I read that Moderna patented the virus signature in 2015, a Rothschild patented the tests, and the data around gene therapy like mRNA has indicated a cancer signature in past news articles.
The Chinese military being involved in procuring PPE in may 2019 per Australia was a red flag
That's a very good observation. Primarily the longer your account the more nefarious the posts get - possibly an inflamation algorithm they are testing out. See if some suckers bite.
Seems possible.
Who is next?
I just read somewhere else here that jabbed people are having trouble giving blood as the machine can't pull it out of them.
Decentralized OO Machine. Sounds like a star topology based system like the internet so that any nodes drop the others continue to operate.
Interesting part is the demographics of the town:
13,900 population.
That is a death rate by year of 10% thereabouts if the rate of death keeps up.
Interesting video from a small town in NZ
They are pushing cremation heavily. In the media and advertising.
The environmental alternative.
Good for covering up all kinds of questions.
New Zealanders are one of those old school places that still bury their dead. When the cemeteries started looking like new home foundation delopments the public started waking up.
I feel like I'm Wally at a dinner with Andre.
Andre seems to be speaking rationally but in reality everything that comes out of his mouth is batshit crazy or extremely on point.
Like a psyop.
I think five thirty-eight is the primary source of the vote estimates and they got the counts wrong in 2016 and 2020 (day after the election Clinton mouthpiece AOC chastised their estimates again having the dem machine work overtime to correct the record). It's plausible the machine wasn't fortified enough in 2016 to handle the silent majority vote.
Maybe the deep state operatives are targeting the unjabbed using arkancide techniques? A little snip here a little nudge there...
The corporate culture would have turned you off after a while. It is full of followers and you would find the productivity level like Twitter levels of lazy.
You would have ended up carrying a lot of folks on your back.
Not anymore. Maybe it wasn't white hats with a pulse gun but black hats just so they could negate this meme.
Wouldn't put it past them.
It wasn't a statement. It was a command.
When taking the mcats you get photographed. But not during the exam for validation. I wonder why?
Doug Ford, Ontario premier.
Not sure of the relevance here.
Cough syrup from India is the newest cover
One thing is certain, if you attend a protest and look at the person to your left and the look at the person to your right, one of them is undercover.
If you chat here there are probably as many responding to you and often the most extreme glows are just part of the action.
I believe in God all others pay cash.
Was he lied to by Pense (leading the COVID operation warp speed) and his pharma goons?
No one is omnipresent except God.
They will flood the dockyards with unlanded containers in limbo currently and tank the GDP.
One dockyard can contain 1 million containers. The containers process in average about 5 per minute in my example.
There has been 100 ships with 1000+ containers in hiatus waiting off shore in que since 2020.
They blamed COVID but the IMF has used COVID to slow roll container processing (they control the process of import export).
This was on purpose. There has been no reason for the last six months that COVID was any factor except as a pretext to stop landing and processing.
When a container is landed it applies negatively to GDP its value.
We will see a massive drop in GDP.
I love Ottawa.
It's okay Catherine is great.
Lara Logan is one to admire for her ability to overcome anything thrown her way. Catherine is in the same vein. She will overcome.
In addition my wife had a hep b shot when she was younger and ended up with MS and disabled for six months.
Her specialist at that time said to her privately to "never take another shot unless people are dropping in front of you on the street".
Since that time she has had no more flare ups but she does have the permanent scars around her brain stem.
So we had an early insight into big pharma tragedies.