Rebel News for Canada
he said Pelosi was wearing a mask from her hair to down there [to her neck]
Is he disclosing that Pelosi is being played by an actor???
sounds like it's destined for here in Canada sigh. Brainwashed people will somehow be okay with it in the name of "safety"
gotta start learning how to remove tattoos. That business is gonna be BOOMIN' soon
Kimmel tried SO HARD to make him look bad. People can see right through him
There's a bigger picture here and Trump has to play with the cards he was given. If he didn't rush and promote the vaccine, the majority of people who are still asleep will be afraid of C19 and will keep going along with the shutdowns and restrictions. The Great Reset plan is to shutdown the entire global economy - except China - and collapse the whole system by making countries rack up insane levels of debt (ie. giving money to illegals, universal basic income, climate change initiatives) to the point they can no longer pay it off. This will result in the greatest crash ever seen, making 2008-09 look like a tea cup ride. The central bankers will then purchase and own EVERYTHING at wholesale discounts and introduce a communist social credit digital system integrated with vaccine passports to the world. Trump, having rushed the vaccine without FDA approval, guarantees that the vaccine CANNOT be MANDATED due to its experimental nature. At the same time, it gives the sleeping public "confidence" to open up their economy again, slowing down the Great Reset while he plans his comeback. Remember, the plan was to lockdown for YEARS if Hilary was elected.
There's a bigger picture here and Trump has to play with the cards he was given. If he didn't rush and promote the vaccine, the majority of people who are still asleep will be afraid of C19 and will keep going along with the shutdowns and restrictions. The Great Reset plan is to shutdown the entire global economy - except China - and collapse the whole system by making countries rack up insane levels of debt (ie. giving money to illegals, universal basic income, climate change initiatives) to the point they can no longer pay it off. This will result in the greatest crash ever seen, making 2008-09 look like a tea cup ride. The central bankers will then purchase and own EVERYTHING at wholesale discounts and introduce a communist social credit digital system integrated with vaccine passports to the world. Trump, having rushed the vaccine without FDA approval, guarantees that the vaccine CANNOT be MANDATED due to its experimental nature. At the same time, it gives the sleeping public "confidence" to open up their economy again, slowing down the Great Reset while he plans his comeback. Remember, the plan was to lockdown for YEARS if Hilary was elected.
There's a bigger picture here and Trump has to play with the cards he was given. If he didn't rush and promote the vaccine, the majority of people who are still asleep will be afraid of C19 and will keep going along with the shutdowns and restrictions. The Great Reset plan is to shutdown the entire global economy - except China - and collapse the whole system by making countries rack up insane levels of debt (ie. giving money to illegals, universal basic income, climate change initiatives) to the point they can no longer pay it off. This will result in the greatest crash ever seen, making 2008-09 look like a tea cup ride. The central bankers will then purchase and own EVERYTHING at wholesale discounts and introduce a communist social credit digital system integrated with vaccine passports to the world. Trump, having rushed the vaccine without FDA approval, guarantees that the vaccine CANNOT be MANDATED due to its experimental nature. At the same time, it gives the sleeping public "confidence" to open up their economy again, slowing down the Great Reset while he plans his comeback. Remember, the plan was to lockdown for YEARS if Hilary was elected.
LOL at that guy that crawls away under the tarp after getting his bells run
Thanos also sacrificed his own child to bring "balance" to the world. Apparently #thanosdidnothingwrong
CV19 is a bioweapon released by CCP and DS. Trump and the military knows this. They couldn't come out and say it because 1) China would vehemently deny it, so would MSM; many people would not believe it 2) his supporters would've demanded war with China, which would lead to countless deaths on both sides and economic destruction. He also knows the goal of the virus is to shut down the US economy indefinitely while China and DS players consolidate power with the endgoal of destroying the US currency and financial system and transitioning into a global communist social credit digital currency system. That's why the vaccine was expedited and Trump is actively pushing it. It destroys the narrative that the US economy has to be shut down for 2+ years due to the virus. Meanwhile, he and the patriots are in the process of waking the masses up to what is happening to their country before this planned 'coup de grace' can happen
CV19 is a bioweapon released by CCP and DS. Trump and the military knows this. They couldn't come out and say it because 1) China would vehemently deny it, so would MSM; many people would not believe it 2) his supporters would've demanded war with China, which would lead to countless deaths on both sides and economic destruction. He also knows the goal of the virus is to shut down the US economy indefinitely while China and DS players consolidate power with the endgoal of destroying the US currency and financial system and transitioning into a global communist social credit digital currency system. That's why the vaccine was expedited and Trump is actively pushing it. It destroys the narrative that the US economy has to be shut down for 2+ years due to the virus. Meanwhile, he and the patriots are in the process of waking the masses up to what is happening to their country before this planned 'coup de grace' can happen
these people got egos and need to let people know what they accomplished. That will be their downfall
I thought Supreme Court ruled that Presidents cannot rescind past presidents' EOs?
has Sky news always been this based?
I've read that too but realized the possibility of targeted misinformation to keep selling people bottled mineral water. The way I understand it is that distilled water is essentially pure H2O the way nature rainwater is formed. There's a LOT of conflicting information out there about most topics and the best way to find out IMO is to test it and see and feel with my own eyes. You could go as far as doing a bloodtest before and after drinking distilled water and see the impact. I've gone almost 2 years drinking distilled water and no negative health effects whatsoever.
distilled water gets rid of the fluoride the best. I wanted to remove all the intake of fluoride while removing the stuff built up over time. Also fluoride free toothpaste is important
it's almost like people are infected with this hivemind AI. Exhibit A = reddit
not OP but after I started drinking only distilled water and taking iodine to clear my pineal gland I was slowly able to sense these interdimensional entities. Some people are able to see them attached to people and have drawn what they look like
can you feel the reveal coming up? He's releasing a lot of statements lately and will have a rally soon...hmmmmmmm
she got eyes like a whitewalker from GoT
is Madison standing up?
I agree they have a narrative playing the David in the Goliath fight. They will report on things that MSM won't