dominickmilford 9 points ago +9 / -0

Its very illuminating and thought provoking to hear anecdotes like this, especially when its connected to something happening more or less in real time. A great many thanks to you for sharing with us.

Furthermore I would like to offer some words of praise and encouragement to you: It certainly must have been VERY jarring to watch this happening in front of you, as you said people who were otherwise polite, urbane and genteel in all ways have their brains suddenly SHUT OFF, as if a light switch were attached to them and somebody just flipped it. I think we've all seen it to some degree, when the demon spell takes control and they are reduced to zombified flesh machines only capable of nodding and clapping in unison, and will bellow and scream and go as far as to get physically violent and enraged when faced with even the most meek and mild of challenges to ANYTHING that their prophets on the screen are saying.

That's actually how drastic and sudden the change can be - maybe they can be engaged or reasoned with at other times, but NEVER when their self-appointed masters are speaking, it seems like.

So you friend are nothing but a consummate professional in my estimation. All of us who have wised up and are now awake know how hard it is to hold yourself in check - and WOW - especially with this event, where the fatuous arrogance and outright lying was reaching National Socialist, Goebbels-like proportions. 🤣

I did my best to listen to Kamala's speech during which she was (FRIGHTENINGLY!) composed, and it was nearly impossible for me not to guffaw, laugh or just utter the word bullshit just about every 30 seconds. I mean I was moved to utterance of that word - BULLSHIT - to the point I was no longer aware I was doing it, that is how disgusting and awful that was.

I just caught Tucker and Jason Whitlock reacting to Kamala in real time as she delivered it, and they missed huge chunks of the speech because several times Tucker just compelled them to stop because he could no longer listen without giving his commentary on it.

Once again I'll echo Tucker's thoughts and stress that she was extremely composed and dangerous when she delivered her lines here. She spoke like a demagogue - a tyrant who only knows command and control economics and absolute authoritarian civic policy as the means of governance she believes is proper. She is a Californian product, made by that one party rule, and it seemed all but certain she will be less a President and more a Queen - this is her comfort zone.

But it wouldn't have mattered if she was telling the crowd to stick a banana up their ass, they were clapping and nodding and hooting with such trained maniacal glee. If she had waited for them to quiet themselves after she took the stage it would have never happened, such is the mind controlled frenzy with which they "love" and "praise" and most of all "believe" in her prescribed "path forward" which any sane person can see leads directly off of a cliff.

But to paraphrase a John Mayer lyric (of all people) "Belief is a beautiful armor but makes for a heavy sword" and all speeches come to an end eventually. She did well but she isn't Abraham Lincoln or even Obama - nothing said is the kind of truly foundational American prose that resonates in the bones. It won't last.

That is why I agree with my friends here who say "precipice" and feel that WH control is already established, or another way of saying that I prefer is "this is the movie" we are watching now.

And because of that I think the stock market is going to be the October surprise this time, or at least a part of it. Pain is a teacher and has been the author of all lessons taught to us during these Biden years. Just about every one of us in the lower to middle socioeconomic range has had a proper dollop of it by now, sufficient to wake us up for real and cause their word spells to blow away like ashes in the wind.

There is some renewed enthusiasm for Harris in part because she has been divorced from the Biden economic disasters of the past 3.5 years and there has been a mild recovery in capital markets. Since we know that 90% of the wealth in this country is owned by 1% of the population now, the amount of Americans susceptible to market corrections and inflation is significant and likely a larger proportion of Americans than almost anytime before now, especially once you dig in past nominal dollars.

Biden's popularity was crushed by inflation and its non-transitory nature and it never recovered. Part of the Democrat coup was due to the negative impact the Bidenomics "brand" would have on down ballot races if he was "brought to term" so to speak. (abortion humor, not my best)

As we said however, Kamala thus far has managed to escape blame for those economic woes, but still, we are learning about what pain can do as a teacher. South Side Chicago (or Chiraq if you prefer) DOES HAVE A BONE TO PICK with Harris, likewise many other low income urban centers, often communities of color by the demographics. Why? Why, when she should be holding strong with African American female identity, which is a proven route to success with those voters?

