from 6 points ago +10 / -4

why would Elon take a money hit like that just to bankrupt it?

actually is Ingenious :

He wants to fire WITHOUT paying the ridiculous 9 weeks (or more) severance, health insurance coverage, etc... and to do so, all he needs to do this month is prove year-over- year (nov 2021 to nov 2022) plummeting ad revenues (possible bankruptcy)... and its ad buy drop is industry wide for advertisement social sites. Some is loss of significant dem CIA social site money.

Admittedly actual TWIT ad rev is up 80% in just 3 weeks bookings from 2 weeks before he took over to 1 week after, but Jews are starting to boycott TEMPORARILY, organized by ADL with muscle from G Soros.

The powerful regulator gov insiders know of this "ploy" to unshackle exec governance by being factually pre-bankruptcy teetering. It's a ploy, but he is not the first that will use this tactic to allow unencumbered mass firing.

By not being a public traded stock, Elon can quake like this chatting about "bankruptcy" to harm the global social market, and not harm himself at all, and in in fact, regarding mass layoffs and firings, untie his hands. All because of chery picking now the "nov 2021 to nov 2022 plummeting ad revenues"

What a baller. Other side effect consequences will be ripping the faces off of hedge mgrs who went long on FAANG options 2 days ago. What a ride. Elon is a lucky genius to do this move lighting all the wall street powder kegs. The OP article shows the finance Jews seething that the regulators realize now, but can't stop, Elons brilliant chess move.

ALL I SAID ABOVE IS 100% factual

from -2 points ago +2 / -4

We had only 3 atomic bombs at the end of the war

late 1990s revelation : parts and core materials for 11 total (less 2 used = 9), not 5 total.

perhaps only 3 already out in pacific rim, but as I said 11 total including the 2 dropped, 9 remaining piles of parts

game theory proved why we needed more than 3, in case they assumed we could only make 3 a year

from -1 points ago +4 / -5

Leftists want me dead, for many years. Feds want me to suffer. Not ever have I posted a single erroneous statement. Not ever have I ever downvoted anyone or anything, as main admin here can confirm. I don't downvote, nor upvote manipulate. I have no internet name. I am this sites most prolific meme maker, making nearly 1,000 memes a year for 15 years, and am on 7 other free speech sites.

Even though I don't post much on scored the last few months, you should feel honored that people like me even participate among you. I made the meme in this thread.

from 1 point ago +7 / -6

38 out of how many?

What are you implying?

It depends if talking House vs Senate, and power of position.

A full 20% of Democrat Senators are Jewish, but 0% of Republicans

Yes over 20% :

Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut
Ben Cardin, Maryland
Dianne Feinstein, California
Jon Ossoff, Georgia (freshman)
Jacky Rosen, Nevada
Bernie Sanders, Vermont
Brian Schatz, Hawaii
Charles Schumer, New York
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Michael Bennet, Colorado (Bennetโ€™s mother is a Holocaust survivor.)

10 out of 49 Democrat senators are Jews, and I named them above.

20.4% of Democrats, but 0% of Republican Senators

If this shocking meme was not the world's most censored and hidden meme, you would already know of the House and Senate percentages.

from -2 points ago +3 / -5

Not in direct cash outlays, but true in value. Soros is more dire.

ShareBlue (Blue Nation Review , ShareBlue media, American Independent, True Blue Media)...

Billions of dollars are used to combat conservatives online. 18 billion MORE added to open all formerly White nations by just ONE of many globalist billionaires that Fund "ShareBlue" army of contractors.

George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to His Foundation: https://www.wsj.com/articles/george-soros-transfers-18-billion-to-his-foundation-creating-an-instant-giant-1508252926

George Soros transfers $18 billion to his liberal philanthropic foundation: https://www.foxnews.com/world/george-soros-transfers-18-billion-to-his-liberal-philanthropic-foundation

billions to subvert USA (read up on 100 globalist leftist political organizations his money funds). Millions of it is used specifically to attack free speech web sites, and is proven.

ShareBlue paid globalist leftists are real. ShareBlue (funded by globalist billionaires) changes its name every couple years, : Blue Nation Review , ShareBlue media, American Independent, True Blue Media.

They infest all sites where conservative white people might congregate :



from -4 points ago +1 / -5

I think this was aaron's last tweet:

HIS FINAL TWEET ? (amusing):


from -3 points ago +2 / -5

I thought this slightly LATER tweet was the his last tweet:



from -1 points ago +4 / -5

Racist White MAGA Bigots are trying to take away the voice of the poor bots!
BOT votes should count as much as anyone's votes, you bigots! Reeeeee!
How would you like it if YOU were a bot? Huh, sweaty? I thought so!
Leave the Bots alone, they help uplift confidence and pride for our activist progressive celebrities.
Suppressing the speech of Bots is racist and harms democracy !

from -3 points ago +2 / -5

The $44 Billion dollar question is : Can This meme of mine exist and trend visibly on "The New Twitter" or not ?

If not, Why not? With the Boycott running at full speed (at least during midterms), Elon should retaliate by unbanning ALL BANNED ACCOUNTS that broke no US laws or did not libel (civil suits).

I never used Twitter, but I suspect I would get immediately SHADOWBANNED by the remote hooks into Twitter that the ADL and SPLC possess this minute still:


from -1 points ago +3 / -4

Funny, high effort... but NEEDS A SHIT POST flare.

from -2 points ago +2 / -4

Don't forget Sam Elliott! Pretty conservative too

Sam Elliott edgy conspiracy meme I made:


I made other sam elliot memes, but not as zany as that meme

from -3 points ago +2 / -5

many of those are fine and relevant, just not hyper fresh

NO BIG DEAL, though dilutes Q agenda

Low Quality memes can dilute in theory but voting by people adjusts for that.

I used to make 400 fresh unique-exclusive memes for scored, and post 900 in a 7 month duration and I was one of the most popular posters AND commenter ever.

and 6 other alts

My best custom memes on Patriots rarely were over +1650 but this one got over +1881 :



I make memes for OTHERS to spread.

That meme, and 400 others are only posted to scored via my own hands, nowhere else, but ALL are meant to go viral.

= = = = =

As scoreds biggest meme maker, and a top 30 meme lord world wide, I appreciate MEMES!!!

MEMES make sites GROW!!!

from -1 points ago +4 / -5

The CLOT SHOT only increases all cause mortality by 300% of a small normal annual number, but 300% increase is definitive proof enough that the CLOT SHOT CAN KILL often and does.

OP Post made me smile.

She sounded vaxxed and boosted.

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