 / -0

It depends on examples. what do you do if you are multiethnic? Should someone half black and half white only marry black? etc

The big problem is a lot of people default to one drop rule. So half black kids ignore their white heritage. Hispanics are all part white, some even purely white, and they tend to disregard their heritage too even though european culture is responsible for most everything Latin Americans hold dear (catholicism, the food, soccer, art, music, etc)

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