cosmicspiritwarrior 5 points ago +6 / -1

I worked as a woodland emergency fire dispatcher. We had a giant live feed of that up on the wall for our area. we could see lightning strikes (or DEW strikes, like the sats can tell the difference. it would all look the same to us) in real time... and yes I think DEW's are real, especially after all the cattle mutilation, et & sasquatch sightings there are that peoples don't talk about publicly.

cosmicspiritwarrior 3 points ago +3 / -0

the reality was, 50% of the tens of thousands of employees had access to modify and push code whenever they felt like it, and a room of about a dozen real engineers working around the clock to fix everything and keep it running in the conditions you outlined.

cosmicspiritwarrior 6 points ago +6 / -0

too much of the Hillary, Epstein, WikiLeaks, etc was dumped all at once... then everyone would 'redump' the same old stuff, anytime then noticed a poart of it THEY had not personally seen yet, bundled together with no new info or guidance but with all of the other stuff 'for completeness' and hype it up as if it was something new over and over until anything related to it was blown off as a 'nothing burger, already knew that' meanwhile nothing of substance in it was really talked about by normies.

cosmicspiritwarrior 1 point ago +1 / -0

The MVP is the first 'long term' study of the long-term effects of military service.

They asked for a ton of volunteers, and those that said yes are tracked for life. They send us surveys about mental and physical health and such so they can compare us to the population at large, and see how deployments to different areas affect us over our lifetimes.

cosmicspiritwarrior 3 points ago +3 / -0

don't forget also the Shriners and Jesters.

Secret societies inside of secret societies inside of secret societies inside of secret societies, all using the groups they hide in as a shield, and occasionally for manpower & funding.

cosmicspiritwarrior 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a degenerated disk, severe asthma, and I am photosensitive (skin burns with short exposure to sun). I qualify for disabled parking by three separate disabilities but to most people I 'look' "able bodied" when I get out of the car. Not all disabilities are visible.

cosmicspiritwarrior 1 point ago +1 / -0

The site must be glitching out. I can't see what comment you are replying to. the post you made is missing from the comments.

cosmicspiritwarrior 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also, it isn't JUST the (fake) jews. The controlling families are both (fake) jewish and also (fake) catholic. They have this whole fake battle between their cover groups so no one suspects they are really working together.

cosmicspiritwarrior 3 points ago +3 / -0

He said at a point early in his journey, that his purpose was to.... bring forth restricted light and knowledge to the world, by 'playing the role' of the anti-christ.

He was more chaos than pure black (at first at least) and tried out lots of religions ideas, and served many deities/ entities in a scientific manner to figure out what they were all about and how useful each was (and suggested to others to do the same, instead of relying on what we are told)

He had a really tough childhood and did NOT like the hypocritical control system religions with false promises and answers that was shoved at him, and was all about rebelling against that, and making Christians open their eyes up to the lies of the church and get the hidden world out of the shadows and out into the public consciousness.

His 'great work' was exposing the secrets of the church elders, secret societies, political string pullers, and elite cabal circles. To do this, he had to become them in the most extreme way. He saw himself as 'sacrificing' his life for others, to wash away the secrets of the past and bring forth the same truths Jesus was talking about from a different angle in an increasingly atheist world where the religion and 'science' around the 'supernatural' had become a mockery of the real truths of this reality.

The greatest lie the devil ever spread was that he didn't exist.

Crowley puts people on the path to God, in his own twisted way, by showing them the devil and pure evil are real & the consequences of living that life path.

at least, that was what he told himself and others at one point.... Could have been lies.

cosmicspiritwarrior 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not sure where that is from

It's the second half of the quote you just quoted. It is the second line that follows the line you posted in crowleys work. You speak with such authority but reveal that you are clueless about what you speak, only repeating what others have fed you.

cosmicspiritwarrior 4 points ago +4 / -0

The entire quote is actually "Do as thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will. "

You are god, there IS a right and wrong, but you must choose it. You can't force others to be good. You can't stop others from being evil. It can't be forced. You can only help others to make the choice to do good or evil.

cosmicspiritwarrior 1 point ago +1 / -0

People also leave out the second line of the law; Love is the law, love under will

love isn't first because people use love as an excuse to control others 'for their own good'

free will being the law, means you can help others only in ways that do not violate their own free will.

