You're somewhat right. If I had completely given up, I wouldn't be here at all -- or anywhere. At the moment however I post 95% percent rants and random opinions instead of 95% research as I did on previous accounts. If the board trends towards in-depth research and critical thinking again I'll be back in full force -- or to participate in a discussion about how to make that happen.
I suppose that isn't giving up but it kinda feels like it. I suppose a better way to think about it for me is I'm focusing my efforts in places where I can be more effective for now -- and trying to sketch out how a productive discussion can be had about this cultural problem here, without stepping on toes, causing useless infighting, and backfiring.
Thank you for the pep talk lol
Grates my cheese too but I've been banned for being skeptical of people's favorite sources or favorite people so many times on this website I've given up being skeptical publicly for other people.
It's still a great site. Entertaining. Sometimes good information. Maybe still the best site on the internet.
But for me and alot of others, the culture here has changed and without a significant group discussion and change of leadership style -- I ain't intervening if people want to believe stupid shit on here.
I'm sick of being exciled for calling it out when 90% won't care what inconsistencies you point out they'll believe it they'll believe what they want anyway. And the other 10% ALREADY know and can't reallly do anything about it either. And you risk just getting erased or attacked.
Hell I even had someone attempt to dox me here for posting links to someone's favorite pay-triot grifters ongoing court docs in PACER to prove the guy was lying.
There's been a culture shift here. Maybe because of newbies. Maybe because egos. Maybe because fear or hopelessness of something. Maybe because of enemy infiltration. Probably not going to trend back to being dominated by quality research posts a d comments unless there's a major discussion about how to reverse this trend in a positive and constructive way coming from the top.
This is still the HQ of all things Q for me. But I have to say I see a lot more amazing research, critical takes, DIRECT sauce, AND an appetite for it on Truth Social these days than I do here -- despite them having an amazing amount of bullshit as well.
Probably unpopular opinion.
Someone is going to say I'm a hater and being too critical of GAW.
I can't help that. Still my favorite place on the internet. But still, this remains a part of my experience here.
Same. It's pretty disgusting. Although not exactly surprising. Alot of people who claim to be anons blindly worship anyone who loudly says shit they agree with. It's hopium, just a far more insidious hopium than the usual "military is going to march in and save us tomorrow" type shit. Rabid fanboyism.
Having REAL hope and faith is difficult for people who don't actually do research themselves and just read what other people say -- often claiming they "listened to what they had to say and came to their own conclusions" even though they literally just read someone else's conclusions and agreed with it because it "sounds right" -- maybe having a token emotional moment of skeptism backed up by zero effort to scientifically falsify what they just read.
Tate talks the talk. And it's sad that's enough for most people to be all-in. Especially after how many times we've been bamboozled by people that say all the right things.
His 'solutions for young men's include telling them to convert to Islam and pay him enormous sums of money for his MLM goons to allow you to sell his shitty courses further down the pyramid.
He isn't anti-agenda. He's a scam artist and anti-Christian and you bought into his bullshit just because he loudly said some things you agreed with and caused a ruckus.
If Hunter Biden came out and started saying everything Tate is saying -- would you become a fan?
Because your only evidence he's "anti-agenda" is he told you. I know because that's the exact words he uses.
You got played hard man. I know you're desperate to be a real man, but find a real man role model to look up to for that. Tate is not your guy.
Unless you're just into people who say words you like and you don't give a shit if they're a good person who PRACTICES values you have and not just says them. Then I suppose Tater Tot's your man.
** edit 👌 saying you're desperate to be a real man was a little harsh 🤣 but there's an element of truth to it -- the only thing that makes you a man is the dick between your legs -- find a role model that teaches you to use it wisely instead of just trying to fuck all the girls you can and being a shitty scammy business person
Amazing you also feel the need to respond. What a hypocrite... OH that's fucking right I'm a human with FEELINGS OMfG lol
The only thing for certain is you're pretending to know what a man is when the small dick that defines you is right in your boyfriend's hand.
Trump called people dumb nicknames. I guess I shouldn't look up to him according to your 12yr old logic. Andy Taint is a scam artist and douchbag. And you're a nobody who listens to his podcast instead of volunteering to watch our elections.
I gave up my Bugatti to volunteer watching the elections. Andrew Tate used his brains to get massive amounts of money to promote himself and talk shit about how great he is without doing jack for society. Great role model. /s
tbh I hate Andrew Taint I think he's a psycho scam artist who just talks the talk pretty good therefore is swarmed by fanboys -- that being said you're right. He IS smart and pizza box is kinda weird. Might be onto something here.