The answer of course is immigration policy, where the disastrous effects have been felt in real time by those same communities. Kamala's profile IS connected to that topic as border czar and so on. She hasn't been able to escape that aspect of the administration's failure.

So we have a renewed enthusiasm from upper middle class and wealthy Democrat voters and Independents helping to float the Kamala boat. Now just watch when we shrink those people's 401K accounts by 20% in a matter of three weeks - all those words and happy feelings and (fucking, really???) "JOY" will be tasting like DOGSHIT to them and MOST will wake the hell up at long last.

There's nothing like a shot of PAIN main lined into someone's wallet or pocketbook to bring them straight out of fantasy land and into REALITY. Once that happens and the question becomes "What will Kamala do for my wallet? How will she aid the recovery of the 60K my accounts lost last month?" A lot of these morons whose political views are from the Gilded Age and respond most to peer pressure and dinner parties ... well, they will stop giving a shit about all of that REAL QUICK.

The best part is that the lying MSM will try to push the downturn onto Biden, but that will fail because of how hard the Democrat party has sidelined him. Mark that, the normies will blame ANY disasters or calamities that come at the ass end of this administration on KAMALA, not JOE. The Dems led themselves into that trap.

I can't way to see Andrew Ross Sorkin or some other human turd try to explain to us why the Kamunist price gouging plan is going to push Dow up +9,000 and halt collapsing bond yields "on day one" of her administration.

They are just as fragile as they were yesterday and every day they get closer to breaking. Thanks for letting me share and reading along if you came this far. Salute. 🤣😉

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yahoo News November 8th 2024: Former Game Show Host Loses 3rd Straight Popular Vote by Nearly 5.7 Million in Record 4th Unsuccessful Presidential Bid

NY TIMES 11/8/24: President Harris Takes Upper Hand in 6 Swing States as Record 35 Million Mail-In Ballots Found in Maricopa County

Wall Street Journal 11/9/24: AG Garland, top Cyber Official at White House Concur 2024 Election was 'Most Secure' in U.S. History - "Nearly Impenetrable Fortifications Were The Backbone of Our Strategy" AZ a Model for the World in Safe Elections

Kidding ....i hope 🤣

Edit: Kudos if anyone remembers Yahoo news and that description of Trump 😄☠

dominickmilford 6 points ago +6 / -0

I can see it now....

The second attempt on Teflon Don proves just as unsuccesful: AP The assailant has been identified as 22 year old Kent Dujacques a Wisconsin university student. Footage and USSS reports show Dujacques mistakenly had turned the launcher backward. Speculation is that he may have been given the weapon or someone else had loaded it for him.

After firing Kent was propelled airbourne and on a collision course directly with Mr. Trump on the stage. Had the former President not taken a step back he could have suffered serious damage experts said. Due to the trajectory of the self projectile, A spokesperson from Secret Service said they mistook him for a body agent. Agents appeared minutes later when Kent, unable to stand, still attempted to sweep kick Trump's legs out despite his injuries. The spokesman denied that two agents appeared to be pat him on the back when lifting him off the stage, saying the angle the footage was taken from created an unfortunate visual misinformation hoax.


dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you referring to the celebrity folk like Candace, Elon, Hollyweird, the Tates, etc.? As in "Central Casting" or basically vetted by the 🤡IA?

Or were you referring to a different group of people? Just curious.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that is a big reason she dropped out of the debate on 9/4. Trump added Tulsi Gabbard to his campaign to help with his debate prep and that was a serious blow she landed on Kamala at the 2020 DNC.... also it would play HORRIBLY with the low-income and black voter base to have that rehashed again in a forum where +30 million people are watching

dominickmilford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just wanted to throw this video from Matt Orfalea (a pretty cool YT channel worth checking out, his compilation videos particularly) that was powerful and moving for me personally.

Somewhere I heard this mentioned: that one thing you will notice about Trump is that he actually brings up the human costs of war and conflict when he is given the topic. Many times he has talked about the deaths for BOTH Ukraine and Russia in discussions, and that is something you hear from virtually ZERO other politicians (I know Trump is not one but)

I think he may have a far different set of feelings and ideas about the situation in the Middle East than anyone realizes. And the more we start to learn about the attempt in Butler PA on his life.... well let me just say all the roads are starting to head back to the same place.

dominickmilford 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah she is at the least going to get deplatformed by YT very soon, I would think.

