fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Won’t that be fun to demolish? Sounds like a bunch of you pedes already got started!

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

No need to apologize. Going through something like that gives you the energy to fight it that other people simply can’t imagine.

Your username suggests Texas. No need to feel bleak about anything—with a spirit like yours! Add Texas to that, and you’re unstoppable! (Lots to do there, too, on similar fronts!)


fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about if you were helping?

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for your past efforts. Your perspective is understandable, but please don’t let it discourage other people’s present efforts.

Maybe you could share what you learned in ways that could help others—so that they could learn from your experience in ways that benefit everyone? A wise fox teaches his cubs …

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Way to go! Keep us posted on how it’s going and what you need! 🦅

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Still a win and well worth protecting!

fponick 9 points ago +9 / -0

That’s just because of layout and product placement. Their stories are sourced well enough to be court-proof.

fponick 12 points ago +12 / -0

What you read was (and is) true. The National Enquirer got into trouble in the late 70s for misreporting Carol Burnett’s drinking and ended up settling out of court. Ever since then, despite their lurid headlines and layouts, the Enquirer has strictly adhered to the truth; their editors demand verifiable sources from their journalists that will hold up in court.

That means they can prove their stories on Hillary, Obama, et al in court if necessary. These people may denounce or ridicule the Enquirer, but for obvious reasons their legal beagles must stay home.

fponick 3 points ago +3 / -0

So proud of you, Patriot! 🇺🇸

fponick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Brain dead—totally understandable with a new job, but it won’t last forever. Might be a good idea to check a couple things out now. Here’s your GOP county website: https://lackawannagop.com/ to get familiar with.

Why not go to A Meet & Greet with Carrie Lewis DelRosso on Sun, April 24, 3pm – 5pm (an hour or so on a Sunday afternoon) at Villa Maria II, 1610 Washburn St, Scranton, PA?

—a short preview until you’re feeling ready to roll! 🇺🇸

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Will take more than money. Money is an easy substitute for actual effort. Do both.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you one of those newbies?

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got any plans to do something about it?

fponick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Easy, but it’s a long game. Here’s how:

1.} Focus on the WIN.

2.} Then work with the WINNER, who now owes you, to clean out the rest.

3.} If he doesn’t do the work, get rid of him at the next election and put up one of your own people.

fponick 3 points ago +3 / -0

See my responses above.

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

“LAROCCA is now on the ballot” That means YOUR PROTEST WON!


(It also means that if they cheated before, they’ll cheat again.)

Five easy pieces. Take these step by step, or divvy up the work with friends:

1.} Pennsylvania has mail-in ballots and drop boxes. Sign up to work the polls and do anything connected with ballot-counting. Training is required, and it must be done BEFORE MAY 17. So. Sign. Up. NOW: https://www.luzernecounty.org/1093/Election-Day-Poll-Workers

2.} Interestingly, www.pagop.org has NO LINK to Luzerne County. Go to the Luzerne County FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/LuzerneGOP Join and ask about being a Republican election worker/observer.

3.} If you can afford the $75, got to the Meet & Greet the Candidates Event on April 22 to get the lay of the land and identify fellow patriots. Or pool your cash and send one of you to report back to the others.

4.} Go directly to https://mikelarocca.com/volunteer.html and SIGN UP NOW.

5.} Start your Luzerne County Patriots Task Force (useful now—AND LATER). Download entire doc. Read pgs. 12-16 now:




fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

They’re writing all around it in each story i read, but it has actually happened only in the headlines. Almost as bad as MSM.

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well reasoned. Thank you.

Now Pennsylvania pedes need to go to Oz rallies and talks and start asking equally well-reasoned questions.

fponick 5 points ago +5 / -0


This post is being made primarily in the interest of all new users and curious visitors to this place. In that there are many of the negatively-oriented variety who have blended in amongst us all in here, so to speak.

This is primarily so because these ones know for a fact that all of the sneaky little tricks that they use and utilize on all of the other controlled, bought, and thoroughly manipulated forms of mass and social media simply would not work in here. And yet, it is surprisingly easy to tell these ones apart. And I'm going to tell you all just how.

It's surprisingly SIMPLE: Nearly everything they write is full of negativity, fear, hatred, fear-mongering, dooming, negative or doomsday type predictions, war-mongering, anger, rage, (covertly or overtly expressed) disappointment, and other made-up depressing shit.

