bezzle 3 points ago +4 / -1

Read the part in light-blue.

bezzle -1 points ago +2 / -3

"sounds like you’ve had a little too much to think!"

I'm using about 4% mental capacity on this, and you already can't keep up.

deleted 2 points ago +2 / -0
deleted 4 points ago +4 / -0
bezzle 0 points ago +3 / -3

You were told that George Floyd died. Was that "real"?

And Antifa are arrested all the time.

--Do you get it?

I don't know why I should be having such trouble, on THIS board of all places, of breaking excitable youngsters of the habit of believing every fucking thing they see so long as its political angel doesn't immediately rear up on its hind legs and bat them on the snout.

This story is plain fucking weird. What perp of any type confesses any major crime out loud to a group of strangers in public without a gun being held to their head? In a nation with a million crimes of all types per year, how many times have you ever heard that happening? Once? Twice? Ever?

The mere fact that 18 (at last count) downvoters have shown up to specifically target the previous post of mine is a dead tip-off that the narrative of this particular topic is "important" to someone with shillpack at the beck and call. Clearly the mere suspicion that a psyop of some kind was being run must be punished.

There's also this, that you'll want to take a look at..

Think about it: Did Trump tell the his troops to stand down, or to go out and behave like undisciplined Red Guards spoiling for trouble? Is there anything that the press would love to sink its teeth into more right now than an extortion-scam that went wrong when somebody pulled out a G17 and blazed away?

You think you know what's going on. 90% of the time, you don't.

bezzle 0 points ago +2 / -2

We loves the brackets more than we loves Quiznos (maybe; depends on the coupons).

bezzle 0 points ago +2 / -2

<whistle> ...you got robbed.

I found the unflavored for $1.28 a box, and loaded up.

They're still cheap, though, at five bucks.

bezzle 0 points ago +2 / -2

It costs considerably more.

bezzle 0 points ago +2 / -2

You could show them this, and ask, "What happened to Plugs?"

bezzle 9 points ago +10 / -1

Quality is better than quantity.

bezzle 3 points ago +4 / -1

Best deal is the unflavored horse-paste.

bezzle 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're asking here instead of at AR15.com....why?

bezzle -4 points ago +2 / -6

"Tell that to Ruben Verstagui, who..."

The Verastigui case dates from the 2011-2013 time-frame, and involves file-trading, not attempted "meatspace" assignations.

bezzle -15 points ago +7 / -22

Not buying it. Smacks of staged horseshit.

--What pedo would confess in public? That's just stupid even if you are guilty as all sin. (And who can believe that there are pedos left in 2021 who actually think they can meet kids online while being immediately traced?)

This is a psyop of some kind.

bezzle 3 points ago +3 / -0

Icelandic eruptions can be quite approachable. There are people standing right next to the crusted-over lava advancing at a snail's pace.

bezzle 3 points ago +3 / -0

Professional tax-leeches will have a tough go.

bezzle 2 points ago +2 / -0

"what questions do you ask normies?"

I don't.

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