Thanks! We always tried to avoid politics. The problem was her father cared about it that day and that particular time i needed to shut up and listen. It wasn't about whether or not i cared or what my opinion was. She just wanted me to understand where he was coming from, too.
We all need to listen, care, and understand each others feelings more. Those things are very important to the people around us.
The fact that I thought the hill was silly was what started the fight.
She needed me to care about the silly hill because her father did. All I had to do was listen and care about his concerns. . . I could have disagreed later. . .
I've apologized and made amends, but the pain is still there. Time and space for healing is what's next. I just need to release this because it is tearing me up inside.
Hopefully someone can learn from my mistake.
He was against. I was for. It didn't matter. The problem was I didn't care. It was my attitude and air of superiority. All she needed me to do was shut up and listen for a while. I had the answer immediately (negative publicity, blah blah blah).
We have to shut up and listen. Just everyone needs to shut up and listen. The details don't matter. Just listen and care. I got too hot too quick. Im so sorry.
It will be alright.