She is getting a ton of traction and a large amount of the listener base are Catholic or Christian, that will definitely hit the [DS] nerves like a root canal LOL.

dominickmilford 12 points ago +12 / -0

LIVE is now over but you can still catch the replay from the link I provided. There were almost 20K in chat on a Wednesday late afternoon.

Candace says she would have been cancelled and dead in the water if her channel wasn't receiving so much authentic support from the people. She added that people are really searching for the truth and no longer will dismiss things as conspiracy or crazy talk.

Much agreed.

dominickmilford 7 points ago +7 / -0

Definitely. A lot of disagreement in the live chat of Candace's show about her defense of Tate bros. she claimed that this Romanian case (in particular) is 100% verifiable false and she says its all based on the evidence apparently. Nothing to do at all with her personal feelings about the Tates.

Its definitely one there is a lot of disagreement about among those of us on the right/MAGA/pepes. Anyhow thanks for your comment!

dominickmilford 7 points ago +9 / -2

She packed in a hurry and was forced to use her READING EYEBALLS instead, Geez, you guys make SUCH a big deal of everything.

dominickmilford 6 points ago +6 / -0

Evidently not, otherwise she'd know the optimal return on investment for a child under 1y.o. would be to chop it down and sell it for parts just like a stolen car. For Democrats anyway.

I mean her friends from Planned Parenthood said they would be buying Lamborghinis afterward, didn't they? Surprised she didn't remember that tbh.

Sick and sad to joke about but even more because its real... 😪🤐

dominickmilford 4 points ago +4 / -0

God, that woman's face... she looks a pissed off Kathleen Turner about to throw something at Michael Douglas in the movie War of the Roses, anyone else see it? In any case, hell hath no fury.... 🤣

So anyhow I have been reading the tea leaves and this seems to be yet another one to add to the list of VERY GOOD SIGNS coming from our U.S. Justice system this year. What do I mean? Not sure I completely understand myself, but it seems to me that a tick before the middle of this year, something seemed to change with almost the WHOLE U.S. Justice system and suddenly crimes became crimes once more, and many (not all of course) prosecutors, judges, courts etc. started to OPERATE CORRECTLY once more. Unfortunately I don't have a better way to put it into words than this... but I have noticed and I wonder if anyone else had.

I almost would pinpoint the time it began as being right around when the Supreme Court made its decision in favor of Trump (and presidential immunity) because I swear it was almost like a switch was flipped right around then.

Just think since that point we had • Voter fraud imvestigations continuing with positive news (such as GA) or investigations opened (Gaston's office in CA remarkably) at State level. I am sure I have missed a couple others • Eileen Cannon with an earth shaking ruling that buried Jack Smith and caved-in the centerpiece of the Biden Admin's election interference lawfare strategy • State of Missouri and 15 others suing Biden Admin over illegal immigration, Andrew Bailey is a winner, landmark censorship case still looking good as well • Tina Peters gets her day in court, despite a poor result so far at least progress is being made toward appellate level and with that, better chances toward a just outcome for her • numerous landmark decisions by the Supreme court, Chevron deference, removal of regulatory bodies intervening with the force of law (I dont know the short name for that case LOL) and a host of other positive outcomes, with the single thread between all being an originalist or Constitutional viewpoint guiding the Court's work. We have even seen some surprising concurring opinion from SC's liberal members!And probably MOST SURPRISING OF ALL is the wheels starting to turn once more at DOJ w/ respect to litany of issues including Hunter Biden and now this! Simply wild.

This is just off of the top of my head and I know I am missing a bunch here. It has been pretty dramatic and drastic at least in my eyes.

Now here you can be pessimistic and say "who cares, too little too late" but I wouldn't do that. In 2020 we said there are no more elections until 2020 is properly investigated and so the time frame of when justice will be served is immaterial. In fact its actually positive that its starting to happen now and not later after more US elections have occured and further muddied the waters.

