cronoes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right. But to be fair, Trumps shit should have never held up at all. So from that standard, this is not just a crime. It is straight treason.

That said, I still dont love that kind of tit for tat.

cronoes 2 points ago +2 / -0

I actually do this for a living - without going too crazy into detail, this seems a bit overblown. But because I do this for a living, it is why the charges against Trump were INSANELY overblown.

So while I get the "tit for tat", I scoff at the charges for Trump, and scoff at these too.

I am not about to pretend moral outrage just because it owns the libs.

cronoes 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do better Mods.

Son of a bitch this really is reddit for people who merely drift right.

cronoes 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will repeat tho. Luce is overrated, and anyone who emphatically tells you to go there probably has blue hair and is an uncultured swine.

cronoes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seriously tho. Joey Nova's and B Grizzly's Pizza were the best pizza I had in Minnesota. Word on the street says that B Griz is no more.

Miss that north woods pizza.

Davanni's was cardboard to me. Also honorable mention to Pizza Luce being insanely overrated drunk pizza.

cronoes 5 points ago +5 / -0

Bro this is all literally why i stopped caring and am just enjoying the ride and taking care of my shit. Everything people bitch about Trump doing pretty much has precedent in some way.

cronoes 3 points ago +3 / -0

The real funny bit about this whole thing? The reaction to it is the exact inverse of what happened in 2020.

Both events had something untoward happen. Both events had a result that occurred due to the actions outside of just the votes surrounding the election. One prevented cheating, the other enacted it. But how you felt about the election depended largely on what side you were on.

If you go to the sub r/somethingiswrong20245 on reddit (if you can bare it, anyway), so much of what they have been saying about this election sounds pretty much point for point what you found on this sub, PDW, and other right wing forums back in 2020. It's astonishing - right on down to the whole "they need to commit the crime for the military to come in and convict" nonsense cope that was going on hardcore over here and PDW.

The fact that we are having people come out and basically do the right wing version of "how the deep state protected this election" thing is beyond funny.

I know some of you dont love astrology for various reasons, but Rick Levine looked at the astrology of January 6th in particular, and he made mention that it directly squared, to the degree, what happened on January 6th, 2020. Squares in astrology are the closest thing you can get to what we would colloquially think of as an opposite.

And that is exactly what has happened - in 2020, a side cheated. They won. In 2024, a side prevented cheating. That side won.

What we pointed out as cheating in 2020 was then proudly declared "fortifying the election". What they pointed out in 2024 as cheating is now basically being called the same thing.

What a world we live in.

cronoes 2 points ago +2 / -0


cronoes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Between that and the comments about how the civil war could have been negotiated...I am fairly certain he has made a good amount of deals going into this administration.

It doesnt seem to be exactly what anyone would have wanted - but that would be how he was able to get in. They didnt seem to try to steal it this time.

cronoes 1 point ago +1 / -0


At best, he was trying to be a good guy and was targeted on a hit because he was going to say something.

At worst, he was a CEO of a company that made a great deal of money doing broken and sometimes actually evil things, and deserves no sympathy. Just because the Left is celebrating doesnt mean we should be doing the exact opposite to compensate.

cronoes 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only thing I wonder about is the /pol/ classic "what did he know, bros?". This reeks of a hit to me.

Outside of that, I am not surprised that we arent seeing a massive sweeping for the guy. Whether we like it or not, the Left is very good at sleuthing and doxxing people - better than the Right is (and this is by virtue of the Left being largely feminine - anyone who knows, knows that femininity is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better at research and uncovering secrets than masculinity is).

And a CEO of a mega corporation, of an industry that is broken as deeply as health care in the United States is - all while they are making money hand over first through denying due coverage to patients who dont have the means to legally force the company to comply with the policy (and make no mistake, this absolutely happens - more than you would care to admit) - isnt going to garner a tremendous amount of sympathy from the Feminine Left.

I am a tad bit shocked that the Right is going so hard into defending the guy and his status - like, cmon guys. We dont have to defend people who are making generational wealth overseeing a fucked up industry. Stop defending CEOs of broken industries, and start just focusing on whether or not this guy was trying to maybe do better by it - and was killed for trying so.

