Thanks. I thought it disappeared. My mistake.
I apologize for how I responded. I really enjoy thegreatawakening for the conversions and information shared here. Very often we have the best information on the internet and I forget to always hold a critical thought process when sharing something I find interesting. My interest in this particular X post isn't that something is definitely going to happen March 4th but whether anyone thought it likely.
Yea. Apparently it isn't an official State of the Union but every president has done one since Regan in 1981.
Yea. Apparently it isn't an official State of the Union but every president has done one since Regan in 1981.
My favorite EO. Bankrupt the evil cabal and enrich the common man.
USAID funded party.
Knows that his time is coming.
That's an answer to prayer. Continue to expose these losers Lord. Stop their plans and confuse them. Turn their weapons and bombs on themselves. May not one innocent person be hurt.
Christ is King. King of kings.
Waiting for disclosure as always. Something that the masses will listen to.
To be fair, America has its share of walk into the ocean types. Breaking the psyops will hopefully go a long way to fixing that for most. As a Canadian I would love to see some sort of cooperative relationship with a America that has been made great again. I think the 51st state is a trumpism to make a needed point. American oil and economic strength could benefit from our natural resources and Canada would benefit from American businesses coming to help facilitate a better use of those resources.
It's a great dimension we're in
Gallows hopefully.
Yea, sorry I didn't mention that the flag is there. If you save the photo and zoom in you can see that it's there.
I love when people get that side of the Lord! Ultimate Rebel.
Lending* hurricane victims.
People are catching up.
He's not willing that any should perish. It makes sense that there are those that will. Lets pray for an awakening,
What a great way to put it.
You're not wrong.
Don't get me wrong. I love anyone who is trying to take out marxism. Even if their own personal views are for those trying to help the communist cause. They are just asleep. PRAY!
Trump needs him more in his corner rather than against the demoncrats. That part is easy.
Maybe they can demolish it like he tried to do with America.