covfefe_americano 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thank you for the link! I'm on Part 2 now. I was unaware of Gayle Rubin until this thread, and I doubt I'll be able to forget her ever again. She actually considers Kinsey "neutral" -- that should tell you all you need to know about her.

For those looking for counterpoints to "Queer Theory" arguments, this series by James Lindsay is essential (imo).

covfefe_americano 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bill Gates is tucked into the end credits, which helps tie into the bigger picture of the global elite and their vaccination plan for us non-elites. But it's very short -- would like to see a deeper dive from this POV!

covfefe_americano 2 points ago +2 / -0

They change the formula every year, don't they? Sometimes they sneak in other vaccines, like H1N1. A lot, if not all, of the vaxx industry is built off of foetal cell lines, too. Not to mention any metals, micro-plastics, formaldehyde, etc, they decide to include. I've read that they (big pharma) are trying to include the C19 vaxx inside the flu jab, but nothing official yet.

Conclusion: it's a no for me dawg.

covfefe_americano 5 points ago +5 / -0

"It's just a test," they say. "It's just two weeks," they say. "It's just one jab," they say. I could go on, couldn't you? We've all read this story before.

covfefe_americano 4 points ago +4 / -0

How scary! There are a lot of reasons for swollen lymph nodes and lymphoma is just one. Hoping it's just an ingrown hair or lingering infection... 🙏

covfefe_americano 1 point ago +1 / -0

The whole movie is, based on its very premise, one big question mark. It's a big deal. But the stock photo isn't the hill to die on.

True the Vote has hours of video of these mules, as well as terabytes of cellphone pings. They included what they had and what they thought most damning for the movie. That's a movie for you! Also, that's Dinesh for you! Regardless, they themselves admit freely that they're frustrated with the sheer number of ballot drop-box locations that "lost" footage or never used the cameras to begin with. This is a serious problem, don't you think?

We have the cellphone pings -- this is very good evidence and almost as good as video evidence, isn't it? You got the same cellphone pinging suspiciously close (within meters) of ballot-drop boxes and political offices over and over and over again. Why does this evidence not interest you? Why do you need video evidence or "it's meaningless"?

I do not care what news organizations feature and neither should you. The MSM hasn't said anything good or interesting for years now, and showing 2000 Mules isn't going to renew my interest in them. A "serious" news organization doesn't exist anymore, imho.

covfefe_americano 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm not entirely sure where this (red-herring) comment comes from. Who cares what Trump did or didn't do re: testing? The tests are bad, period.

If you must take them for work (I would argue you don't have to, it's just easier to comply), please watch out. There are ways to protect yourself to a degree, but poisons from the tests build up over time.

covfefe_americano 10 points ago +10 / -0

...and then the pharisees pointed at Jesus and said, "That man has a cross emoji in his profile! He is probably white and makes us very angry. He must want to be crucified!"

And from this Christianity (and white supremacy) was born.

covfefe_americano 15 points ago +15 / -0

Many of the at-home tests also use harmful chemicals. Not to mention the kiwi in your fridge might test positive, too. Stop testing!

covfefe_americano 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know much about this one, but iirc he is MAGA?

I just wanted to share the sauce. Your post got me lookin', though

covfefe_americano 4 points ago +4 / -0

Every time I hear "watch the water" I think of the movie "The Big Short". In the final moments of the movie, it discusses the next big investment for Christian Bale's character (IRL): Water.

I laughed a little internally, but now...

covfefe_americano 3 points ago +3 / -0

If it isn't Ivanka, where is she to dispute it? If she doesn't dispute it, does that mean she's in on it? If so, why not just appear?

Seems like a lot of work, if that's the case.

She could also be setting herself up as a "skeptic", so that when further evidence surfaces she can become a "believer" and help others change their mind. That's a big guess on my part, but it seems plausible. Time will tell.