Its very possible, likely even that this will get buried in the media. But the words DOJ glow like a big neon casino sign here to me. That is significant and gives this the potential to be pushed into the national media spotlight. Fox News could HAMMER this story and get the normies awake and on edge concerning the upcoming election's integrity.

They won't, because they kiss Dominion's ass and are afraid as we all know. But the potential exists!

Reading through other comments I saw some thoughts about Biden. Is there some incentive, perhaps, for Biden to let go of Merrick Garland's reins and allow DOJ to do its work? Could he ROYALLY FUCK OVER his "buddies" if the DOJ unearthed numerous MAJOR election integrity scandals from 2020, and MSM was saturated with news of new investigations right now, causing public caution and wariness heading in to vote this November?

I think that could really put the Democrats into the suck, especially if this DNC ends up being the unmitigated disaster it all but PROMISES to be right now, and Kamalalala can't keep her polling up?

Some fat to chew on, I guess 👍😉

dominickmilford 5 points ago +5 / -0

Where the hell is this audio of Mrs. Comperatore in the Nat'l ABC Broadcast?

I watched the entire local version and nothing there even vaguely resembles what she "says" in this other one.... forget about the fact that the statement itself is just bizarre

He took a bullet FOR HIM.... but that was PART OF THE PLAN that day....

Uhm, what? The statement doesn't even make sense. At this point, as absolutely DISGUSTING as it is to even THINK... DID THEY EDIT IN THIS AUDIO? I'm trying to read her lips in the National one and it seems to just BARELY line up with the audio... and I do see places in the local one where they could've 'spliced' her talking to make it APPEAR like this was actually what she said...

I know its a pretty rotten thought to even consider.... but then again CONSIDER who we are dealing with here. They just got caught EDITING Google Search results. These people are sick and their utter depravity knows no bounds.

Its either that or they took pieces NOT used in the local broadcast where she

  1. Expressed her anger TOWARDS SECURITY (not Trump)
  2. A second part where she mentioned him taking a bullet instead of his daughters or Trump "He took a bullet for him that day" and then added the "angry" part ahead of it deceptively
  3. discussed the family's plan for the day of the rally "part of the plan"

Whatever the case, it came together like Elmer's paste and popsicle sticks, and its absolutely disgusting.

Please someone tell me I'm wrong I want to be. 😖

dominickmilford 12 points ago +12 / -0

I created a thread with some thoughts on this very same topic.

The conversation in sum total left me at first, a tad disappointed, and then after consideration extremely hopeful. There were quite a few breadcrumbs left to follow as well as some information dropped that was more revelatory than it seemed after the initial listen. Such things happen quite often with Trump so we can be sure that its intentional and done with purpose.

This part is casting out a wide net and catching all the more ears to hear the signal when the time comes. Now, with an ally having ownership of one of the most consequential platforms, it will be much more difficult to mute the trumpets when they sound out.

Doing so would likely require denial of access to the site entirely or the ability to freeze out and manually edit for users including and up to Elon himself. If not that, then restrict access to the ENTIRE INTERNET for a time period, depending on how damning and bad the information itself is. The simple fact that they now have a rogue presence who simply won't "play ball" like Jack Dorsey did [no matter how 'reticent' he was] complicates any attempts at coordinated, simple censorship efforts for unwanted information being disseminated GREATLY.

Even if the stops are pulled out to extreme levels and the real time censoring is a success, it STILL works against them on the whole, because it will further attract unwanted attention due to this phenomenon I call the 'continuous Streisand effect'.

When they pulled Trump's account along with so many others on or around the J6 event timeline, it DID serve their goals in the moment. It prevented him from showing messaging made in the moment to his followers, asking them to desist and go peacefully, which would in turn help to exonerate him later when legal questions regarding his role during the J6 event were brought to bear.

Since they already knew they would be attempting to prosecute him before the rally ever began, they put the screws to their social media slaves to stretch their rules and find proper cause to de-platform.

A further boon was to keep at bay the real threat of a DECLAS as a form of retaliation for stealing the election. This silencing lowered that risk considerably and let them wipe the sweat from their brows while they finished out that vile theft of a Presidential election.

