Not really when the TRUTH is announced there is going to be chaos and riots
No through Proud Patriot DT still my president and Melania 1st Lady of the US
REGARDLESS our OFFICIALS have committed GENOCIDE against us and many are to dam dumbed down to realize it. Animals have more compassion then these people.
New ones came out today and I ordered 5
Maybe a fake account
Do you not think when TRUTH comes out the ones behind the FAKE are not going to be pissed and take to the streets?
Telegram put out a video from Russia of a gas explosion recently today also.
Everyone has their own discernment to use and opinions. I respect yours, Please respect mine.
If there are Hundreds of books missing and it is written by other then the ORIGINAL person then no one knows for sure.
The BLOOD MOON has come and SOLAR ECLIPSE is darkness of Sun how do you get a Meteor impact out of the saying? All in interpretation and if you live in FEAR!!
I have also this week made some small crypto buys so far a few of ADA and DOGE. Am looking at AWG and XYRO next. New to it but not going to go foolish. Any advise?
Beautiful. I felt it STRONG on January 9th after 3 days of confusion, dreams and disappointment. On the 9th I put those 3 days all into perspective and just cried as I had this over whelming feeling with TRUMP. I knew he was the DAVID and "The Best Was Ahead Of Us". I know these next few months have much in store but we are heading OUT OF THE STORM!!
Yup, video referred to REMOVED.
I found it enlightning right from the title "PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP". He did towards end give the opinion we are still at work behind the scenes and it will be accomplished. How high do you guys think he should feel painlessly waiting for the moment he steps back in? You can not undo Thousands of YEARS over night and it has to be done with STEALTH.
I felt yesterday at TRUMP'S speech all of it was telling us something even the TITLE "PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP"
BEAUTIFUL eye opening Video. Everyone needs to see this!
Would have been more interesting to see just the DC area through January 21 early am
We all need to watch, listen and then use our own discernment from there. Do our own research. I watch many but if I have ? I try to research it.
Been like that since January 20. LOOK under PAST Presidents at foot of the page at white house . gov
I think CHINA is more dangerous then Russia.
If ANYONE does NOT believe these things happened they are so asleep. Hell I remember as a CHILD mental INSTITUTES where people were LOCKED in windows barred and HORRIFIC things happened inside those walls. Even a local BOYS SCHOOL. So WORLD wake up this is REAL!!
The ZOMBIES still would not believe it and say it is FAKE
Charlie Ward warn of this 6 months ago, They will not pay on something NOT APPROVED for safe use.
LOVED the ending also
NOT a natural collapse. Looks like another 9/11 without the planes to me. Funny so close to AUDIT coming forth.