Are you kidding? so fucking called "classified information" is the biggest bullshit gas lighting tool there ever was, it is the bane of enlisted existence. Hillary was laughing right in our faces hammering blackberry and bleach bitch, and just like Brandon was not authorized to do so. I want to kick him in the nutz and step on him like a bug. By the way fuckhead Strok, passing more laws never changed anything, look at the mess you are in traitor.
There you go, heads would explode on that one. I think they are only doing this try and troll the left like Trump does. letting the enemies of america speak for themselves. I am fairly sure too that the Amendment was shuffled quickly through with the Federal reserve act, so neither is any kind of real law. I for one am always grateful when another patriot knows the reality. Great write up thanks for calling my attention to it.
While I am certain the IRS AND Income tax is illegal, see how they wanna give me abolishing the IRS but they still want to keep getting the money? If they are voting on laws, they are stealing money.Not that I would try to say anything about passing this one.
Thanks, and good luck with that kidney. If I went to the Doctor, I am pretty sure I would not be following anything they said, however, I do not have any tumor issues. I have been suspicious of them for a long time, watching the Fraudci show for three years has not helped them.
Am I the only one that does not worry about anything Fakebook says