But in hindsight, those actions proved out to be ruinous as it attracted sympathy for Trump, who looked martyred and mistreated by his own agencies. The aftermath of J6 became a source of significant consternation for the general public. It shifted opinion and softened the anger many people had formerly held for Trump.

Further questions appeared on 1st amendment rights and terms of service for social media platforms after a year of controversial censorship over COVID origins, done in the name of "safety" and "science." And now they de-platformed public enemy #1 for reasons far afield from those. Ultimately it did major damage to their credibility and began a line of questioning that later culminated in the Twitter Files and damning testimony from sleuth journalists that exposed their entire sick operation.

In short they ended up doing huge damage to themselves.

Any sudden and drastic actions like that, were they needed, would repeat the process of giving traction and sympathy to the silenced parties, and raise queries of just how did they accomplish their censorious goals and just what was so 'verboten' that drastic measures were needed to keep it from our eyes?

Americans DO NOT like things being hidden from them, and when you do it, they will get to the bottom of JUST WHY you did it, WHAT was so bad we couldn't be allowed to see. Even now the client list looms so large, hanging over them like Damocles sword, that I hardly need explain anything more than the two words for anyone reading to immediately know what I am referring to.

So they will try again and again vainly to thwart this hellish marriage of Trump and Elon Musk's safe space for free speech now known as X. Try to enjoy as they flop about like a fish on the deck, eh? 🤣

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you see a blackmail effort coming in from the EU to attempt to censor the President of the USA, then you realise this is a global problem.

So completely true and I didn't mention it enough. Most of us saw that and didn't even consider how high the ante must be at this point, if they have actors from this far afield trying to insert themselves into this situation. Trump is a GLOBAL threat to them at this stage; their very survival (the globalists) may depend on the results of the US election.

How overwrought are the Soros group now, when Trump is again using the latest tech (just like 2016!) to expand his reach to hit globally? How big will his voice get in the run up to this election, especially if he continues to use X to cross platform after the results come back and they look at how great his outreach was?

This is one of the ONLY humans on Earth capable of moving a platform as large as X when he locks into it to share his thoughts. Who else can grow something so sizable already?

Somewhere during the podcast he mentions that he caused Obama, Clintons and Bush to ally themselves against him. Indeed sir.

This is what we are up against, a mediocrity, an unaccountable parasite class who believe they are our superiors, despite being literally useless.

Fantastic the way you put that. Elsewhere yesterday I wrote that they will label Trump's return to X as dangerous to democracy where DEMOCRACY is defined as their NGOs, civilian regulators and unelected governmental institutions who will represent the best interests of the voting populous and now must be protected from those same voters acting against their "best interests."

These people are insects in zipped up people suits. They are a sprawling global hivemind of pestilence; why concern ourselves with AI when these factions already rule with impunity and a bent toward anti-human goals and tactics?

Its honestly shocking how stupid they believe we all are; it might be even more shocking how often they prove out correct. This election will be the great judgment of them, or the great capitulation TO THEM. There is nothing in between now.

dominickmilford 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right on, I did grade it based on some of your sentiments exactly, although I ended up going a little higher by a point or so. Like you I also realized that this wasn't for "us". After looking at the sheer size of the audience that this thing made it out to (absolutely monstrous and hopefully works to establish connections with a good % of the typical low info, idk about voting for him type voters) I recognize that it kind of had to be mostly "basic bitch Trump" for that reason.

But you're right, I have been one of the MOST patient and never really got the "pepe zoomies" that so many seem to go through until just recently.

Its odd in a way because for all of the lawfare and then the frigging assassination attempt on him, the "feel" of things is that thesecare bigger events but somehow making smaller actual impacts then they otherwise should...

I blame the MSM of course, which by now EVERYONE knows are totally fraudulent except the people who are intentionally allowing themselves to be gaslit to continue hating Trump.

I have considered also that maybe we have hit a sort of 'critical mass' where we finally DO have a major amount of the general public on board now and there are just the hardcore fringes left over. Lets say it was 60% of the country in 2020 and now maybe 70%+ so the swings don't feel commensurate based on what's happening.

