Not sure about the mechanics of addiction - would substituting pot for alcohol just switch the addiction? I agree that if the rehab establishment says no that it might work. Guess whoever you know with the addiction could try it. Just know that the pot today is STRONG. My doc prescribed it for my pain and it is so much more potent than the stuff we smoked in the 1970s.
So sorry for your family's troubles, hugs Many jails/prisons have 12 Step programs. Attending these can actually help reduce a sentence. Even if that does not apply in your daughter's case, hoping there is a 12 Step for her. Our son, B., was busted for drugs about 5 yrs ago. The blessing and he will be the first to admit it, is that the arrest saved his life. He served 6 months in prison. He's a great person who fell apart after some of his family died. B is doing fantastic today 3 yrs after he was released. Sharing so you can see that there is hope on the other side. Hugs and my prayers are with your daughter and her family and with you and yours, tweety. I know as a parent seeing your child in trouble can tear the heart from you. It's going to be okay. Prayer is the way.
Ugh, every one of the stupid song and dance videos during the plandemic made me want to throw up. So stupid because we're in the middle of a killer pandemic (supposedly) and these morons thought they were auditioning for a high school play.
Starbucks going down does not make me sad. The coffee is disgusting as is the woke attitude. When will the left understand that they can play woke games all day long but the people they cater to don't have the money to support their businesses?
They really are pro Muslim. Geez, they're in college, you'd think they'd know that Muslims use swords. It's the French who loved Madame Guillotine.