using your own free will to exploit others violates their free will and is a violation of 'the law'

but both sides play lawyer with 'the rules' and twist things to their own ends.

cosmicspiritwarrior 0 points ago +1 / -1

there is a lot of truth in the new age movement but also a lot of lies and deception. Some of the lies and deception is to get you to believe the lies, but some of it is to make the truth sound crazy.

pleiadeans are real, but they are not our friends, they are liars working hand in hand with the cabal and government. They help the powers that be to manipulate people into a subservient slave state by exploiting religious programing & discredit truth movements.

cosmicspiritwarrior 7 points ago +7 / -0

You are correct. The whole system is a scam, built on piles of debt. It is generational usury, and we are all exploited slaves because of it.

cosmicspiritwarrior 1 point ago +1 / -0

When we reform our society (healthcare, economy, prisons, justice) & release the life extension technologies the inmates should get first dibs. Make sure they all serve out their entire sentences, but also so that the innocent & wrongly convicted can live long enough to be released as we go back and unravel the fraud that they used the justice system to cover up. Work out the bugs on them as we ramp up production and support networks. once its safe move on to veterans, disabled, sick as we move towards widespread role out.

cosmicspiritwarrior 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know how pigment and computers work. I'm not talking about that.


it's called the opponent process.

You have three light sensors.

red, green, and blue.

then you have two signals, that these get combined into. You have a Red (actually pink) + Green - Blue (actually cyan) signal, (magenta-green continuum) and a Red + Blue - Green signal. (blue-yellow continuum) You brain does math on these two signals to extract a red green blue components back out of them, but there are some mixtures that can't be encoded/decoded with that method.


The magenta-green you mention is the 'blindspot' the other signal nerve, and the second unperceivable color.

cosmicspiritwarrior 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wasn't talking about blue green or yellow green. those have green in them. If you mix blue and yellow light your brain 'interprets' it as white. It cannot sense blue yellow.

In the USA yellow signs are used for safety warnings.

Red is ONLY used for stop, green is used for directions, and blue is used for info, white is used for legal notices, but yellow is safety, when visibility is most required.

inks and pigments act different, I'm only talking about the light wavelengths.

cosmicspiritwarrior 8 points ago +9 / -1

The eye can see more colors than you can perceive, because of how the signal is compressed to be sent from eye to brain. Yellow and blue light mix and create a white signal, they are opposites and cancel each other out. the other colors mix to create different color hues, but pure blue and pure yellow are special in that they mix to white (all colors, not just themselves) We are unable to perceive 'bluish yellow / yellowish-blue'

this is also why yellow street signs are used in contrast with the blue sky.

cosmicspiritwarrior 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Obama pardoned them all at the end of his term and won his election legit then for federal crimes to be prosecuted and executed against congress it would take trumps midterms, the biden/trump election and this midterm to push them all to cheat again and get caught this time( in a way that is documented and has a paper trail for the courts). Since Biden provably cheated, any pardons he gives are null and void once the courts catch up with the rest of us.

cosmicspiritwarrior 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you want to arrest (all of) the guilty congress forwards of a point of time where everything was compromised (or they got pardoned for) after white hats got into position to put in place systems to monitor for fraud and document in a legally sound way the true outcome so it could be reversed later and all tried into court, it would take 6 years from 'the good point' to 'catch' all members actively participating in voter fraud to hold onto fraudulently held positions.

If we moved forward NOW we would only be able to arrest 2/3 of congress. we would have to let the other 1/3 'get away with it' or disregard the law & evidence entirely and just go in guns blazing murdering anyone around in a civil war innocent and guilty alike. lawless violence won't fix anything long term, nor will letting a huge chunk of them get off Scott free and stay imbedded to cause more problems.

cosmicspiritwarrior 1 point ago +1 / -0

right, which is why he said the plan is for US to rise up together locally and make that change and not sit on our asses waiting for trump to fix everything for us. He is just one man.

cosmicspiritwarrior 1 point ago +2 / -1

the elections are for a 6 year term, with elections offset by two years each with a third running for re-election each time. If "the trap" operation was true, it would take 6 years & three rigged and witnessed election cycles to 'catch them all'

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