Ultimately though, I think a good 10-15% of everybody and maybe near 50% of MAGA is like us, ready and THEN SOME for the full DECLAS and getting a little worried/impatient for the moment. Meanwhile some of us (me at least) watching this Kamala Harris "cheapfake" horseshit, running on nothing but thin air, and wondering how its possible and if it has any basis in reality.

I did hear some pleasant moments thar gave slight reveals, "other countries with [an Iron Dome] that nobody knows about" and Trump sharing his knowledge of prison populations in other countries worldwide and their back and forth about nuclear and other energy had some genuinely entertaining moments as well.

My hope is that Trump gained ground with part of the population that is still dubious about him, but smart enough to change their minds as the race continues and more surprises happen.

Judging by the media climate, where unfortunately the MSM still holds a lot of sway, I think the time was ripe to get some more ears listening to him now, particularly the ones who haven't yet heard the information before it was tampered with by the media.

It seems as though the biggest event of the year turned out to be the debate with Biden. The lamestream media and [DS] were left truly scrambling after that, with wild swings persisting for nearly a month.

Based on that and recent (dumbfounding) polling I think there will be more reveals and they will be less about Trump and more the sort that are embarrassing and damaging to the left. With Trump's voice now cutting into their constant lib-splaining it will further damage their credulity and the transparent lies about their forward policy agenda.

I heard Rogan say recently that he was amazed at how many were happy and willing to swallow the blatant lying just to keep hating and rejecting Trump; perhaps the next phase for us and MAGA will not be efforts to ADD OR STEAL votes from the left, but rather to make certain members ((anti-Israel anti-Jew pro-HAMAS pro-fashionable politics) become utterly disgusted and disillusioned with the Democratic party so as to withhold their votes entirely.

For every sneaky-assed Dem operative they had working the ballot count at polls circa 2020, if we could replace that agent with one who leads their brethren to refrain from voting and demonstrate in protest at the polling place, that may be the real way we beat the cheat.

Thanks for the post, obviously you stirred up some inspiration for me LOL.

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I am hearing...

They've had to look for a larger site for Kamala and order more, um, "exhibit receptacles" I guess you'd call them 🤣

dominickmilford 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, my bad, I didn't actually ever join directly, just listened in via other channels, so I didn't read the actual title on X. Did not realize they called it an interview as well.

Sorry for the mistake, I still appreciated your response though!

dominickmilford 2 points ago +2 / -0

WTF!? The words Project 2025 were NEVER uttered or discussed AT ALL, was this just deliberate gaslighting for those who did not catch the interview? Whatever the case it feels petty and comes off as sad that they needed to outright lie in their response.

Its also fairly obvious they will use Kamala's term to engage Elon Musk in NO HOLDS BARRED LAWFARE same as they did with Trump.

Please get someone more mature to like, write these campaign statements, mmk thanks?!?

dominickmilford 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are right, it was a talk and not an interview... I should've been more careful with my language there.

Nice of you to add your opinion though, and agreed! 😃

dominickmilford 5 points ago +5 / -0

A lot of users referring to the event as being similar to a modernized "Fireside Chat" just now...

I would definitely agree that Elon should maybe try to do more of these in the future in some kind of format. It would be cool if he could get other relevant political voices to come on with him before the election, maybe do them once every two weeks or so.

I did read that a similar platform and structure was extended to Kamala Harris and she declined... so I am not sure if he would get anyone relevant from the left...

But after looking at metrics and the increased visibility (**like Elon repeatedly mentioned this was ideal to be listened to by independent voters, and I know he was likely gunning for center left types like himself) and if this talk made an impact. He could do future "X spaces discussions" with JD Vance and other relevant MAGA voices that many of this voting group haven't heard speak directly and likely have preconceived notions about due to hearing the MSM news.

Probably not going to happen and already the MSM is completely hammering the delayed start but hopeful there will be an impact from this one at least.

dominickmilford 4 points ago +4 / -0

The endgame of 'Modern Monetary Theory' come to pass... we are inches away from that version of reality at present

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