So Kash and Vivek are Q? Could be.
Be sure and take out the Vindmans along with the FIB and all fibbers.
A2A2 yellow unpasteurized milk is the best.
ThankQ for the Hammer of Truth Mr. President.
Running so she can put campaign contributions in her back pocket cause there will be no way she can win just like Beto.
That can't be true - isn't Macs food on the the no no list?
The good doctor cured my apathy.
Is Trump trying to lock-in the gay vote by showing up at Squirrel Daddy's only fans site? That might back fire.
So Timpon was doing the boy as well as the girl?
The mistake is for those to believe Trump will not respond to threats and not take action - better to do what he says or pay the ultimate price - Trump's a wild man and they better believe it.
I really do hope Trump is lying about not throwing anyone on jail - I hope all the lying scum trying to throw Trump go to jail go to jail themselves.
He needs to sue that idget on The Five who dissed him.
Election 2024 is going to be big trouble no matter if Trump wins or loses. There is no way to defeat the cheat. Trump 47 11 05 24 is going to be a miracle.
Get back Jack and don't come back no more
Huh no thank you
They also own the weed killing companies with the poisons getting into our food supply. They are also killing all the pollinating insects - birds - frogs - fish Not nearly as many good and bad insects as there use to be.
It's not RFKjr who is dangerous - its the health experts who killed millions by not allowing the Covid curing ivermectin to be administered - may they all be found guilty of murder.
Elon thank you for shining the light of truth for the whole world to see. I expect to see more light to come shortly from the combo world shaking truth telling team of Trump RFKjr and Elon Musk. They are fighting for us all to change the whole world for the better. May God bless and keep the white knight team safe from the evil powerful world tyrants.
What spot does he need to be in to go after his dad's killers - hang the clot shot drug pushers - prove the 2020 election was stolen - that's the job I want him to be in.
Going to talk about the 2020 stolen election and how he helped steal it for the Demorats and how he is going to stomp Trump 2024.
The bad thing about it is he did not realize the clot shot got him.
The thing is she will never know it was the government who killed her.
I blame Foulchi