dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the answer. The government ca't stop this because DoD already took them off their books after they sat for so long. They knew what they were doing.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who has to order the military to do something like that - POTUS.

However - there is someone else that can order the military do to that - the Governor of the state in which the parts are located (Arizona for these parts). Katie Hobbs is Gov of AZ. She would be the CIC of the AZ National Guard and could order her guard to protect the pieces. She isn't going to stop it.

Now just for fun let's pretend she would. She could order her guard to protect the wall pieces. Biden could simply order them to stop, or he could activate them to active duty and send them overseas somewhere. If they disobeyed he could simply put them in jail.

So no - nobody can order the military to protect those wall pieces except the person that ordered them to be sold - Biden.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't tell them that TDS is an epidemic and almost to pandemic levels...

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many booster stages would it take to even go to the moon or Mars? Supposedly those ICBMs can reach anywhere in the world in no more than about 30 minutes. That itself wouldn't take a terrible amount of fuel but it is used quickly to achieve the high speeds. It's just under 25k miles around the world, so adding in space for reaching altitude and falling back down - around 12.5 to 13k miles to hit the opposite side of the world. It is about 239k miles to the moon. Using rough/stupid/amateur calculations, it would take at least 12 of the boosters used by the Russian ICBM to get to the moon (without knowing how to calculate the difference in our atmosphere versus deep space). The booster (or 2) might be able to launch us into space though.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0


Is that the same as a dikfor?

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depends on how Canada would be broken up - 1 state or multiple states. Each one would have 2 senators and at least 1 representative based on population. If it became 10 states, then 20 new US Senators would be created. How many would be blue?

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. I'm ok with giving Canada the California liberals though. Kind of like Land 'O Lakes butter did on their packaging. They kept the land and got rid of the Indian.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

kek - not yet I don't believe. But it looks like they are actually needed. I googled horse sexual assault kits and a bunch of police cases of people assaulting horses showed up.

Damn - try to make a joke and it turns out to be (as snopes might say) partially true.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uh - have you not noticed that's what we have now? We have to pay, but illegals just go to the ER for free.

Side note - I live in Texas. The only time I've ever been to the ER and bypassed the huge waiting room full of invaders in the last 30 years was when I was struck by lightning. I went to the triage nurse and told her that I was struck by lightning and felt all buzzy. They put me directly on a stretcher and wheeled me back. (mild heart attack that fixed itself and no lasting damage).

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

RFKJR needs to work with customs and the FDA to stop confiscating drugs they find during inspections, and instead work with reputable pharmacies in those countries to ship directly to one (or a few regional) customs location where those drugs will be sniffed for illegal narcotics. That way they can catch abuse of the system while also catching fake pills loaded with fentanyl. Then the prices would plummet and the drugs would be safer.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

As long as there is a government edict to bring a bunch of people up from Texas to consult with Canadians on creating big game hunting experiences with easy shipping of the meat back to our home addresses I'm in. There are a lot of these setup in south/east/west Texas and people pay thousands of dollars for a chance of getting a big trophy animal. Similar to an African safari.

I want a finder's fee though - you have no idea how much some of these oil men would pay on one of those hunts up north.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Canada relies on the US for defense.

To a large extent, yes. But don't sell yourselves short. NORAD is a joint thing. I worked there for a year before leaving for the 1st gulf war. Canada was an important part.

dec3169 3 points ago +3 / -0

It would give a place to go for all the people in the states that keep/kept saying they will leave the USA if/when Trump is elected/inaugurated, and it would give us a place to send some of the Canadians that came to the states that we don't want (looking at you Celine). We wouldn't even have to build a wall to keep them in.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

The RCMP and FBI probably shouldn't merge unless the RCMP sells most of their horses to someone who will actually take care of them. If the FBI gets their hands on the horses, there won't be enough ESA kits to go around... Remember. These people are sick.

Equine Sexual Assault kits.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

Years ago when I was stationed in Ankara I went to Istanbul to help out our guys at the Airport with their IT. While I was there I went to a big outdoor market that was very famous at the time - but I can't remember the name. Any taksi driver will know it though.

While there I bought all kinds of stuff - the obligatory puzzle box and puzzle rings, and a few other Turkish things, but I was more interested in the other stuff. They had all kinds of different old money like US silver certificates, I got a 1929 2$ bill with the red writing, silver coins, 1st gulf war stuff like the surrender hankies and the fake Iraqi Dinar notes with surrender instructions on the back, WW2 Deutschmarks, Iran and Iraq money, Russian military stuff like an Army hat, medals and a pilot's watch, Russian rubles, and really old Ottoman Empire stuff like old coins and a really nice bowl I still use for pistachio nuts. Oh yea - get a kilo of those nuts. They rock. And again - try some iskendar with an elma chi and an efes.

If you have the time you should check that place out. I didn't buy any gold other than the puzzle rings there but that was because I had a jeweler in Ankara that gave me spot price on whatever I wanted (I brought him a fair amount of business from the base).

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