"...for my family...(wink)" I took this to mean his BLM racial family. They're not all intelligible screechers; there are some articulate mouthpieces in the group. I hope I am wrong, for the sake of whom ever that can may be lobbed at.
sorry forgot to sauce this: https://www.fox9.com/news/2-national-guard-members-injured-in-minneapolis-shooting
The high school I went to many moons ago had a dean of girls and a dean of boys. They worked under the principal and vice principal, and were in charge of disciplining students that needed it for behavior and academic performance. Large schools usually have such a position. My school had 2000 students.
Anti Back the Blue rally today at Capitol building in Des Moines: https://www.kcci.com/article/iowa-activists-protest-back-the-blue-legislation-at-statehouse/36064210
Depends on the kind of shoes one is wearing. Jackboots are 'not trespassing' shoes.