You arent going to get an ounce of sympathy from literally anybody playing the "THIS IS WRONG, YOU SHOULDNT CONDONE VIOLENCE OF ANY KIND" card. When shit is broken, people shoot. Dont have to defend it, just ask: was this guy killed for trying to make it better?

cronoes 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is my go-to example I give to anyone who wonders if there was any coercion going on with the 2020 election.

cronoes 4 points ago +4 / -0

The courts ruled that there was no standing - meaning even if they reviewed all of the evidence and found it true, they basically said that the court had no legal means of providing a remedy.

Now, any judge could have had the courage to say "nahhh, fuck that, i will make a stand here". But likely, that would have led to some REAL consequences, up to and including death. So many just ducked their heads, and went off of "no standing" as means of dodging the potential chaos.

In more than a few ways, it was similar to Bleeding Kansas - where the South committed a great deal of voter fraud, and killed dozens to ensure Kansas became a Slave State. Rather than reverse the fraud, it was largely accepted that it would be better to allow this for now than to start a full on civil war at a stage no one was truly prepared for (my interpretation, anyway).

That set the stage for the election of 1860, when Lincoln was elected with the mandate to clean up the corruption that lead to fraud (and why he ran on stopping the spread of slavery the way it had been happening - largely illegally).

Seeing the writing on the wall, the Democrat South revolted, and the Civil War began.

So we will see what happens now that Trump has been elected on a largely similar platform.

cronoes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Guys. It's okay to not want to see the "bigger picture" any more. Its okay to not want to overthink things into oblivion so that it fits what you have seen on the Q posts or what have you.

It's even more okay to finally be at that point that you just don't buy into anything anymore, except you, your family, and the purpose that God gave you for your own life.

And it's okay for you to see something like this and not classify it as anything other than Democratic Republic of Congo, USSR under Stalin edition.

cronoes 14 points ago +14 / -0

It honestly annoys me to no end that we have to find some other means in terms of what is constituted to be an illegitimate election...but that's the game we have to play.

The legal system has obvious short comings when it comes to internal criminal conspiracy.

In the eyes of the Law and the US Government, Al Capone is not an infamous leader of a criminal mafia. He's a tax cheat.

cronoes 6 points ago +6 / -0

All this craziness on a list of what seems to be ADL employees, huh? I guess people are afraid of being doxxed.

I mean, the right isnt the left, so. idk about that one.

cronoes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everything you described is something that a lot of those in the broader "spiritual community" have been talking about.

More esoteric sources who follow ancient astrology have noted a change in the celestial order in the past few years.

One that I really like, Krasi Attasio, has noted that this is a Mars ruled sub age - meaning it is an age of drawing lines, and showing courage to fight.

If someone can't see things the way you do, then you shouldn't waste the time. Consider them on the other side, and when the shooting starts, don't hesitate if they stand in your way.

Otherwise, you will either die yourself, or be rendered a slave.

cronoes 6 points ago +6 / -0

I hate my generation so damned much, you have no idea. A bunch of personal failures that never actually walked on their own two feet, with almost every one not having any real understanding of the dynamic of masculinity and need of it.

It is precisely why they hate the US Constitution - it is the single most masculine document as a base for governance in all of existence.

cronoes 49 points ago +50 / -1

Exactly this - they have been running out of time to do what it is that they looked to do. Still, its going to be bumpy, but may the Lord administer Justice to these evil people.

cronoes 16 points ago +16 / -0

I mean....literally none of this says that abortion should be a right under the Constitution. But most states that have abortion restrictions have exceptions for situations similar to this one stated.

cronoes 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've been telling people that the moment they went in to steal the 2020 election, they went all in.

This isn't politics anymore. This is war. They don't see the other side as fellow countrymen that they have a disagreement with. They see the other side as an immoral, evil obstacle that they are unwilling to take a gun and blow them in the head themselves.

So they will use the political system as a means to set it up as best as possible so that they can have the military or other powers to do it for them.

Stealing 2022 became assured after I came to that conclusion.

But nah, don't worry, we can just continue to win if we vote REALLY FUCKING HARD THIS TIME

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