Men have to become impressive enough to be fathers rather than sperm donors for this to be a thing at all.
Because your average 'father' in a family in today's culture is practically a cuck compared to what men were three generations ago.
Simply pumping testosterone into these boys isnt going to solve anything. With regards to the women, they have more estrogen than ever - it is in everything. I would even argue that due to the presence of this amount of estrogen has made them even more malleable to social suggestion, which is precisely why they are only now deciding to transition after a strong push by our culture to get them to do precisely that.
(as an aside, probably the only benefit has been much larger breasts and wider hips in women, so. You know. There's that).
Regarding the boys, mind you, simply having more testosterone isnt going to help figure out their issues. Boys need to hone and develop their masculinity, and that takes effort and self-discipline - and that is at the bare minimum.
Before, it was expected that there would be a "coming of age" moment where a boy has to face death itself in order for him to become a man. We have nothing of the sort in our current civil structure. The vast majority of men around me that I respect have had their "coming of age" moment where they had to face some kind of death: physical, ego, spiritual, existential, etc.
Nah, this culture itself is not capable of building men and helping women. It needs a full overhaul.
It is the only remaining part that unifies us, sure, but that is also why it is being attacked so heavily. That document is the only thing standing in the way of the collapse that the founding fathers were always so concerned of.
And that is because this country was never supposed to be one culture - it was supposed to be made of states that had their own.
To be fair though....calling the USA a singular country has always been the biggest folly of this nation.
That was never the intention.
Minnesotans have more or a culture and community with each other than it has with New York, vice versa, and nation wide.
About which part? Back in mid December, the EO we all were waiting for was written.
It would have declared martial law, seized the dominion servers, and paved the way to election integrity.
For whatever reason, it wasn't signed. Plan shifted. The cabal went all in on stopping Trump.
Trump is never one to go for a losing proposition, so shit changed.
Vikings fan here. I can put aside my sports fandom and say that Rodgers might be a good dude that I wouldn't mind sharing some drinks with.
But also FTP and I am not rooting for his success if he continues to play for that team.
Yeah I agree. Boomers suck, and they made millennials, who suck harder but are more aware that shit sucks.
Too bad most millennials will continue to bitch and not come up with good solutions for their own problems. Enter big government, and the solidification of suck will be here to help create better men to get us out of it all.
I know a lot of people here don't want to believe it, but the concept of body doubles is an ancient one.
And in the current world, it's more plausible than ever. His skin doesn't move right when he talks.
His not wearing a tie is likely not meant to be a message, but a necessity for a mask.
Sorry GA bros, but you gotta accept the possibility here.
The most difficult part when it comes to Freemasonry is determining when it ceased being Freemasonry, and when it became Jesuitism or the Moloch sect of Judaism.
Freemasonry, at one point in the long distant past, was in direct opposition to both. But come the time of the 19th century, it was known that Masons began acting hand in hand, and as direct representatives of, both of its former enemies.
That is because literally all of our major institutions have been infected by corruption.
You now gotta ask yourself: just what was Donald Trump doing in nominating all of these asshats that literally turned away from him when they needed to stave off the 2020 results?
Not just the SCOTUS judges, but the vast majority of lower court judges that he pushed through? At some point, we need to accept that Trump may not have been the trojan horse we wanted.
Faith is a component here, though.
In order to say no to the vaccine, you need to pass four tests.
IQ (the ability to recognize the world as it is, categorize it and demystify what is occurring)
Moral Compass (the ability to see what is right and wrong about the situation)
Character (the ability to make a decision, and not have the decision made for you)
Faith (the ability to believe that God will fill in the gaps to your uncertainties when you inevitability choose the morally correct decision).
If you fail any of those four tests, the odds of getting the vaccine drastically increase, and only the Grace of God will dictate otherwise.
Good news is that good men still come around in times like this, they just are going to get less of everything.
But instead of bitching, moaning, getting angry, going their own way, whatever, they are going to take it on the chin, start small, give what they can to their kids, but do whatever they can to get their children to not believe any of the lies that were taught to them growing up.
There is no great rebound that people are hoping for - the comeback is going to take multiple generations.