On this subject, I believe we should wait until we get an all clear from the mods. This is for good reason.
Strip the teachers that did this and parade them around through the boy's locker rooms for a month. They just might change their views. Or use stocks, they used to be a pretty popular form of punishment.
My teacher was abusing me, he was a total ass. even getting an apple with razor blades, and set on fire did not stop him. My stepdad(forced), in CIA went down after this ass called my home and told him I needed to go back and out my seat up. I almost got beat for it but explained how it could not have happened. We all had to stand beside our desk with our chairs up before we leave. My stepdad went to the school and shoved a gun in his mouth and showed his ID from the CIA and told him if he didn't stop to expect retribution from the CIA. He was so nice after that; he filmed me running home after class and called me the roadrunner. They were both sick assh*les
Newscum, supports Bannon, and I hardly hear POTUS mentioning him. To me he is another one that likes to make stuff about him.
I believe this is what Q was referring to when he said "follow the pen"
Happy birthday!
Remind him he is no longer a child and needs to help out for his keep. No help to you means no help from you. My Mom had me move out when I turned 19 because she thought it was best for me. I was in college and had an income from VA, from my fathers service. She was shocked when, I moved out on the very next first of the month. I had already found a place before she asked, but was waiting for her. We talked all the time on the phone, or they would stop by and visit, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. I grew up really fast, not in a bad way.
Lord of Lords I call on you to show this family the way and guide them through the process. May you help their son wake up to what he has, and realize his family loves him. I ask this in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen
Make him sit down and talk to the both of you. Ask him why does he hate you. Tell him how you feel about his actions. Let him know in order for him to live in YOUR home he needs to shape up. If he still won't talk to you suggest you no longer provide him anything but the basics.
Tell him you love and care about him, but you won't put up with it. If he thinks you are horrible then tell him to move out, job or not. If he doesn't want to be a part of the family , he can move in with friends. My Mom had to put my sister into foster care, at her request, she said she hated all of us. She was very happy to leave but learned very fast, a foster family does not love or care for you. It took her 3 years for her to be able to come home and she learned a hard lesson.
One family would not let her sit at the table and she only got oatmeal to eat. She had to use a different bathroom than the family and many other things like that.
She even called one time to be removed to Juvenal Hall where she had better treatment. She went through 4 homes before she finally realized, her real family was the only ones that cared. My Mom had to pay for this, because she received benefits from VA from my dad's service. Our family councilor told us our family's problem was we didn't talk to each other or do anything as a family. We had to start eating together for every meal and talk about our day. It helped a lot
Thank You, we really needed this. Just like all religions or prejudices, it puts huge amounts of people all in one basket. Each individual is different, no matter what color or how they worship.
Soy has a lot of estrogen; I used to use it when my hot flashes got too severe.
They have no idea what the average person on the streets because they only hang out with people that are the same. They never get out of their bubble.
I know right😹🤣😂
I suggest same title but put in Part 1 part 2 etc. Interesting
Could this be the first arrest?
Roberts was also on the Epy Flight logs.
Thanks I read the article, and booke marked it for the other interesting articles.
I have a spooky2 frequency generator that does work. Sometimes it is hard to find the right frequency. Biofeedback helps. I should use it more.
Even man tits share this problem
I was wondering how Trumps hands don't cramp up; with all the signing he is doing.
Thanks, it has been so long since we have had to deal with it. When I was little, we went to visit my aunt. I said "wow you look just like Mom, when she had the mumps. 😹😣
POTUS is showing us that it is not necessary, he can sign exec orders anywhere. I don't think there is any law that it has to be done in the White House.