Your missing a few faces in that lineup.
My apologies, I will leave you to your reality safe space.
You people are really grasping at straws. If any of this was true it would have been true six months ago.
pics or it didn't happen.
If El Salvador has got it all figured out why is half there population sitting under a bridge in TX?
“You have need of me, because I am rich and you are poor. We will therefore come to an agreement. I will permit you to have the honour of serving me, on condition that you bestow on me the little you have left, in return for the pains I shall take to command you.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau
William Miller would be proud!
What’s the run time of this movie?
This is red pill AF.
Till your bank account is dry.
Herman Cain.
Based Twain part 2
“It is full of interest. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies.”
- Letters from the Earth
These Satin fueled Sours funded shills will never win! Cast these unclean, un-American, unChristian.TM commie LARPers our to make a safe space for us patriots.
Doing this would really trigger the left wing commies.
I agree with you 💯. Randian Objectivism is the cure for all that ails middle class Christian America....
True, if you play by there fixed rule book. What have we got to loose? According to some only our chains.
Maybe patriots could take over the businesses and run them democratically with the profits going to them and not the international cabal.
Autism is caused roundup. It was introduced in 1976 right when the cases of autism started to spike. Monsanto is the criminal. This is not to let big Parma off the hook, they have there own set of crimes perpetrated agents the American people, see the opioid crisis.
Dude, this is what happened when you run out of photoshop.