In other words, if reading a post or comment makes you feel unnecessarily sad, mad, depressed, anxious, scared, panicky, hopeless, or even helpless --- congratulations, you've spotted a well blended in SHILL. Because you see, it's not that difficult at all to pretend to be one of us. But when push comes to shove, these ones' masks come off.

So the next time you encounter absolutely any of them, ask them the following questions. And then, enjoy the free flow of salt as they struggle and squirm to answer even as much as a single question satisfactorily. For these ones are no different than your average household cockroaches or lizards, for their darkness-party ENDS the very MOMENT you turn on the LIGHT. So go switch on that light, by asking them to answer why:

QUESTION ONE: If the dark ones are truly winning, how come they STILL haven't been able to start off their dream project known as World War 3? It's been well over an entire month since that whole Ukraine madness started. You'd think someone truly powerful would've got that shit started full power by now.

QUESTION TWO: Where even are the dreaded 5G rollouts that were (well more than) supposed to be here by now? Forget globally, they haven't even been able to get that shit working locally. Doesn't look all that much like "winning" to me! QUESTION THREE: If they were indeed that much powerful, how in the actual fuck is the Hunter Biden laptop story now mainstream instead of being hidden for good?

QUESTION FOUR: Why IS the entire world still not masked up, locked down, fully vaxxed, and thoroughly under NWO governance even after, what's it been like, 2 whole years of the whole plandemic restriction-setting and propagandas?

QUESTION FIVE: How in the world is Joe Rogan STILL walking around freely, still having a 20 million listener podcast and all, and STILL NOT cancelled by the "powerful" and "winning" commie elite?

QUESTION SIX: How the fuck were they even unable to prevent some random Tweeter from leaking the Ukraine Biolabs story? And beyond even that, how in the actual fuck did that story even become Actually. Fucking. MAINSTREAM?? "All powerful" and "winning" elite? Pfft, gimme a FUCKING break.

QUESTION SEVEN: If the elite were actually winning, why the fuck would some of the very BIGGEST paedo celebs out there upon our planet just, well --- Start. Utterly. Vanishing? And I'm not even SAYING THAT, folks --- ELON Motherfucking MUSK is.

Also, speaking of Mr. Musk, isn't it rather surprising just how much hate he's been getting on here, lately? And for what, dropping redpill bombs all over the place? Isn't that supposed to be a good thing regardless of what side he's even on?

Even stranger, is that he's still getting hate even after buying that stake in Twitter. Which is super fucking surprising to me because, why the FUCK would the Black Hats have Elon buy Twitter (assuming he's working for them here), when @Jack has already been doing a supremely stellar job at the whole mass censorship and dissent-culling routine?

Doesn't the very idea contradict itself? I mean, the guy banned Donald J Trump for fucksake; why would he even need a "better" replacement? Unless of course, Twitter is not just 9.2% under White Hat control, but instead, a whole ONE HUNDRED PERCENT by now.

Now, I'm not necessarily saying here that Elon Musk is a confirmed White Hat or anything, but, if he's a Black Hat, then, all of that LOGIC simply DOES NOT ADD UP. Besides, all of the liberals and commies and all of their news outlets have been busy tearing him down 24x7x366 --- and for many, many, months now. When was the last time those ones were up to any good? And, beyond even that, when was the last time people on here were in agreement with these mainstream agenda-pusher ones?

So Elon Musk getting hate ON HERE for, quite literally, RED-PILLING THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET simply DOES NOT add up or compute for me. And neither does the idea of people on here so perfectly agreeing with the MSM and Liberal narratives --- so I must then suspect that great shilling is afoot. Now I know for a fact that some people on here will then bring up Neuralink, which is perfectly a valid counterpoint to this all. But then hey, you know what, even Trump pushed for vaccines openly. You gonna hold him up to the exact same standards now? Or is that move then recognized as just an "act?" Pick ONE. Fucking. CHOICE.

In conclusion, BEWARE OF THOSE who are only and ONLY here to DISCOURAGE and DISSUADE you from being fully awakened and spreading the word about it. Also, BEWARE OF THOSE who are way too much in agreement with a mainstream point of view on things, and especially so when the said viewpoint is just highly, HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE (to say the very least!)

Not telling you to either trust or not trust either Trump or Musk or absolutely whoever else, but be very, VERY wary of those who look all too keen on pushing a narrative, and those who use deflection, deception, and other illogical shit to push you towards doom and gloom. Because the Great Awakening is very much so ALIVE AND ACTIVE, and, dare I even say THRIVING (to say the very least!)


fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Things are starting to explode on this post:


There may be a way for you to help out. Take a look.

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