His fans are also usually loser faggots that just insult you and accuse you of hating Trump the second you say you're skeptical of Tater Bator. Based on nothing. They're a bunch of hot heads calling their idiocy "masculinity" -- kinda sad.
Andrew says a few things I like. This does not make him a player or anyone important really and does NOT make him innocent.
If he's really innocent this is disgusting. But there are soooooo many accounts of him being a douchbag by credible 'non-libtard-fuckos' I'm inclined to think it might be true.
Sadly people 'on our side' are using our beliefs as rhetoric to sell shit. Andrew Tate is ultimately this. A scammy salesmen selling online video courses and "access" to watch private videos of him smoking cigars telling you he's more of a man than anyone you know 🤣🤦
Except I've never said that about Trump I just said it about Andrew Tate. So all of that is irrelevant nonsense you cooked up based on a whole bunch of things you just assumed I thought because I don't like your boyfriend Tater Tot.
My ego isn't bruised and I already have. I only suggested Coffeezilla because it's short. I didn't think a few idiots would've just assumed I hate Trump and am a deepstate agent just because I disagree about Andrew Tate. Fuck me.
Might suggest he was hiding his whereabouts from authorities (not that I'd blame anyone for that lol) ... but if so it was pretty stupid of him to show a pizza box on camera.
Andrew Tate is a known scam artist. He's popular because he says the right things to people who just want to cheer for someone saying their opinions loudly -- but it doesn't take much investigation to realize how disingenuous and scummy this guy is.
It's not that he's gone soft exactly, more that he's exposed that he hasn't thought threw LIVING the practical lessons you could extrapolate from his Maps of Meaning and Personality courses.
Same way he rants about how corrupt the universities are ... and then advices people to do well in school and apply for university.
- edit I still have a tremendous respect for what he's accomplished but watching him with open eyes is important
Jordan was THE guy warning about communist tyranny and corruption in the schools.
He was THE guy telling us "compliance is what gets us this hellscape" --- then the pandemic came.
Suddenly he's screaming from the mountain tops "JUST TAKE THE VAX SO THEY STOP FUCKING BOTHERING US!".
Bro. Jordan WTF!?
He's apologized a little but not at all in a way that recognizes the horror he participated in - and why he directly contradicted his previous teaching when push came to shove and the tyranny he warned about was on our door.
Brave enough to teach the truth. Not brave enough to practice the truth.
If he gave such an apology I would instantly forgive him. He's proven himself as someone to take for what he seems.
But until then, Jordan is sadly lost.
Most of his new content is Daily Wire PREMIUM content only now. Kinda says a lot about the crowd he's hanging with now.
His new Bible series is okay-ish. Some of his guests are ... not my favorite. It's like a panel discussion now instead of a lecture like before.
You know things are bad when TACO FUCKING BELL closes at 8pm!!! Jack in the Crack also, 8pm!!! WTF 😒
I live in an uppity suburban hellscape -- families with plenty of kids that used to be out smoking joints hiding from their parents at night in their car in a fast food parking lot -- and despite the enormous quantity of restaurants and fast food places nearby, McDonald's and Popeye's and a decently shitty Thai place are the ONLY places open after 8pm.
And for places usually staffed by high schoolers -- now they're mostly staffed by recent college grads who majored in anything other than computer science.
I mean it's definitely a good thing all the kids aren't out smoking pot and driving around at night anymore! --- BUT WHERE DID THEY GO!?
I have a bad feeling they're just at home now instead --contemplating suicide and their devastated social life and lack of career prospects thanks to parents who don't really care if they're depressed and smoking pot at home so long as they're taking online college courses so they can feel like their parenting was a success.
Alameda wallets actively trading. Appears to NOT be the liquidators.
SBF making moves under house arrest?
Eyes on.
Good documentary.
But imo probably made for the purposes of controlled oppo -- remember controlled oppo exists to fence in the narrative by telling part of the truth to hide the details OR to make people look like crazies to those on the fence by using the truth to frame the truth as fringe
Still worth watching but keep in mind --
1 before documentary searches on Google for "died suddenly" revealed an extremely alarming amount MAINSTREAM articles about, well, people dying suddenly
--- after the documentary? 90%+ results are for the movie with a significant portion being mainstream articles slamming the film
2 made by the snake venom theory guy
Still worth watching but keep that in mind.