Haha, me too!
Dude, large pepperoni and garlic, not letting that go to waste!
The problem is not that this bird has been referred to as Cock throughout history. The problem is not that the baby puts the book in her mouth, as all babies do. The problem is someone let a perv set up and take a picture with sexual undertones, then used it for advertising. I also disagree with piercing a babies ears but that is another subject.
I disagree with those who think it is alright to pierce a babies ears.
Was wondering when someone would get this meme.
Walk away from porn, hollywood, sports, news, cable tv, etc until we get through this awakening. Read a book, if you remember how. We also need to do this with our purchasing power. Buy local, USA made, from non-liberal agenda supporting companies. Do your research before you buy. This should be across the board, let these industries know who is really in control. Be strong Patriots!
Support your local grocery store....fuck costco.
Not sure whats going on, but seems to make a good case for the second amendment of staying armed at all times...., even while walking the dogs!
Great work, thank you.
Thank you for your work.
These people are freaking idiots. If we learn anything from this Awakening it better be to not let dumbasses enter into government roles.
Pretty sure the word "Officially" doesnt belong to biden. Gaslighting the American people through the fake news media is not official.
Funny, but I would still never give that liberal cuck store any of my money.
Lol, when I was growing up fagging of any sort was frowned upon. Now there are fags everywhere!
Up late at night thinking of Trumps erection. Lol
Yeah, my wife has a new car. I drive a 1970 ford bronco.
I hear ya.....they have pigeonholed us into their game. I refuse to play! On the bright side cd players are pretty cheap these days.
I haven't worn one since this shit started, very few people say something. I just smile and keep walking. I dont patronize stores that won't let me in....saved all kinds of cash. Fuck them. If their business model includes masks, it doesnt include my money. You'd be surprised how many businesses actually dont enforce masks and I am in California.
Go buy Tom's cd from his website. Support the artist, not the cooperation controlling the artist. Hell, Tom even raps about that.
Corrupt, incompetent, fools. Complete idiots, these people should not be running anything close to a governing power. Time to take our country back!
Racism and using racial slurs to create division is one dimensional. Giving it or receiving it is one dimensional. The enemy wants us to stay one dimensional, easier to control. I suggest we all start thinking on another level and move on from this weak and divisive way of thinking.
Racism and using racial slurs to create division is one dimensional. Giving it or receiving it is one dimensional. The enemy wants us to stay one dimensional, easier to control. I suggest we all start thinking on another level and move on from this weak and divisive way of thinking. Humanity could be beautiful if we did.
I believe you are correct sir.
People like you are what makes this country great! Thank you.
I find those who scream the loudest are involved, go look at Pearl Jam's anti Trump album art.