Either way, it's political theater. Show trial, indeed.

covfefe_americano 2 points ago +2 / -0

This isn't my info (I nabbed it from TDW), but it's good nonetheless:

Michigan State Senate Hearing on 2020 Election Crimes: https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7461&v=X0-vyw9qbdw&feature=emb_logo

(6:13:00 for Dr Linda Tarver's testimony)

Georgia State Senate Hearing on 2020 Election Crimes: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hRCXUNOwOjw

(33:20 for video of concealed boxes being presented)

Arizona State Legislature Hearing on 2020 Election Crimes: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KXyOtzADUCU

-Vote counting was halted the night of the election in many swing states with no reason given or fake reasons supplied (water main, just toilet overflow) -Hundreds of eyewitnesses gave testimony at multiple states' legislative sessions detailing the election crimes -Video evidence showing concealed cases of ballots being pulled out and scanned repeatedly in Georgia after the poll watchers were removed due to the "water main leak". -Voters identified as indefinitely confined to illegally receive absentee ballots even though they are young and healthy -Ballots for voters under the age of 18 were counted -Voters submitted multiple ballots in the same state or across multiple states -Voters submitted ballots in states they do not live in -Poll watchers illegally removed from polling places for questioning fraudulent vote counting -Absentee ballots counted even though voters never requested or filled them out -Vote counting machines had overridden vote selection percentages above 60% in some counties, and FAR above normal ranges in many others (Antrim county machine audit) -Vote counting machines had the overridden vote selection logs wiped for 2020, but previous years' log data was still there (Antrim county machine audit) -ANTRIM COUNTY VOTING MACHINE AUDITED -2000 Mules: Thousands of individuals repeatedly dropped off multiple ballots into drop boxes violating the law. The total number of these ballots alone is enough to shift the result of the election.

The 2020 Election Was A Complete Fraud

covfefe_americano 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem with the "map of Moscow" issue is that it isn't the point of the movie -- it isn't relevant that it's apparently an Adobe stock image of a vector map, which seems to match up with a mirrored image of Moscow. I haven't looked to deeply into this aspect, but it shouldn't matter anyway.

Why? Because the point of 2000 mules is the cellphone pings. Just because a stock image was used as a prop to make the point, doesn't make the point itself invalid. I'm not hearing anything or anyone refute the fact that the same cellphone pings occurred in direct relationship to ballot drop boxes and political offices.

The same twitter thread that argues they didn't see the mules drop off more than one or two ballots at a time is also silly -- you can see several (definitely more that one or two) being dropped off by these mules. Even if it was only one or two, their cell phone pings continued in a fashion that is suspect. That's fraud, and to argue contrary to that due to an Adobe stock image is willful ignorance. The likelihood is that this has been happening for years.

covfefe_americano 3 points ago +3 / -0

If the mods delete my comment for the link I provided, which anyone could find by searching on a website freely accessible to anyone, I'll accept the deleted post.

However, this community espouses that "We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes." The link is publicly available to anyone at the moment. If that changes, so be it. But I think it behooves GAW to keep posts like this because it's publicly available.

For a message like "What is a woman?", a paywall is kind of stupid, don't you think? Folks who subscribe to TheBlaze will watch it anyway, and those who don't -- won't. Making this freely accessible sends the message far and wide -- something we greatly need atm. Plus it generates a new audience who can then subscribe to TheBlaze, which helps content creators like Walsh.

Just my 2 cents.🤷‍♀️

covfefe_americano 6 points ago +6 / -0

If you look at any of the vaccinated bloodwork done by many scientists since the rollout, you'd know that your blood literally behaves differently now. I don't know if this is why your blood pressure is high, but it is a likely factor imo.

I'm not in the medical field, so I'll leave medical recommendations to others.

That being said, there are some amazing threads here that go into detail about detoxing from the jabs, if it's something you're interested in. I would assume so, since you're here. Here's just one:


covfefe_americano 3 points ago +3 / -0

I saw it and thought the same thing! It's a pretty silly party. 😂

covfefe_americano 15 points ago +15 / -0

I believe you have to go to "settings" and turn off community styling. Go back to the post, and the option to downvote should be there.

covfefe_americano 6 points ago +6 / -0


Posting a link, because they've pushed the video to the 3rd page. Everything else is just reaction videos or trailers.

covfefe_americano 1 point ago +1 / -0

Getting involved? In my opinion, having them NOT involved is the big takeaway. These people are mindlessly involved in all the degeneracy you mentioned, so getting them to back away (or run away) would be a huge step in the right direction.

Let's get the sheeple NOT involved in the bad stuff first, then show them how to be involved in the good stuff after. I dunno what that trigger could be, though, and the wait is frustrating, to say the least.

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